[2.5] 2600+ Int Whispering Ice Guardian. Wonderous Wizard of Wisdom
" i was also thinking about that amu but im not sure how much better than astramentis it would be since you would need to get the dex/str from somewhere else then |
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" Yeah I have no faith in ES's inherent stun block. Plus the 50% is it's own modifier, so it's not affected by anything else and explains why it's so bad at prevent stun locks. I ran without any stun mitigation on my Scion and would get perma locked on bosses like Piety's creation form or even those pesky chaos lanterns in Atziri's temple. Like WaffleT said, if you don't have US or Skyforth's you're going to get stun locked, it doesn't matter. It will happen. I'd tried everything to mitigate it but if it's not 100%, you're going to die due to a stun. For this reason I think the Scion has the easiest route to get to US, but her ascendancy is utter garbage, providing nothing really of value other than culling strike and some added damage (at the cost of more incoming damage so thanks GGG). VBs are great for EO. I never really saw EO spark with 5% crit chance. I have 9% now and ran with 16% on my Scion and that's enough to keep it up about 70% to 90%, respectively. To me, even investing three nodes into crit chance (like Doom Cast for example) is well worth it if you can get EO to spark 100% of the time. That's 3 nodes for a 40% more multiplier :0 Another option is to get the 120% to crit chance if you haven't crit recently on your boots, which requires no nodes :3 Deliver pain exquisite Last edited by ultratiem#0592 on Oct 5, 2016, 10:25:03 PM
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" It's worse. I have which has almost 40 raw Int along with the multiplier and it's well below what Astramentis brings to the table. Reason being is that we already have such high % values that raw int is worth way more to us as it all gets funneled through our scalar. Plus you'd be losing a unique, which means less overall int anyway with how the signets work, again multiplying based on percentage. Astramentis is by far BIS. Deliver pain exquisite Last edited by ultratiem#0592 on Oct 5, 2016, 10:21:25 PM
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" dont forget that theres a unique version of it."eyes of the greatwolf" it could potentially be something like 32% increased attributes and something like 60% cold damage on top of it. . but even then im not sure since you would need to get so much strength/dex elsewhere. theres this one on poe.trade for example 56% increased Cold Damage 26% increased Attributes Implicit Modifier magnitudes are doubled listed for 200 exalted though and i still dont think it beats astramentis Last edited by leichenlager#0783 on Oct 5, 2016, 10:26:55 PM
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" To be fair I think that he was saying that after skyforths the chance of theoretically getting stunned was so low that even the pitiable stun avoidance from those things mentioned above is still enough that chain stunning is impossibly unlikely. Not that those factors are enough to drop Unwavering without skyforth. I have 5% crit chance with controlled destruction in which is the lowest. I have EO up 80% of the time and that goes up against bosses because your faster casting stacks up more storms then in normal clearing. I feel no need at all to spend any extra points to up that even closer to 100% but to each their own. In terms of pathing to compare the route from the scion starting area and the route from the templar nodes -Scion start down to unwavering 17 Points 65 strength into Int + 2 Jewels = 113 Int 28% all resistances 24% increased armour -Templar left hand side down to unwavering 11 points 90 strength into Int + 1 Jewel = 114 Int total So the scion spends 6 extra points for 1 less Int, 24% armour and 28% all resistances Even playing as a scion and if you wanted resistances/armour it is still more efficient to path down from the templar area and spend the saved 6 points on better value nodes that provide that. Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Oct 5, 2016, 10:49:15 PM
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" Oh, No doubt. IK that you get stunlocked just relying on ES but I was just pointing out that theres a 1/2 avoidance on top of what skyforth gives you which is almost immunity. |
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" I'm not sure where you're counting from but while taking Elementalist and Devotion are optimal, but the two strength nodes leading to the latter is not at all ideal as is wasting two nodes on 16% armour as is generally using brute force or fertile mind to convert strength and dexterity to intelligence. It's always better to take pure int nodes and use a nicely rolled cobalt. You can get up to 26 int using two slots, leaving the other two open for more damage or defense. That's even more than the flat 24 int from the conversion jewels. It's hard to find GG jewels like that, but it's not hard to find ones with 24+ int and something else This one cost me 20 alts. It's got almost the same int value as a brute force. Conversion is necessary to get to US, but taking the raw int nodes by Ghost Reaver to get that jewel slot for example is still a far better deal provided you have the jewels to make up the difference. The only way to make the conversion worthwhile is if you can double