Development Manifesto: 2.3.0 Balance

Ill just drop this here
**Iv said it once ill say it again if someone doesnt have a peice of gear that went legacy you _____________________________clearly didnt want to play the build at the time it was OP.**__________________
Elemental Proliferation Support radius has been increased from 12 units up to 16.

Spell Totem Support now has a smaller damage penalty, at level 1 it has changed from 50% less to 35% less. At level 20 it has changed from 31% less to 26% less.

Arcane Vision is now connected to the same attribute node as Pain Attunement.

MolochZ wrote:
seehanur wrote:
Thanks for ruining my chaos spark build GGG! Right after I bought spider spark effect just to play the build :( And calling it a system change on such a small amount of items is just a lazy way to say: We don't want you to play the build in standard too and we don't want legacy items. It would be still be playable if the conversion rate is nerfed to around 75-80% but 60%----- unbearable!!!

I sure am glad you don't balance this game. Cause it'd be fked.

Perandus league combined with ascendency generally makes game easier, but it is also the league most player played so far. Removing reflect and adding things like lightning thorn would make other builds on par with chaos builds. And in the absence of brodiro, nerfing the drop rate of tier 4 unique will make average player in next league's life miserable. The middle class of the game will go back to there pits since there is no spare currency to trade or buy, and the flow of eco will be stagnant. After the prosperous boom, WINTER IS COMING!!
Last edited by seehanur#5364 on May 25, 2016, 11:14:02 PM
D623932883 wrote:
Unique Jewels now have a separate sequence of rarities within the unique items. Unique jewels will now have three tiers of rarity, all of which are rarer than the normal base rarity tier.

Kinda confused by this statement... Am I correct in interpreting this to mean there is 4 rarity tiers of uniques and now jewels have their own 3 tiers intertwined within those tiers? Is there any way we could get a breakdown of these unique rarity tiers eventually? Or is that intended to remain hidden from players?

Rarity tiers are known and a google search would openly give you what items are in what tier.

Besides this change ofc.
**Iv said it once ill say it again if someone doesnt have a peice of gear that went legacy you _____________________________clearly didnt want to play the build at the time it was OP.**__________________
sklipnoty wrote:
Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.

No legacy ? Tired of your own shitty standard eco? 60% of their prior value? Must you ruin all the fun!

And where is the fun when you 1-shot uber with 3ex budget? (chaos ice traper) or run Arid Lake in 35 seconds (spark), is it that fun? Its so boring because after week from league stars im so bored and burned out because i got already whole content and dont have nothing to do more, its why i started to play HC, there is still any challenge.

Additionally, fourth tier "chase" unique items (like Shavronne's Wrappings) have been made rarer than they were in 2.2.0.

Yeah because we all have 20 Shavronne's Wrapping lying around in our stash when playing temp leagues. I mean finally when the only thing needed in the game was a map drop and monster rebalance you guys fuck everything up.

Its not about how many Shavs you have in your stash, you can easy afford end-game unique items in case you dont play selfound, as more easier you can take it as faster you will burn out of game.

Really no map drop increase ? I still feel like shit when doing 10-20 T11 / T12 / T13 and nothing getting anything next tier.

Ye lets everyone run constant t15 maps... where is fun again? Sometimes i spent 30c for a good map roll and its not because im that stupid or richy its because ITS WORTH, start to roll good maps if you want stay on high tier pool

Make already very hard to get items even harder to get? Especially without Brodiro?

Ye this "Brodiro" fucked all game, no one even take most uniques from the ground because they are worth about 1c, its HARDER to earn because of it. How many good deals Cadiro gave you? I woul be much more richy WITHOUT this shitty guy.

All in all every nerf (drop, items, trees) makes me glad, me and most of my friends are bored in a month and skip the rest of league because its not fun to kill Uber by other and another build. I would see some additional content viable with REALLY end-game rare items, because for now min-maxing is even pointless, i dont need to spend XXXX Exalts for my dream gear when i can run whole content with 3-15ex budget. As harder this game will be as LONGER players will stay here.
Pretty satisfied with the changes regarding Energy shield and traps, tho i feel like it'll be painful unless you have a lot of energy shield recharge rate. I think the ES quiver will be pretty nice to have in the offhand when you wanna go thru traps. However, low life and hybrid builds are still fucked, especially hybrid. Jesus GGG, do something about it, hybrid builds used to be a thing and you totally removed them from the game by adding the labyrinth...
"xRoque wrote:

Rarity tiers are known and a google search would openly give you what items are in what tier.

Besides this change ofc.

A google search only brings up a thread on this board with speculation contained about which uniques are in which unique tier.

That's not what I meant though. I meant how does the unique tiers progression work now with these jewel tiers added. Where do they fit in, I mean.
"Additionally, fourth tier "chase" unique items (like Shavronne's Wrappings) have been made rarer than they were in 2.2.0."

Damn you guys! I hate this change. As a self found player this means pure pain. That's the thing I hate about PoE, that build enablers are out of my reach.
- I didn't say half the shit people quote from me - Albert Einstein
"Unique Jewels now have a separate sequence of rarities within the unique items"

should have been

" Unique jewels are no longer in Unique pool table of Inner treasure and Singularity"


- this would have indeed make them rarer, as the current change does

- but also bring back its former glory to Singularity and Inner treasure which have been shit since Jewel implementation (2.0)
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it

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