I spy ...
... a few graphical things that don't do anything to the gameplay.
Just a few things I've noticed over a couple years. Imgur album, 12 images (2 gifs) with explanations. http://imgur.com/a/OEXPi (if you want me to re-post them here, I will) rawr. fear me. Last edited by tidbit#1299 on Sep 11, 2016, 5:09:37 PM Last bumped on Oct 31, 2017, 10:32:38 AM
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Here's a few more:
1) River flowing sideways? Lakes shouldn't flow. Everything flows south... Solution: make all water mostly flat/smooth. maybe slight waves/turbulence. - On rivers: put a "water flowing" decal/overlay on various parts to show that it flows. - On waterfalls bases: use some radial waves to simulate flowing for that water interaction - On lakes/puddles: mostly calm, maybe slight turbulence, but not flowing. Possibly use the shore waves animations around the edges like in act1 by the beaches. ![]() ![]() 2) Arrow heads are all the same, despite their names. tested 3 arrow head types. they looked identical. didn't bother checking unique ones (like those blue ice arrows). The graphics (inventory/stash) that show "shark tooth" arrows as... shark teeth, "two pointed" indeed have two points, but only in the inventory. ![]() 3) Missing models. Most uniques (should be all...) use a unique fancy model similar to what's shown in your stash. Here's a few that are not. the hammer/axe look really cool, until you look at the ingame models... the boots are lacking redness. ![]() 4) infinite bleed, but not really. my friend was bleeding, making that lovely squishy sound. it lasted until we went to town. It was only visible/audible for me, not him. ![]() rawr. fear me. Last edited by tidbit#1299 on Mar 23, 2017, 5:13:44 PM
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A few more:
1) Not a smooth transition A lovely design, but his foot texture isn't seamless with his leg. You can easily tell his foot is separated from his leg and the textures go from a clean leg to a bloody/bruised foot. Same with his ripped-apart leg. Maybe add SOME flesh to the bottom of his leg? So it's not instant mutilation to perfectly intact foot? ![]() 2) Synchronized robotic pets These are not my pets. But, I think animations should be randomized. Don't cycle it like "anim1, anim2, anim3, ..." make it "anim2, anim6, anim2, anim1, anim3, ..." chosen at random. It'll be more realistic. ![]() 3) MMA: More missing art Another unique item with a missing graphic when equipped. Look at the bow in the inventory, look at it in my hand. ![]() 4) The floor is lava Seems the terrain in town isn't flat :P Found a little hill making my foots shadow not connect to my foot since it doesn't touch the ground. This is no big deal, just a little thing "I spy". ![]() 5) In relation to all the water posts above... Baulder's Gate (atleast the PS2 version) did it amazingly well: https://vimeo.com/99954236 When you step in water, waves! and they spread, and bounce off edges. this is PS2 technology. like, forever ago. rawr. fear me. Last edited by tidbit#1299 on Mar 23, 2017, 5:13:58 PM
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A few more to the collection.
1) Dark coast and flats the coast and mud flats are dark, but once you teak one more step... (next image) ![]() 2) Light coast and flats the coast and flats become light after going through the magical pointy wood door. ![]() 3) The penetrator his neck is intersecting the bamboo, which would be fine if it was BEFORE the support leg. ![]() 4) Ring of rings RF is noticeably a bunch of flat vertical rings of various colors/layers/effects, everything sharply cuts off (notice the blue in the screenshot. instant cutoff). Also at the top of RF in this image, there is a very noticeable seam. All-in-all, RF looks quite messy/ugly. But I guess that's what the micro transaction is for. Make it pretty. ![]() 5) More water critiques in many areas like the Coast and Mud Flats, you have a lovely flowing water overlay thing (the white stuff). I suggest making water not flow (see next image) and just add in some flowing overlay at various points facing a correct angle. Having lakes, puddles and rivers all flowing south is just.. bad. At times, rivers flow diagonal or sideways. ![]() 6) Non-flowing liquids! this water (blood) doesn't flow south, yay. Use this for all the lakes/puddles/rivers (but not so bloody). Then optionally overlay any flowing water decals. Additionally, this gif shows how tiled the fluid is. Very compact diagonal lines are visible. if you stand in certain ways you can even see square/diamond tile reflections. Crank up the fluid scale!. Or since it's indoors, no ripples at all until you step in it (see baulders Gate reference in previous post) ![]() 7) Obvious transitions the bodies of POE do not have very good transitions. - Bloody bruised torso connecting to clean-ish arms and lower back - no idea what's going on with the shins - the knees (blue) are understandably different objects/overlapping parts (pretty sure all body parts are separate, to easily attach armor types to them. but skin doesn't match from part-to-part). ![]() 8) Random bug had this happen to me (only once), it faded darker/lighter based on distance. ![]() rawr. fear me. Last edited by tidbit#1299 on Mar 23, 2017, 5:14:17 PM
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Nice eye.
Even if these issues are low priority ones, it is nice to have a clear collection of graphic feedback to make the addressing easier in the future. Keep it up! Lab is love, lab is life.
