Concerns related to the Russian merge

What about the real concerns?

You say players that log in with the russian gateway will be put into a russian speaking chat by default. But what will guarante that there will stay there? Are chat rules that punish abuse of russian language and cyrilic letters in non-russian chats?

What about player names? Are you able to create names with cyrilic letters? This can cause really big communication problems, also there would be the posibillity to impersonate other players by using cyrilics letter.

I don't care about Alt Arts and MTX. I think it is fair that people that achieve or purchased those in the past can keep them. It is a little bit sad for people that purchased them on the Stnadard realm, but it is the same with legacy uniques.
Dissolator wrote:
Wow, so many shellfish whiners, who don't fully understand whole situation in all it's aspects but blaming GGG's weighted decisions...

Now i'm actually more considiring to buy upcoming supporter pack! :)
The difference between earning 1000 points and 600 points is significant, especially when you actually have competition unlike on the Garena servers.

Its a horrible decision, its not selfish at all. Players are being fucked all the way around, the only ones calling it selfish are the ones who dont have anything.

This is no different from how badly they fucked over all legacy crit multiplier items.

Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
"It'll be fine guys"
Last edited by Ennui#4765 on Aug 3, 2016, 9:19:22 PM
So what Demigod's are safe from the inevitable crash? Just Presence, Touch and Stride?

Also, WTB Alt Art Reaper's Pursuit - 5 Ex Kappa
Last edited by GNeiva#4113 on Aug 2, 2016, 9:30:16 PM
Radikcdn wrote:


You seem well informed on the problems that exist heavily on Russian servers.
We're talking scamming, botting, credit card fraud, all the rest.

Your user base... The ones that funded GGG to where it's at now are saying no to this.

We're also well aware as aging gamers. No amount of PR could convince me Russian players
are good for path. I've just played to many games at this point.

The alt art issues are huge. We have no idea what integrity issues as far as dupes and the like
have happend on those servers. We have no idea. With our realms we do, as we follow those events.

I vote no.. I have put in about $3,000 to GGG under two accounts since the start.
Not like that matters but I only mention it because i'm no just some troll.

I do care and have invested.. I vote a hard no. Fire up some instances somewhere in the cloud
and move the base to that.


Speak for yourself, not for entire user base. I completely disagree with you and I'm one of many people who funded GGG too, since original Closed Beta, i participated in many events and got some very rare alt.arts here, and also i'm Russian, but i don't played on Garena. Still, i find that GGG's way to handle this is not ideal, but best possible.
Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Aug 2, 2016, 9:38:48 PM
Disclaimer:I don´t even know why people play standard - I only play leagues on and off since Domination (when I discovered the game) and I´ve done like 3 Races in my whole time playing.

One of the only things I agree on in this post is the statement that we should have the opportunity to aquire the MTX the Russians only had access to - and vice versa.

I always looked at the "alternate art" as a kind of joke? Reading all this since the merge was made public makes me laugh out loud because I never knew alt arts were a thing for apparently so many. Now reading about it makes me want to cry. Seriously you guys want to stop playing a game because there are now what 200 More XYZ colored axes. Imagine GGG published a new weapon type that looks cooler than any of your alt arts - what you´re gonna do about that? quit the game because of new good looking content?
And as someone also already mentioned, imagine if you had to merge to the russians -
"Ah ehrm sry - you can´t keep your Alt arts, exclusive MTX and oh that Pet - yeah well russians hate Scorpions we´ll have to delete it." Because that is what your ideal version of the "merge" would be reading through this post and some reddit bs lately. EDIT: Beautiful quote right here
Ennui wrote:
Your servers got shutdown time to make a new account and start over with the same rules as everyone here.
- Yeah sure - please place your Headhunter and other valuable things inside this shredder and draw a number.

