2.3.0 Changes to the High-level Experience Equation

Others have voiced their dislike (and their reasoning) much better than I could have done. I'm not liking this at experience nerf at all, at all.

As others have stated, this only hurts the more casual player, which is the vast majority of players, over the few that runs maps 24/7 for 2 months straight in group/team play.

So the game mechanics are as such now.

1) make the real end-game content so incredibly difficult that only those who manage to get to higher levels with elite gear can accomplish it. (ok, fair enough, I get that)

2) now make is so incredibly time consuming to get to a high enough level to actually be end-game viable that the causal player stops giving a shit.

IDK, I almost always play solo as it's difficult to find casual players that want to team up. Most people, from what I've seen in the game, don't really care for team play. Most casual players usually only ask for help getting past some boss while traveling through the acts.

GGG has forced upon the vast majority of their player base the gaming mechanics of the <1%.

I'm not supporting the game anymore until this changes.

1 by 1, the player base and support shrinks. That's how it works GGG.
Smear wrote:
Others have voiced their dislike (and their reasoning) much better than I could have done. I'm not liking this at experience nerf at all, at all.

As others have stated, this only hurts the more casual player, which is the vast majority of players, over the few that runs maps 24/7 for 2 months straight in group/team play.

I will make a new thread about 100 level, but i can say for sure you 100% right, casual players was kicked in balls so hard... GGG overnerf it for sure.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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Write story about 100 lvling after exp was nerfed and many other stuff => https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1711672
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
It's kind of funny, a few months later, how it shows had bad GGG is at even thinking about how to approach balance. Most of their approaches are "tide level" type balance changes: they change how the game is for EVERYONE until the extreme, imbalanced sect is brought into what they expect... While they drown everyone else.

  • CoC Dischargers overpowered? Let's just apply nerfs to all CoC, and not touch Discharge.
  • Everyone's using Voltaxic Spark? Better nerf ALL elemental->chaos conversion. Screw you if you were using an Infernal Mantle!
  • Pro streamers are using rapid-fire Gorge rotations to hit level 100 two weeks after a league comes out? Better nerf ALL high-level experience gains, and screw over everyone else while adding just a couple days for the pros!

Funny thing is that for the above nerfs? The "OP" playstyles never really went out of style. Cyclone+CoC+Discharge is as cancerous as ever, Sparkers are still a top-tier build, and now Gorge/Plateau rotations are even MORE mandatory than they ever were.

It just baffles me that GGG never really bothers to stop and try to think of a way to "surgically" balance, in a way that only really impacts the offending playstyles without obliterating the game for the other >99% of the playerbase, and in one way or another, also punishing players that try any mix of solo/self-found.

Part of that is that GGG keeps forgetting that they have a few hundred thousand players in this game. Granted, that number is shrinking, but the couple hundred top-tier "pro" nolifers still account for a fraction of a percent of their playerbase... And If you're a "pro" streamer? You are GOING to push for that level 100 fast; you kind of have to. So you will be doing it fast no matter what.

I mean, the solution to the EXP issue was EASY; it just required taking a look beyond the surface. I mean, sure, "Players are reaching level 100 too quickly" is the surface problem, but take a step further in and ask WHY? Let's look:

  • Is it because maps of level 70-78 (a main target of the nerf) exist and give the EXP they do? NO, Of course not; those maps existed BEFORE level 100 became a quick thing.
  • Is it because massive power creep has let players mow through content at increasingly-ludicrous speeds, one-shotting whole screens? YES, that has contributed, but it'd be Hard to fix. Players have already been given massive amounts of power, so scaling back that disparity would require careful rebalancing of EVERYTHING.
  • Is it because the current meta allows for easy building without much worry about survivability? YES, that has contributed, but fixing that would require a fundamental way to how the game is played, and might not be possible/plausible. These "slowing agents" (like reflect packs and desync) were removed because they were hated, and not fun; fake difficulty is not real challenge.
  • Is it because we have players who skip making the game fun in favor of rapid Gorge/Plateau rotations? YES, YES, YES. Running a 6-man group both splits the cost of mapping, (letting players ignore the time consumed to maximize drops and pick up maps) as well as simply making the total clear faster; a single fast-clearer can empty a map in 6-10 minutes (depending on layout) while a 6-man group can clear a Gorge in as little as ~1:30. It's clear that unless you're grouping, you're going slow.

Once you think about it, the solution is easy; nerfing overall EXP doesn't actually address the problem. Power creep and difficulty would require a HUGE investment to rebalance and adjust these, with a high risk that they won't work.

