
I'm sorry, if what I'm about to ask is stupid, but just can't get ot out of my head.

In one of ZiggyD videos he mentioned that some enemy skills kind of snapshot.
Ziggy used enfeeble-blasphemy and the ribbon enemy in his video used "Charge" while being outside of the enfeeble range. Ziggy said that the damage of that "Charge" was snapshotted at the moment the skill was used. So when the ribbon finally entered the range of enfeeble (while charging), the curse actually didn't apply to the damage of the "Charge".

What does it have to do with earthquake? I hope, nothing. But it got me thinking - doesn't the similar thing happen to this skill? So can anyone (maybe developer:)) clarify, whether the damage of the aftershock snapshotted at the moment we put the fissure on the ground or not? If I put the fissure on the ground and then apply...lets say, shock to an enemy, will the earthquake aftershock hit them harder?

Or maybe Ziggy was wrong?
Using this skill in prophecy league on my marauder. Feels great to use. Finally something for slow big two handed weapons like marohi erqi. I have been clearing up to and including tier 14 maps. Also killed endgame lab izaro so the skill works well.

+ High damage
+ Big aoe
+ 360 degree aoe radius
+ Cannot use multistrike
+ Does not need attack speed
+ Easy to manage on mana leech
+ Pure physical damage

- Slow
- Aftershock does not trigger on every attack
- Hard to control on reflect maps
- Cannot be used before lvl 28 in act 3
- Delayed aftershock
- Less duration gem is mandatory

My items at level 89:


I give this skill a 5/5 rating. Can't think about anything negative. Feels awesome to use. Seems like marohi erqi is made for this skill. The best melee skill in my opinion together with reave, ice crash and cyclone.
It is a little slow but that does not matter too much with stun immunity.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Jul 18, 2016, 3:44:51 PM
Thieldan wrote:
I'm using Earthquake with a Trypanon build right now, I enjoy it so far.

But there is one thing that really bugs me, which is being unsure about what to do with my attack speed, right now I have 0.83 attack/s and 0.80 seconds as duration for the aftersock, which gives me a perfect 1:1 hit:aftersock timing so far, but if I want to keep that timing, I have to :

- Not use frenzy charges at all because they would give me 4% increased attack speed per frenzy charge.
- Not use Vaal haste despite I could.
- Not get temporary buffs like the Inquisitor's Instruments of Virtue.
- Avoid getting any more attack speed anywhere...

Also playing with people using Haste, Vaal Haste or Conduit + Frenzy charges would mess my perfect timing up, which I currently do not, but still.

All of this seems pretty counterintuitive and awkward.

If that's how it's supposed to be played, the tooltip could at least show the aftersock damage, this way we could see dps going down once we get too much attack speed and go past the 1:1 timing, because that's exatly what happens when we do ; loss of dps. But it's still weird to me to have to skip attack speed buffs.

If the player is supposed to go "screw it, im using all those buffs anyway", why was that 1:1 hit:aftersock timing mechanic introduced in the first place ?

You can use enchant on your helm, to reduce EQ duration
Also, even after nerf, EQ is better than other melee skills. EVen if you make 2:1 "hit:aftershock" ratio, which is achieveable with most weapons (i used it with Hegemony's Era).
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
I got an interesting question.

Does the Aftershock damage get scaled by Buffs and Debuffs gotten after Earthquake is 'casted' (and, of course, before it happens/triggers)?

In other words, does it snapshot the damage (and any other modifier that matters in this case) of the time when the skill is 'casted' becoming totally independent from the player, or does it continue to scale off modifiers altered (or added) before the Aftershock does indeed happen?

e.g. Getting cursed by Enfeeble (% less damage) right after Earthquake is 'casted' affecting (or not) the Aftershock damage.


The following comes from MY THOUGHTS about the question.

In a situation where my Earthquake tooltip says its 'duration is 1.50 sec' (time before second effect, the Aftershock, happens), I 'cast' the skill and - let's say - 0.50 sec after that, I get (from any source) 20% MORE (global) damage...

...the Aftershock SHOULD GET SCALED off this buff (not snapshoted), since:

1) it's a stationary being (just like Storm Call ground markers);
2) it's separated from the player character, but was originated by a player skill, unlike a Minion, which "have their own damage and their actions are treated completely separate from the summoner's" (from;
3) it's like a Totem, which casts a player character's skill from another origin in space (away from the player character), but which continues to scale off player character's modifiers.

I believe that this kind of question is also relevant to all other skills that have a secondary damaging effect like Explosive Arrow fuses and Caustic Arrow clouds.

Either right or wrong, can anyone please clarify this to me? Thank you so much!
There is no snapshotting. Damage is calculated when you hit a thing.
Earthquake: Smashes the ground with an Axe, Mace or Staff, dealing damage in an area and cracking the earth.

My character is supposed to hit the ground so hard it cracks the earth but I am unable to smash through the tables in the upper scepter of god, small rocks and rubble?

If I take a bow character and target a small rock in the road the bow character shoots their arrows in the direction of the rock and the arrows continue past it. If I target a small pebble with some melee abilities my character will instead perform their default attack which can lead to the death of the character. Given the many disadvantages melee has over ranged abilities I dont think forcing melee characters to be that much more aware of their surroundings is fair.

lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762
nerf was uncalled for.
but I suppose you want every new melee skill to get fucked into the same mediocrity as every other melee skill.
Gonna second that the nerf was uncalled for. Other melee skills should've been brought up to it's level, not the other way around.

I don't expect to be doing top tier damage as a one handed shield user with this skill, but when I see 2 handed flameblasts melting entire crowds in seconds, splitting arrows devastating bosses and mobs, and spells in general washing over scores of enemies in their entirety, I can see that there's little to no point in using melee skills at all.
The skill was again nerfed with this patch, can you leave it alone if you're not going to improve it?

Shorten the duration on it, improve the AOE, that's all I can really say. I want to keep using it, but every league it becomes more and more of a joke. If it's not improved next league, my gore effect will just have to sit it out in my stash again.
Last edited by Attlus#2602 on Mar 4, 2017, 2:44:30 AM
There could be two types of threshold jewels for Earthquake:

The first would support using Earthquake as a primary attack. Possible effects include:

- Multiple tremors can be overlaid at once
- Striking an existing tremor with Earthquake triggers its aftershock immediately and lays a new tremor
- Less duration before aftershocks
- Earthquake is unaffected by increased skill duration from passives/gear/support gems/etc.

The second would support using Earthquake as a damage layer alongside a different primary attack. Possible effects include:

- Aftershock gains more damage the longer the delay is (encouraging increased duration instead of less)
- Tremor deals physical damage over time to enemies standing on it
- Aftershock will not trigger as long as you are standing in the tremor
- More duration before aftershocks

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