[3.2+] Explosive Cleave / Lacerate Gladiator. Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget
" Just have to grind chaos and currency. Thats about it. The only thing I found worth an exalt+ was an energy from within. Here is my gear: I pretty much had to grind that up from chaos recipes/mid-tier drops. The most I sold an item for was 4ex, a pair of spiked gloves I used attack speed essence on(It and energy from within is the only 2 items I sold over an exalt). Most stuff I sell is from 1 to 20c. I've found I think 3 pure exalts and 1 relic key. I honestly dont even know how I made enough currency to buy 2 relic items. I still have 8ex I'll prob. spend on a better OH weapon. Just need to get up to decent maps. Also, get to where you dont need or want to run shaped strands, and just sell them. I've sold probably 40 of those things at 3c apiece. I've been pretty unlucky and I'm pretty inefficient. My buddy plays a mf character and basically prints currency. He spends 50-70c just buffing maps up. I cant afford that I just alch and go. Also, do not sit on chaos. Exalts get more and more expensive the longer you wait to buy them. As soon as you can afford an exalt, buy one. It doesnt matter if you have to overpay 1 or 2c to get one. Just get it because by next week it'll be worth 10+ chaos more than you paid for it. They are basically like buying stocks or bonds. I started buying exalts at like 33c at the beginning of the league. So a large chunk of my exalts doubled in value, and were a lot easier to mass up. Just remember that for next league. Right now its not going to benefit you as much(it might; look how high they are now no telling what they will be), but just remember next league that as soon as you get whatever a exalt costs, buy it. Items usually stay the same exalt price, but exalts dont stay the same chaos price. I'm not even close to rich. I feel like what I've accrued most people can because I'm incredibly inefficient. I waste time on Chaos recipes, I don't roll up good maps, I spend time beating on mobs in lower tier maps because I'm too cheap to buy good maps, etc. I work full-time, I stand around in town, etc. The most important thing I think I did, as an inefficent player, is buying up exalts with all my currency as soon as I had enough to afford one. Also, as far as buying legacy, if you are doing this build buy a BoR first. Its going to be your biggest upgrade. Legacy Soul Taker is more of a luxury item. A good OH is a better purchase(unless you care about standard value). I was going to buy a 410 dps oh I could put bleed on for 8 ex but someone bought it or something. I paid like 20c for this OH, which is the cost of 2 divines so was no diff than finding on and putting it on. So, start with legacy BoR, and then go from there. You can get a perfect rolled normal soul taker for a fraction of the price of a mid-tier legacy Soul taker and the dps is only like 30-40 less. Meanwhile you can get a massive upgrade on Jack the axe for 1-8 ex. I was looking at a oh axe that was 140dps more than my jack the axe for 8ex. Meanwhile I paid 15 ex for 70 more dps on soul taker.(I got an incredibly lucky deal; most are priced in the 20s for less dmg) Hope that helps. Any questions ask. I pretty much had to nickel and dime my way to 2 legacy items with tons of small trades and just currency conversion. So have faith and keep chugging along(and buy exalts; dont sit on 150c. Don't sit on any currency. Turn all those jewellers/chroms/etc into exalts). I had 2 big trades for around 6ex total and one was a crafted item. Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Mar 25, 2017, 8:31:27 PM
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350+ relic soul takers are massively overpriced at the moment(15+ex for crap roll ones, espcially with shit chaos-ex rate right now), so i suggest to craft/buy a 350+ pdps offhand axe(shouldnt be more then 2ex, unless 400+ pdps) and go with normal highroll soul taker and legacy voidheart(expensive yeah, still not that expensive as a good roll relic ST)
Last edited by LostSinner666#2701 on Mar 26, 2017, 1:25:58 PM
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So is no one using flame golem on this build anymore? Something I've been confused about from the start was exactly where the flame golem/blood magic was supposed to fit. On the boots? But I see people using ancestral warchief, and I'd been using ancestral protector to level. I was chagrined to have to lose one or the other.
Any consensus here? Keep flame golem/blood magic, or use warchief instead? |
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" Warchief is an attack and doesn't require blood magic. You can stick it anywhere. It counts as an attack, so its free to cast with soul taker. You should have enough for golem/bloodrage/bloodmagic/whatever(I have enduring cry.) And then Warchief can be whereever. |
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So you don't use increased duration support as the original build does?
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" Increased duration seems pretty pointless to me. The only time Blood Rage drops is when I'm looting a large amount of items or covering a lot of barren ground searching for mobs. And, I just hit blood rage from time to time. Gem slots are at a premium in a no chest build, so wasting it on a gem just to increase the duration of blood rage seems rather pointless when you can just hit the button occasionally, and it only really drops when you are looting or not killing. But, I don't even use the same talent tree. I went with one similar to Hegemony's Lacerate Slayer, more life oriented.
I just dont think the Increased duration gem is necessary. It wouldn't hurt if you had more gem slots, but you cant even fit in a portal gem without unset rings or giving up enduring cry, so wasting that limited slot on something thats only use is refreshing blood rage after looting or when trying to find the last packs of mobs on a nearly clear map seems like a waste of a slot. Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Mar 27, 2017, 1:54:34 AM
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" Hey thanks for the tips, I will try to get at least legacy BoR in this league. But I guess the tips will be useful in the next league more than in this one. Cause I am kinda slow when it comes to grinding currency (probably because I get tired/bored of it quite fast). |
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" You really dont have to worry about grinding currency, just worry about not sitting on currency. You said you had 150 chaos. I'm positive you probably had enough at some point to buy 2 exalts, where as now you don't. Sitting on 250 fusings for example. Thats more than an exalt. In a week or 2, it probably wont even buy an exalt. Or 500 jewelers, or 600 alts, whatever. Sitting on all that currency it just depreciates in value and you will never catch up; esp. if you are a casual player. At some point when you are just grinding away on maps, you are going to amass a lot of just random currency which is pretty easy to convert to chaos and exalts nowadays with PoE.Currency site. Unless you are planning on crafting something, dump all that mess. You will be able to buy even more of it with the exalt you bank when you get ready to actually craft. I bet if i saw your stash you probably have 3-4 exalt worth of just random currency like chaos, blessed orbs, jewelers, fusings, vaal orbs, alts, etc. I ran into this same problem in previous leagues before it was easy to convert currency where I just sit around waiting for magical exalt drops or expensive trade items and had all this low-tier currency piling up that just kept depreciating in value over and over. I mean if you are a power gamer its probably not a big deal, but if you are a guy struggling to scrape together enough currency to buy what you want, don't let the precious currency you do have lose value. |
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I need skill tree for 90+ lvl. And what point of choosing 100% chance to block applied to spells, over more bleeding and dps stuff?
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" This build does not seem to have a problem with DPS - it tends to wreck just about everything that gets in it's way, but it's survivability can be lacking. Being able to block spells can go a long way towards boosting your chances of survival in difficult encounters. |
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