By contrast? If GGG simply reduced the HUGE INCENTIVE to group up, they could lengthen that "time to the first 100s" by a LOT. As it stands, a 6-man group, in practice, gets 3-5 times the clear speed of going solo, which translates to 3-5 times the EXP gain, while ALSO being flat-out easier. If there was simply an Experience tax for grouping at level 90+, that "hit 100 quickly" would happen a lot less.

Sure, some argue there should be rewards for groups... There already are, innately; a party member means that's less monsters aggro'd onto you, an extra pair of eyes to watch out, and in a GOOD party, it means you have another set of auras on top of your own. And it will always be a faster/easier clear. So why does it come with stupidly increased EXP/hour rates, too? You needn't remove the extra EXP entirely, but if, say, that 6-man team that did a 1.5-minute gorge had even as little as 1/3 the EXP of someone doing it solo in 5 minutes? That'd fix a lot... And wind up only hitting the people ACTUALLY pushing a rapid 100.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
ACGIFT wrote:
It's kind of funny, a few months later, how it shows had bad GGG is at even thinking about how to approach balance. Most of their approaches are "tide level" type balance changes: they change how the game is for EVERYONE until the extreme, imbalanced sect is brought into what they expect... While they drown everyone else.

  • CoC Dischargers overpowered? Let's just apply nerfs to all CoC, and not touch Discharge.

Funny thing is that for the above nerfs? The "OP" playstyles never really went out of style. Cyclone+CoC+Discharge is as cancerous as ever, Sparkers are still a top-tier build, and now Gorge/Plateau rotations are even MORE mandatory than they ever were.

It just baffles me that GGG never really bothers to stop and try to think of a way to "surgically" balance, in a way that only really impacts the offending playstyles without obliterating the game for the other >99% of the playerbase, and in one way or another, also punishing players that try any mix of solo/self-found.


I wish my RNG and map drop in The Essence Challenge League will be great to make few character and play them, and i would play even more if i could craft or buy really awesome great weapons and stuff to my builds.

Right now situation absurd, my RNG worse then bot with no drop... WTF? Why that? Only trade? What if i want to craft something myself? I hope GGG fix my RNG and i can start crafting gear more then trade.

"Make rare great again!" @ Chris. I want to craft that rare... will see if thats true.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2037371 Vouch
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Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
ACGIFT wrote:


Agree with a lot of your points but:

ACGIFT wrote:
a single fast-clearer can empty a map in 6-10 minutes (depending on layout)

Dont know where you got this number from but it is probably closer to 2-x minutes - depending on layout and population. Unfortunately for your suggestion this matters critically. You say:

ACGIFT wrote:
If there was simply an Experience tax for grouping at level 90+, that "hit 100 quickly" would happen a lot less.

I dont actually disagree with doing something like that. But it wont fix the problem. Anybody with unlimited access to Gorge and a "max speed at Gorge" build can still get 2x the XP/h of a solo player with the same skill and dedication at playing the game (but no unlimited Gorges). Which means there is a huge advantage for "RMT" and anybody with a support group - like some streamers supposedly have one.
The only way to get a fair playing field is SSF.
Fixing the map system would help a lot though. And it would be easy for for GGG to do that. One thing would be to add implicits to map layouts. Like "150% more XP on a full solo clear" for Underground River. [This should be balanced by overall nerfs obviously. I do not want to campaign for more power creep.]
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Zrevnur wrote:
Dont know where you got this number from but it is probably closer to 2-x minutes - depending on layout and population.

It's my observation for most actual recorded solo clears. 2-ish minutes is only possible with a specialized clear group. (Read: have an aurabot, multiple people to spread out and stagger their offense for maximum net clear speed) If you'd like to see some descriptive examples and proof of such timing (including recorded video!) take a look at this breakdown on Reddit.

Solo clear times are a bit like penis sizes; on the Internet every guy states something more impressive than the truth. My main has easily some of the fastest clears possible, (owing to sufficient offense to one-shot packs AND higher movespeed than almost any character in the game) and typical clears for (non-Gorge) are about 7-9 minutes until 0 or 1 monster remains.

Gorge is slightly faster than other maps while solo; about 5-6 minutes. In solo play, the speed advantage of it is less pronounced than it is for group play, simply because its simpler nature makes it far, FAR more plausible to handle fast group-clear mechanics

Zrevnur wrote:
I dont actually disagree with doing something like that. But it wont fix the problem. Anybody with unlimited access to Gorge and a "max speed at Gorge" build can still get 2x the XP/h of a solo player with the same skill and dedication at playing the game (but no unlimited Gorges).

