Medallion, Event 115: One Hour Solo

Last edited by EchoesinEternity#7724 on Jun 1, 2024, 1:17:13 AM
well, i sure regret not picking up those waypoints... that rollback put me from upper prison back to ledge. hahaha.
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"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
Seeley wrote:
Got plenty of those failed to join instance, or failed to crate instance bug (w/e it's called) this race. I never get them normally. Haven't seen that one for years.

Really strange indeed! That happened to me also much in this race. Hope it was just for this race and wont happen in next ones.

glad I died to hailrake with bad ping instead of enduring these horrors
Glad I checked this thread, I thought my connection was screwy since failed to join never happened to me before and I was lagging a bit earlier in the day.
IGN: Emfx
Got the 'failed to join any instances' message as well. I know GGG probably has all hands on the upcoming expansion deck, but I do hope this was a one-off issue, and the upcoming 48hr race will go much smoother :)
IGN: Avlee

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