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[3.3] Unstoppable Gladiator 78% Max Block/Spells. Best Low Budget League Starter

gibtuck wrote:
Hi Mariano:

How does this build fare against a fully buffed Izaro? Argus? Do you have any recordings of an Uberlab run? Thanks!

Imo is ok against uber Izaro or Argus. I quote a previous answer about this:

Some things I consider important against Izaro:

- Sometimes exchanging Atziri's with Basalt could be useful. You get additional chance to reduce physical damage taken.
- A good use of Jade + Granite is really important. With them, you have almost cap physical reduction and sometimes against uber Izaro is mandatory to use them.
- Most important, there's a particular attack from him that could totally destroy you. He turns to his side for 1/2 seconds and then release a pulse that travels towards the screen. That pulse seems a physical damage that works the opposite than Freezing Pulse. As the pulse travels towards the screen, makes a lot more damage. So, against common sense, what I choose to do is to ALWAYS stay in front of Izaro without moving. I run three times merci lab and one time uber, and doing this I never get hit by his pulse. If you run away and pulse hit you, you're dead.

Of course, I can't confirm this, but I'm pretty sure of it. So I do what usually do against bosses. Just facetank him :D (and if he teleports me on third stage, I just run like a mad men and get in front of him immediately).

No videos sorry.
spartacusbringerofrain wrote:

TO THE TOPIC AUTHOR: I know that you prefer SS but no matter how hard i tried and no matter what gem combinations i tested for SS, i found Cleave much better skill overall. Also, attack speed with Cleave is higher, so your map movement is also faster. I tried following combos for SS:
SS + PtL + WED + MS = top dps, extremely rippy with ele ref maps
SS + WED + LD + MS = for me this combo might be the best one, Less Duration is probably the most useful gem for SS and you can run ele ref maps without a problem. The only drawback is that requires RRRR sockets so if you don't intend to run cleave and just play SS this one is probably for you. You can also use LL if you want more defensive approach.

I was testing running T16 with Cleave + SS swap (Cleave + IAOE + MS + AFD is by far the quickest map clear), then switching to SS + PtL + WED + MS for top DPS and both setups require RRRB sockets. But since i don't like SS that much (even though i have perf SS dmg enchant on my BoR) i found Cleave much much better.

Also, Inc Dura doesn't work with Fortify so you are wasting the gem socket.

No doubt about it, Cleave has better clear speed than SS.

My setup for SS is: SS + WED + AFD + MS and fully buffed I got 150K DPS which means 240K DPS for single target considerations. Seems like biggest difference with your gear (related to DPS) is that I don't have Lion's Roar, a 35% huge MORE damage boost.

Less Duration support gem doesn't work with SS. Just reduce the delay of explosions, which is useless, but doesn't give any DPS improvement. And I run RRRR because of AFD.

I use Life Leech a lot against hardest bosses on T15 and Guardians. I detail in which cases, on initial section about league progress and boss tips.

About choosing Cleave/SS, is just what suits best for you. If you're able to run T15/Guardians with Cleave, is such a great news, since I got this today:


PS: About Inc. Duration on Fortify, yes, I already corrected that yesterday on last update.
How do you handle ele reflect maps with the SS-Setup? Do you change something in the Setup?
I switched now also to SS because I dont want to take care of INT anylonger..
Last edited by birdis0n#5909 on Sep 22, 2016, 4:05:02 AM
I don't remember having any trouble with elemental reflect map mod. But if you feel like you needed, you could exchange WED or AFD with Life Leech or Life Gain on Hit support gem.
mas_mariano wrote:
Less Duration support gem doesn't work with SS. Just reduce the delay of explosions, which is useless, but doesn't give any DPS improvement. And I run RRRR because of AFD.

Sorry, but you are very wrong. On both statements. Check again. LS gives BOTH dps and "faster skill use" by reducing explosions which (in my opinion) can come closer to cleave's clear speed. It's pretty noticable how faster T16 bosses hp are draining.

Here, take a look, there's 18% more damage. It's awesome gem for SS and to prevent you from suffering from ele reflect maps. But in any case, i personally don't like SS as i said, i prefer cleave all the way, but some people will probably use it so this is for them :)

Yea, Lion's Roar is great, but i don't like it's knockback at all, it just makes my life boring. You need to tactically place your char before using it if you don't want to find yourself catching up the boss before the flask duration expires.

PS. Gratz on 21/20 Cleave :)
Last edited by spartacusbringerofrain#2422 on Sep 22, 2016, 7:15:37 AM
birdis0n wrote:
How do you handle ele reflect maps with the SS-Setup? Do you change something in the Setup?
I switched now also to SS because I dont want to take care of INT anylonger..

My strong advice would be Less Duration instead of PTL/WED. With PTL you get the most dps but you are completely converted to ele dmg so you hurt yourself A LOT with ele reflect. LD fix that pretty smoothly. You can also use Life Leech, but i don't really think that it's needed at all, i personally used it only once or twice in this league and found it completely unnecessary.
I'm debating if Warchief or Protector is the better totem. Is there a break point at which one is better than the other for DPS? Or is "more damage" just strait up better in every case?
TabSluppins - Pizza guy
Which one is actually better? The Varunastra or the Soul Taker version?
squ1shed wrote:
I'm debating if Warchief or Protector is the better totem. Is there a break point at which one is better than the other for DPS? Or is "more damage" just strait up better in every case?

Warchief hits animation is more "badass" lol.
Protector gives more tooltip dps since 20% aps is better than 18% more melee dmg. Also, with higher APS besides attacking faster you will move faster as well, so my pick would go to Protector

Kaktuskiller wrote:
Which one is actually better? The Varunastra or the Soul Taker version?

I believe that Varunastra gives more teoretical dps, but you need to respec like 50+ points from ST version. But you are attacking slower and move slower.
Reserved. Wanna Try it =P

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