Development Manifesto: 2.3.0 Balance

The changes to Ascendancy Trees have been much more extensive.

GGG, please provide more detailed information on this.

All Support Gems now have Support as part of their name.

GGG, would you please explain why this was necessary?

Meh, nerfs. This is why I generally hate MMO's and tend to play mostly offline RPG's where If I hate an update/nerf I don't have to download and apply it to still play it. What if I enjoyed being overpowered? If I wanted to do something hard I'd get a job that I hated and go marry someone that secretly absolutely disgusted me and make it work anyway for 20 years. Thanks for reminding me that online games are a waste of time GGG.
suck_me_off wrote:
Meh, nerfs. This is why I generally hate MMO's and tend to play mostly offline RPG's where If I hate an update/nerf I don't have to download and apply it to still play it. What if I enjoyed being overpowered? If I wanted to do something hard I'd get a job that I hated and go marry someone that secretly absolutely disgusted me and make it work anyway for 20 years. Thanks for reminding me that online games are a waste of time GGG.

may be want they become like blizzard , and transform the gold into shit , what and see.
Saerileth wrote:
Galtrovan wrote:

When is GGG going to get that no one wants the "recently" crap where things only last 4 seconds, especially when "recently" is coupled with "on kill" or some other mechanic you have no control over. What you end up with is wasted skill points that only work when you don't need it, and don't work when you do.

So, you're saying you have no control over an effect that is on kill. In a game where you're constantly killing stuff. Uh... ok. If your build doesn't kill at least something every 4 seconds, you're really doing it wrong. You shouldn't even spend that long hopping from pack to pack.

No. That's not what I said. I said what you end up with is wasted skill points that only work you don't need it (i.e. everything you are killing 4 every seconds would die anyway), and don't work when you do (i.e. everything is dead, 4 seconds have elapsed, and the hard target or boss is still alive with nothing around to get buffs back).
oufouf wrote:
suck_me_off wrote:
Meh, nerfs. This is why I generally hate MMO's and tend to play mostly offline RPG's where If I hate an update/nerf I don't have to download and apply it to still play it. What if I enjoyed being overpowered? If I wanted to do something hard I'd get a job that I hated and go marry someone that secretly absolutely disgusted me and make it work anyway for 20 years. Thanks for reminding me that online games are a waste of time GGG.

may be want they become like blizzard , and transform the gold into shit , whait and see.

+1 just mehh .... Scion ascendancy will be completely useless, the nerve of the leech in the berserker is ridiculously sad
Mirror service thread:
adzang wrote:
+1 golem to elementalist? not sure if that is a wise move the damage gained already is quite large.

Yes, I don't get this change either. Primordial as it was, was the reason to choose Elementalist. The node didn't need a buff. Now it's just godly. Flame and Lightning golem: 80% increased fire/lightning damage, 18% cast speed, and two distractions that are immune to elemental damage. That's a no-brainer.
Best thing about the changes is my Voltaxic Ranger build will be twice as strong for 1/4 the price!
ShreddedBabyguts wrote:
wow is this real life

This is just fantasy.
100% -> 60% is a pretty hamfisted change. I guess there wasn't a good way to nerf poison?

Chaos conversion needed a nerf . Maybe you did it the wrong way , destroying cool items is making people pissed . I don't play chaos myself but i understand the salt very much . If you nerfed chaos damage potential instead from the core game would probably been a better solution .

Rare uniques getting more rare : This is like saying f..k you to all newcomers to poe . Not only them but all self found players and casual players . Are you guys trying to make d3 vanilla ( that many hated ) , Are you too going to design the game auround the auction house like blizzard did ? Most of the changes you did is fine but this part i hate . It's a loot based game and its fun to find good stuff ( self found ). You are doing the same mistakes blizzard did . In that case it would be better if you just sold the game to blizz , atleast we would get a game company with money that can develop the game very well further with a solid bank account , they are also way more into the self found philosophy . they have probably done it in a extreme way but they removed the auction house . I am not saying rare stuff should drop often but occasionally a good drop is nice . I still have not found a single shavronnes , i never going to do it now . The auction house game starts ( already has though ).

Me personally are not spending a single dollar/euro on this game the way your philosophy is atm .

Last edited by Devonor#2471 on May 26, 2016, 8:53:37 PM

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