Those never ending nerfes to uniques are really encouraging players to shed out a lot of money to design one.
How many T1 uniques has GGG nerfed to a point where they are not T1 worthy anymore because of broken mechanics instead of fixing/reworking those? When the broken mechanics finally get fixed the uniques are left in their over-nerfed form instead of restoring their former glory...
And please finally stop altering existing items. Players that have them, have earned them. If they want to play with them, let them have fun even if it's ridiculously OP. They don't affect new leagues in any way and even in permanent leagues nobody is forced to use them. All this retroactive item altering is doing is create unnecessary mischief.
This man speaks truth and wisdom! Don't know why they are nerfing the ones going into standard. We didn't pay currency to buy an item just be nerfed so badly.
Nor are you supposed to be playing only in standard,those servers are places where characters and items go to die. Don't like it? then start playing on proper leagues.
Yes there were a lot of shavs last league, but that league had Cadiro. Will next leagues have Cadiro, no, so why??
Oh and Perandus was my longest league ever, played it until last weekend. Mostly because of coins and the availability of top tier uniques for casuals players. FMCL.
Stuff was actually farmable at a decent rate.
Maybe the prophecy of changing a crap unique into a good one helps a little next league but idk how hard it will be to get something useful...
Last edited by ressiv#3478 on May 26, 2016, 9:16:13 AM
Those never ending nerfes to uniques are really encouraging players to shed out a lot of money to design one.
How many T1 uniques has GGG nerfed to a point where they are not T1 worthy anymore because of broken mechanics instead of fixing/reworking those? When the broken mechanics finally get fixed the uniques are left in their over-nerfed form instead of restoring their former glory...
And please finally stop altering existing items. Players that have them, have earned them. If they want to play with them, let them have fun even if it's ridiculously OP. They don't affect new leagues in any way and even in permanent leagues nobody is forced to use them. All this retroactive item altering is doing is create unnecessary mischief.
This man speaks truth and wisdom! Don't know why they are nerfing the ones going into standard. We didn't pay currency to buy an item just be nerfed so badly.
Nor are you supposed to be playing only in standard,those servers are places where characters and items go to die. Don't like it? then start playing on proper leagues.
standard is the #1 league as far as player count goes; i think these guys have more right to complain than you're giving them.
"play a proper league" actually isn't good advice -- play in the league / races might be better advice.
Last edited by anicocia#5427 on May 26, 2016, 9:17:53 AM
No legacy ? Tired of your own shitty standard eco? 60% of their prior value? Must you ruin all the fun!
And where is the fun when you 1-shot uber with 3ex budget? (chaos ice traper) or run Arid Lake in 35 seconds (spark), is it that fun? Its so boring because after week from league stars im so bored and burned out because i got already whole content and dont have nothing to do more, its why i started to play HC, there is still any challenge.
Additionally, fourth tier "chase" unique items (like Shavronne's Wrappings) have been made rarer than they were in 2.2.0.
Yeah because we all have 20 Shavronne's Wrapping lying around in our stash when playing temp leagues. I mean finally when the only thing needed in the game was a map drop and monster rebalance you guys fuck everything up.
Its not about how many Shavs you have in your stash, you can easy afford end-game unique items in case you dont play selfound, as more easier you can take it as faster you will burn out of game.
Really no map drop increase ? I still feel like shit when doing 10-20 T11 / T12 / T13 and nothing getting anything next tier.
Ye lets everyone run constant t15 maps... where is fun again? Sometimes i spent 30c for a good map roll and its not because im that stupid or richy its because ITS WORTH, start to roll good maps if you want stay on high tier pool
Make already very hard to get items even harder to get? Especially without Brodiro?
Ye this "Brodiro" fucked all game, no one even take most uniques from the ground because they are worth about 1c, its HARDER to earn because of it. How many good deals Cadiro gave you? I woul be much more richy WITHOUT this shitty guy.
All in all every nerf (drop, items, trees) makes me glad, me and most of my friends are bored in a month and skip the rest of league because its not fun to kill Uber by other and another build. I would see some additional content viable with REALLY end-game rare items, because for now min-maxing is even pointless, i dont need to spend XXXX Exalts for my dream gear when i can run whole content with 3-15ex budget. As harder this game will be as LONGER players will stay here.
Basically this, anything else is pretentious nonsense and global whinning
*People with any semblance of intelligence don't watch an entire season of a TV show just to see if it's any good lol*
Last edited by Jayserix#4932 on May 26, 2016, 9:29:29 AM
Those never ending nerfes to uniques are really encouraging players to shed out a lot of money to design one.
How many T1 uniques has GGG nerfed to a point where they are not T1 worthy anymore because of broken mechanics instead of fixing/reworking those? When the broken mechanics finally get fixed the uniques are left in their over-nerfed form instead of restoring their former glory...
And please finally stop altering existing items. Players that have them, have earned them. If they want to play with them, let them have fun even if it's ridiculously OP. They don't affect new leagues in any way and even in permanent leagues nobody is forced to use them. All this retroactive item altering is doing is create unnecessary mischief.
This man speaks truth and wisdom! Don't know why they are nerfing the ones going into standard. We didn't pay currency to buy an item just be nerfed so badly.
Nor are you supposed to be playing only in standard,those servers are places where characters and items go to die. Don't like it? then start playing on proper leagues.
Not everyone can play PoE all day, every day. For the majority of us a temporary leagues end before we have the currency to buy the items we need to play the builds we want. Same is true for self-found. Personally I like to experiment with new builds and I can't do that in 3 months leagues hence I prefer standard. This does not mean that i never play leagues. By the way, there is no such thing a a proper league, all the different leagues have there warrant. I'm really tired of this HC/SC/temp/perm/whatever league elitist BS, it's all about fun.
Last edited by fae76#3960 on May 26, 2016, 9:33:56 AM