They have exclusive stuff - if they earned it while staying 20 days awake for races or 30 days...they earned it.
This merge is just a change in the market whitch only influences "rich people in standard" - as already mentioned in here "If you collect items for the sake of collecting them there is no difference" Everyone else in here sounds like some Flipper who is pissed off because he won´t make XYZ Profit. Remember when you paid e.g 1 Ex for Maligaros - now you pay ~5c...POE economy changes and you lost your gamble :)
Ennui wrote:
Im not trying to be rude but everyone keeps asking the wrong questions in my opinion. The real question here is "Why did GGG Take these people in?"

And to all the people who say russians are **i* for the community - you might aswell leave.
I wrote something here for you aswell but I figured "these people" is already enough explanation - I hope that you belong to a minority of POE players.
Ennui wrote:
Im not trying to be rude or disrespectful
Oh I see you only want to take everything away from the russian players and keep the stuff to yourself - In no way shape or form is that disrespectful, agreed.
Ennui wrote:
But I know GGG is a amazing company and will try to make as many people as possible happy I just hope you can make the right choices in the long run.

Let´s count up russian playerbase versus alt art items owners on international Servers that are being influenced. I think they already made as many people as possible happy - if I am not heavily mistaken.
TLDR: GGG - Nice decisions - Everyone hating the russians please uninstall (as you already did judging from what most of you are writing).

2 Eternals to the person in Standard which deletes all alt art items!
/grabs Temporary League Popcorn

EDIT: After reading more and more I feel like just deleting everything I wrote up as you guys make me lose faith in what I once thought was a mostly friendly community. How can you be so ignorant, racist and other stuff I don´t know in english because of some MTX/Alt arts in a videogame.
I won´t keep on reading this "Nice Forum Post".

Please GGG do not give in to such people!
Last edited by Transom#2629 on Aug 2, 2016, 9:58:26 PM
Thanks for handling an international server merge in multiplayer game like this decently for the side getting closed down. Not many companies handle it very well and the other side usually gets shafted. Putting them on their own server is just completely unreasonable for the future of their playerbase and the continued health of PoE as a whole. Given that PoE is suppose to have a mature player base, I'm honestly shocked that so many people here have such short-sighted opinions on how this should go down. A bigger playerbase is always better for a multiplayer game like this, trying to segregate them for selfish reasons is completely absurd and short-sighted. A game lives on through it's community, trying to shaft as many people as possible isn't good for the health of the game. If Chris himself gives his assurance that the majority of stuff was earned fair enough on the other server, no one here is in any position to claim that he's wrong without some very substantial proof to back it up. If anything, the Russian server is less likely to have had economy breaking stuff happen in it, considering that it's always had actual protection when it comes to bots and stuff in contrast to our server which hasn't. Not to mention there's definitely way more dupe-exploits/whathaveyou that have happened on our own turf considering our base has been out longer. I know I've personally discovered a few and sent the information to GGG for them to fix. Maybe we should just wipe EVERYTHING for 2.4 now that all these exploits have been fixed on our servers, so we can all get a fair start, eh?

As for the alt-art economy, this is a foolish argument to begin with. The economy changes constantly in PoE, it's a dynamic game with dynamic systems, the value of things changes all the time; trying to apply this arguement's logic to any other changes is a disaster for the game. As for achievement, more of a different version of something existing doesn't invalidate your own achievements. Claiming that them racing for items is any less of an achievement than you racing for items is absurd. More-so the claim that a more novice playerbase racing against other novices in the same playerbase invalidates the achievement of their competition somehow.

Seriously guys, grow up. 14 year old teenagers in anime MMOs legitimately have better attitudes about this kind of thing. Aren't we suppose to be more mature and not racist as possible? I've never been more happy about supporting a company that takes care of it's player base and improves it's product as much as GGG does. And yes, I say all this as someone who has raced for (and obtained) one-time only stuff before, since that's apparently the only way for your opinion to be valid in this discussion.
The issue here is why is "getting shafted" as you so eloquently put, a bad thing? Thats life shit happens like this and you have to deal with it. AS my boy Jean-Luc said "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness, that is life." People think you always have to win or you always have to get something just because you got "shafted". It happens and you learn to deal with it you dont get a reward because something bad happened.
Last edited by Ennui#4765 on Aug 2, 2016, 9:57:53 PM
This is good.

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