Performance Improvements

Thank you for this. I play another game in which a stealth update to DX11 left many people with out their game. There was no advance warning of the change, and I along with many others, were locked out over night. I have now upgraded to a DX11/DX12 graphics card, so I'm ready. I just really appreciate the heads up. I wish more devs would be this forthcoming.

64-bit DirectX 11 Client
In the future we plan to release an alternate Path of Exile client that is compiled as a 64-bit executable and will use DirectX 11 rather than DirectX9. This client will require Windows Vista or above (and a 64-bit CPU). The old client will still work for Windows XP or 32 bit machines, but won't have the performance improvements that come with DirectX 11. This release is planned for 2017.
HYPE for 64-bit support, Direct X 11, FMDO audio system

Will it still be a choice to choose between 32-bit client and 64-bit client when it's released? (to run the game on either DX9 or DX11 on a Windows 7/10 64-bit machine for instance)
Best way to discover colors for your loot filter | IGN: Spear
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K @ 4.0Ghz | GPU: Radeon Series | OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Mouse: Steelseries Rival | KB: Corsair K70 RGB | Monitor: Acer Predator
Looking forward to future performance changes as I experience frequent disconnects, making mapping very frustrating.
64-bit support, Direct X 11, FMDO audio system... can hardly believe my eyes.

now if only there was a way to give me some control over how the game runs - "load more assets, but game takes longer to load" - I'd check that box.
Enable use of large amounts of ram, check that too.
Multi threading, check.

if I am playing solo, I dont care if zones take longer to load, I'd rather have a smooth running game, then a fast running game.

Thank you for taking the time to relay this announcement. Very insightful!

I took a break from PoE for awhile because of this exact issue and just returned to the game last Friday. I have to say I have noticed a MAJOR improvement in gameplay and server stability, so whatever you guys are doing on your end, keep up the excellent work!


I'm going to come out of left field and say that instead of dx11 or dx12, the debate should be between dx and opengl.

Opengl does everything dx does, except now you gain mac and linux users.
Roukoswarf wrote:
I'm going to come out of left field and say that instead of dx11 or dx12, the debate should be between dx and opengl.

Opengl does everything dx does, except now you gain mac and linux users.

Lolz PoE performance on OpenGL would be like ... crap.

If you really wanna back a cross-platform and open-source init than Vulkan is the way to go and it's far from proven more powerful than Dx.
Last edited by sklipnoty#7673 on Apr 6, 2016, 6:48:08 PM
Great stuff, everyone of you deserve heaps of congratulations for all your hard work and perseverance. Keep up the great work and never give up on the dream.
VarthDaver wrote:
Any chance you can let the client actually load the whole amount into RAM? Those of us with 16/32/64GB ram would likely trade initial load for removing lag.

Otherwise, glad to have the update!

You can't on x86 / x64 Clients. Programs have memory usage limits.
Last edited by TylerKinkade#0130 on Apr 6, 2016, 7:03:56 PM
King_Yoshi wrote:
Honch wrote:
PLEASE, let us disable all sounds but Loot Filter Notifications.

You already can. This is exactly how I play.

"Item Filter Alert Volume" is the only audio setting I have on. All others are off.

It's not off. It's just 0 volume, but not off. There's a difference.

About Vulkan or DX12. Guys, seriously. You can't imagine how many players either can't take advantage of DX12 OR EVEN VULKAN. Because it's not just an OS specific problem, but there are also GPU specific problems... Many players play with Vulkan INCAPABLE cards fine. DX11 is the best approach here, for sure. You reach far more people, period.
Also you don't even know when they have started porting this game to DX11. That might be before Vulkan (or DX12) ever released.
Also, if you didn't realize yet: You're asking for shitstorms to happen, srsly. If that game is DX12 instead of DX11, oh there's gonna be hell...
Especially "sklipnoty", please stop. You're giving me serious headaches...
Last edited by Lunerio#0016 on Apr 6, 2016, 7:11:03 PM

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