This part is actually quite overstated. While EXP/hour is still faster on Gorge, the extra increase is less pronounced; at most it's only around 50% faster than some of the slowest maps, and closer to only a 10-25% faster than the next best things while solo; at level 92, for instance, I'm hitting 20-30M/hr on Gorge (mostly dependent on the amount of packsize and RNG) while I can pretty consistently hit 18-20M/hr on higher-level maps, sometimes even without packsize.

Zrevnur wrote:
The only way to get a fair playing field is SSF.

And you DO realize that not everyone wants that, right? Hard-enforcing a meta is what drives players away, much like how people are alienated by mandatory group rotations to get anywhere in what passes for the endgame, especially with the

Zrevnur wrote:
Fixing the map system would help a lot though. And it would be easy for for GGG to do that. One thing would be to add implicits to map layouts. Like "150% more XP on a full solo clear" for Underground River. [This should be balanced by overall nerfs obviously. I do not want to campaign for more power creep.]

Something like that would be a bit more challenging than it seems. The game's engine does not currently include any mechanism that would let it keep a "measuring eye" on players. (or if it does, GGG hasn't put in anything that'd use/demonstrate it yet!) As it stands, the split "Instance Server/Database Server" setup helps keep server load down, while a lot of proposed changes would drastically increase the bandwidth, processing cycles, and RAM being eaten up by each player.

That's why I'd proposed a simple nerf to high-level group EXP; since it'd simply fit into the EXISTING EXP penalty calculation, it would add negligible to zero extra load on the server.

Also, there's precedent for it: GGG themselves say PoE takes after Diablo 2, and THAT game split EXP between party members, after all.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
ACGIFT wrote:
Zrevnur wrote:
Dont know where you got this number from but it is probably closer to 2-x minutes - depending on layout and population.

It's my observation for most actual recorded solo clears. 2-ish minutes is only possible with a specialized clear group. (Read: have an aurabot, multiple people to spread out and stagger their offense for maximum net clear speed) If you'd like to see some descriptive examples and proof of such timing (including recorded video!) take a look at this breakdown on Reddit.

Solo clear times are a bit like penis sizes; on the Internet every guy states something more impressive than the truth. My main has easily some of the fastest clears possible, (owing to sufficient offense to one-shot packs AND higher movespeed than almost any character in the game) and typical clears for (non-Gorge) are about 7-9 minutes until 0 or 1 monster remains.

Gorge is slightly faster than other maps while solo; about 5-6 minutes. In solo play, the speed advantage of it is less pronounced than it is for group play, simply because its simpler nature makes it far, FAR more plausible to handle fast group-clear mechanics

You are implying full clears. Obviously that is not relevant for the topic. I think it is misleading. No one efficiently aiming for 100 while having currency will go for full clears. The goal is to maximize XP/h. And IMO my 2 minutes minimum figure is correct for that. Maybe I was unclear though: I did not mean that a build can do every layout/population in 2 minutes. What I meant was: A race-to-100 build can do some layouts/populations in 2 minutes.

ACGIFT wrote:

Zrevnur wrote:
I dont actually disagree with doing something like that. But it wont fix the problem. Anybody with unlimited access to Gorge and a "max speed at Gorge" build can still get 2x the XP/h of a solo player with the same skill and dedication at playing the game (but no unlimited Gorges).

This part is actually quite overstated. While EXP/hour is still faster on Gorge, the extra increase is less pronounced; at most it's only around 50% faster than some of the slowest maps, and closer to only a 10-25% faster than the next best things while solo; at level 92, for instance, I'm hitting 20-30M/hr on Gorge (mostly dependent on the amount of packsize and RNG) while I can pretty consistently hit 18-20M/hr on higher-level maps, sometimes even without packsize.

Based on this comment and your previous one: I think you are overestimating your build.
Also: The 2x number is not made up. Its based on my own experiences. I get 2x the XP/h in Gorge vs in Underground River. And I cannot (at least not reliably) 1-shot packs in T9. Nor do I have uber movespeed. If I could oneshot packs in T9 and would have more movespeed then Gorge would be even better in relation to Underground River. Because "routing" is the obstacle in Underground River. Or maybe you are far better at "routing" than I am.

ACGIFT wrote:

Zrevnur wrote:
The only way to get a fair playing field is SSF.

And you DO realize that not everyone wants that, right? Hard-enforcing a meta is what drives players away, much like how people are alienated by mandatory group rotations to get anywhere in what passes for the endgame, especially with the

The people who want to play SSF could play the SSF ladder. And those who dont could play the party/trade ladder. I do not see any "enforcing".
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
ACGIFT wrote:
Zrevnur wrote:
Dont know where you got this number from but it is probably closer to 2-x minutes - depending on layout and population.