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The post of "no one givin a fuck"
On the other hand, as a positive comment, thats all about price of the art. If you wanna play much more "smooth" games play blizzard games. Im so serious, not flaming. All the main characters of PoE running like robots but who cares? Special thanks to our creator because he randomized all the shit in our reality; thats why artistry is fucking expensive in this planet. Neden yaşıyorsun?
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" It is not wise to make overgeneralizing statements, because there are players who do give a damn about aesthetic things like this (myself included). The only reason it seems like most players don't give a damn because they think pointing out the problems with even the tiniest details will never get re-worked or acknowledged by the devs (which is generally true), but just maybe... Anyway, this is one of my favorite threads, OP. Thank you for sharing these gifs and images : ) P.S. " I like a good point made in such way. If games that are older than PoE or just as old as PoE can do it, the developers at GGG can do it, too. They just got to want to believe they can do it (slow but sure, the Devs are getting there). When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Sep 15, 2016, 3:50:26 AM
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Thanks for the feedback guys! Still looking out for more but it's getting tougher.
BTW, I'm doing this for fun. Just personal observations and for the fact POE has an "Art and Audio Feedback" section. Just because "no one givin a fuck" (which isn't true) has nothing to do with anything. If nothing gets changed, I don't care. Just as my very first sentence says: "a few graphical things that don't do anything to the gameplay." Gameplay > Graphics. But graphics do help.
There will probably be less gifs unless it's absolutely needed. I recently got a 1920x1200 monitor (previously: 1366x768) and my upload speed is horrible (30-40KB/s). Uploading 5-15MB images is not fun.
Some more:
0) Just like my previous post, there's a lot of other areas that have day/night, light/dark transitions just by going through a gate. Such as Cross Roads <---> Broken Bridge 1) What a lovely wagon and crates [see next image] ![]() 2) Hey! There's a tree covering the lovely wagon and crates! Did the tree grow or are there more trees? I could be mistaken but the leaves also look different. A different tree model? ![]() 3) Spot the difference These are all Book of Skill. However, one is slightly larger, darker and has 2 lines. You might think that is the book from Piety act 2 where you get 2 passives, NOPE! That odd book is from the Busts quest. ![]() 4) ♪ Fly high(er) lesbian seagull(crow) ♪ These birds in act4 by the Lakes door just keep flying through the bricks. They don't turn around fast enough and/or fly high enough. There's a lot more than this one bird. ![]() edit: 5) Did the map "Underground River" or whatever a couple days ago, it has amazingly done rivers/water. rawr. fear me. Last edited by tidbit#1299 on Mar 23, 2017, 5:15:46 PM
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Some random stuff:
1) Something totally pointless:
Belts on the ground don't have a unique 3d art when dropped :P probably other item types too. ![]() 2) ♪ D**n it feels good to be a clipper ♪: Act4 town seems to have a few small collision boxes missing (speaking of collisions, haku's $300k+ lighthouse hideout thing has 0 collisions, not even a simple cylinder around the whole thing. it should cost much less since it's not interactive) ![]() ![]() ![]() 3) Neat little details: just a tiny little bent corner on the rug so it can go over the stairs (act3 by arena) ![]() 4) Water. ok, I know. I've gone on about poe's water enough. But here's some good news! - The Battlefront has flowing water decal thingies ontop of the base water type! awesome! - The Underground River has amazing rushing water. Is it the same as act2 town under the lions? - Act4 town, around the waypoint, also has flowing water! So apply that stuff to other parts of the game that could use a tune-up. It'll help a lot. small details are the most impressive details. Also... have I noticed that they fixed some of the flowing-ness issues? :D . puddles no longer flow it seems, and the rivers in act1 mudflats don't (or very minimal) aswell. They are still turbulent, though. But that's fine (could be lesser). 5) Others: - Blood splatter pulses. why? is it the wraeclast infection/virus thing living in their blood? - Most (all?) animals (monkeys, for example) twitch (fingers, body, other) for a short time after they die :D great small detail. - Awesome new loading screens. rawr. fear me. Last edited by tidbit#1299 on Mar 23, 2017, 5:16:14 PM
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Yet more things:
1) Let it snow
Nice little effect. the Arctic Tempest (or w/e) prophecy creates frozen groud in the shape of snowflakes ![]() 2) Call the doctor, I broke my hand! The scions running animation is quite weird, and if you look at the hands, oh god. What happened. So derpy (is "derpy" still a thing?). ![]() 3) Someone didn't test the largest possible display length. Should have tested with: Reputation [-----------] 8,888,888/8,888,888 The text is wider than the black box. ![]() 4) Some people will notice and freak out. The 4 corners of the tiles/texture don't align nicely. it even looks like it spirals a bit, like the used a Pinch/Spiral tool to fix a bad alignment. Kudo points if you guess the map. ![]() 5) Bonus clip! Google photos suck, but I don't want upload to youtube. Deal with it. I sucked horribly at breaches for a while, when back to act1 normal to see if I could even do those at a higher level. Ran into this guy. I have 2 now :) (Used to have a few more back in early 2013, but as a noob, you don't know values, so as the fishing pole + feathers were/are useless... vendored. *cries*) Stupid long google photo link rawr. fear me. Last edited by tidbit#1299 on Mar 23, 2017, 5:16:38 PM
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