up two nodes (like those above UT and under Faith and Steel). Sadly the one up from Juggernaut doesn't overlap two on the way down and doesn't quite reach the strength node leading to that glorious 30 int node. Like a freakin pixel. When they added ascendancy, they shifted things around and we lost 10 int by Harrier, which again is like a pixel. Honestly if GGG even tossed us a bone there, that's 20 free int for just moving the tree over a pixel, literally a pixel ;-; But for Scion, you spec down from Harrier anyway, so the cost is really 7 but you lose 10 int from having to go on the strength conversion side as opposed to the dexterity side. Still, it's a shorter leap. If I didn't take US, I wouldn't even take the nodes from Devotion on down, choosing rather to leap real int nodes into either more ES or something cool, say like maxing your ES start rate through Essence Surge. Through jewels and Shav's, I have 21% faster ES start. Boosting that to almost 40% with an additional 60% faster recharge rate along with Bated Breath would mean you could refill so damn quick in such a short time out of combat. That to me is worth way more than like 300 dmg on my tooltip and 300 ES. I just ran uber Izaro and he had those damn extra charges and I swear I would have ripped if not for Bated Breath :3 Int is cool and it scales well, but it's still not as valuable as raw ES or damage nodes on the tree. I find after 2000 int, that stat fizzles out. I think I had 2200 on my Scion and pulled back to 2000. I gained more ES going with nodes like Foresight and Arcane Focus (the former bringing a boatload of ES for just two nodes). This hero does lack in damage so you kind of need all you can get from the tree, but you can't deal damage when you're deal. Admittedly it all comes down to play style but high tier mapping has taught me that 5k life and 7k ES just doesn't work for me. I can run things fine, but eventually, something big will hit and you'll die. But then I always run heavily alched and chiseled maps because blue or white maps, even T16 are boring as hell and I like having 40% more pack size or 140% IQ ;) Deliver pain exquisite Last edited by ultratiem#0592 on Oct 5, 2016, 11:45:00 PM
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" Yeah I know of the amulet but I didn't know it was unique. That takes care of the signet problem, though I still don't feel percentage will out perform 120 raw int. I have no doubt you'd get more damage from the greatwolf, and you may actually even get on par with int or maybe a tad more, but damn for 200 ex to get like 2% more of something seems ludicrous. I'm all for min maxing but after a point you're just spinning your wheels. And then GGG will come along and nerf something and buy buy build. My WI Scion was gutted with the drop to her leech capabilities. Like so much time and currency invested. Thank goodness I could use most of her equipment but still it sucks to have leveled her up to 97 and then poof, need to abandon her for a rerolled Templar ;-; Deliver pain exquisite
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The jewel socket down and to the left of devotion overlaps two strength nodes with the jewel above it. So its 5 points and gives 64 Int and 16% armour. It provides another 20 Int if you are pathing down to unwavering stance which we've agreed is best for those who don't have skyforth.
Now say that you do have skyforth and are spending regrets and wondering if you should also respec out of that socket the simple task is to find an option better then 5 points for 64 Int and 16% armour. The path down from ghost reaver and using your jewel takes 4 points and gives 52 Int. Thats about the same in terms of per point value so the main comparison is the extra mod to 16% armour. For me to choose that jewel socket over the easy brute force solution socket that was already picked up when unwavering was needed I would just compare every jewel that has a double Int roll and see if the third stat was better then 16% armour which good spell damage/cast speed or %increased ES could be. After getting skyforth and depending on what they happen to find in the market I trust people to be able to figure out for themselves if the jewel is good enough to make that change. I prefer armour over faster ES recharge rate as my damage is high enough that there has never been a time where my recharge had enough time to trigger that I wasn't back up to full from the leech. I guess I can see people wanting to try that if their damage was low. I'm not sure how you are going from harrier to unwavering stance. Harrier is away from unwavering stance from the scion starting point. Getting Int is good because its hybrid. Its not better ES then an ES node and its not better damage then a damage node but 2 Int nodes is better ES and damage then 1 of each ES and damage, even if those are high value nodes. Really the only reason to go for pure ES or damage nodes were if you felt your damage or ES was high enough that you don't want to increase that one anymore and focus just on getting the other higher Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Oct 6, 2016, 12:43:21 AM
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What are some leveling tips you guys have? What links are most important? What items to go for first? When to start with auras?
I have about 100c to spend on this build. |
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