It's my observation for most actual recorded solo clears. 2-ish minutes is only possible with a specialized clear group. (Read: have an aurabot, multiple people to spread out and stagger their offense for maximum net clear speed) If you'd like to see some descriptive examples and proof of such timing (including recorded video!) take a look at this breakdown on Reddit.

Solo clear times are a bit like penis sizes; on the Internet every guy states something more impressive than the truth. My main has easily some of the fastest clears possible, (owing to sufficient offense to one-shot packs AND higher movespeed than almost any character in the game) and typical clears for (non-Gorge) are about 7-9 minutes until 0 or 1 monster remains.

Gorge is slightly faster than other maps while solo; about 5-6 minutes. In solo play, the speed advantage of it is less pronounced than it is for group play, simply because its simpler nature makes it far, FAR more plausible to handle fast group-clear mechanics

Adding to my previous comments. I just did a practical test. Run Jungle Valley. It took ~2:30 minutes. With 17 monsters remaining. Including opening strongbox and picking up more stuff than a race-to-100 would. I am also bad at routing and screwed up in that regard. Did not kill boss as its not efficient in terms of XP/h - and its also unsafe with my bow setup. I was using bow in a 5-link (although Lioneyes Vision) with a HC ST build. My DPS is not competitive. It often took me several shots to kill stuff due to hard-to-kill monster population. And my movement speed is "mediocre".
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Jentry wrote:
I mapped as support this league with a few of the top 5 PSC players to hit 100. While I understand and agree with the stimulus which Chris & GGG have for these exp changes, I advocate that the chosen methodology of implementation has exacerbated disincentives to running endgame challenging content, and has reinforced the pervasively growing speed mapping meta which detracts from the fun, challenge, and loot of the highest tier map content in Path of Exile.

In PSC, and progressively for a number of development cycles since the overhaul of map modifiers, the players I see successfully pushing the ladder are speed running mid tier maps (Tier 9-12) in lieu of playing content appropriate for their ability.

I think it is critical to expound upon what I mean by "Speed Running" because it is a playstyle that I only observe in this tiny niche of the POE community. Builds, groups, and Map Rolling revolve around the ability to one shot every monster in the chosen tier of maps, the vast majority of loot is disabled and ignored, and there is significant priority given to sustaining obscenely high Movement Speed.

The gravitation towards this Movespeed=Clearspeed, nodowntimeinstapopmapaftermapinonehideout, playstyle is Phrenetic. For me it has detracted a good deal from the depth and enrichment of what Path of Exile once was because this "Efficiency Mapping" incentives players to actively ignore many aspects of the Game Design and map in Cliques or small groups of like minded players, or Solo in this style to achieve ladder position.

While there has always been a no-life element to the POE ladder, these changes further skew towards the extreme.

I do not fault the players for adapting, responding, to the GGG changes in this fashion. As Chris and GGG has pointed out many times, the playerbase, even in the absence of "Access to Information" on many of the mathematical fine points of the game, the players are becoming ever more efficient at MinMaxing their builds and their playstyle.

The tier 9-12 maps are sustainable indefinitely with minimal currency investment and can be run at max speed with negligible risk to grind exp. Higher tier maps are not sustainable and require currency investment that doesn't return maps or appropriate reward to the risk and differential time it takes to run them (except maybe for the first week of the league). The risks in the highest end maps often appear in Spiky forms, and are not a elegant counterbalance to play skill but rather a direct developer response to expected meta and playstyle.

As more and more players and groups gravitate to this playstyle, they also withdraw, in my experience, from the broader community, trading, crafting, social aspect of POE. The SpeedMapping meta being sustainable as a solo playstyle or clique playstyle supports a narrow band focus on the "Game". It is so much more efficient at accomplishing the niche goal of pushing the ladder that traditional mapping feels slow and wasteful. It is more difficult to make new friends to play with as the lightspeed jump from normal mapping to "SpeedMapping" is very jarring for new players, or longtime players who have never pushed ladder in this fashion. This, by design, has created a, barrier to entry, a monumental disincentive to players who consider jumping into the ladder race.

Basically, what I am arguing here, is to push the ladder these days, you either have to go it alone, or conform to the very narrow and xenophobic speed meta, and it just instantly trashes so much of the richness and depth of an awesome game and encourages elitism as a zeitgeist. I don't think it is healthy or sustainable for the long term of the community.



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