Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

Great, that Prophecies will become part of the core game!

But one important thing to mention : Don't stop developping prophecies and move with all of your ressources to the next addon, once the league ends. There is a lot of potential to add more fated uniques or add new types of prophecy chains.

It would be a shame if once again a great idea is left unpolished, like the threshold-jewels or vaal-gems.

Coal48 wrote:
I haven't reached merciless yet in prophecy, only started playing in it recently, silver coin drop rate seems perfect to me, it's quite the bummer it will be nerfed

reach of the council doesn't sound much more powerful than lioneye's glare, a little bit more damage but less attack speed, lioneye's as hits can't be evaded, while council as 4 additional arrows plus reduced projectile speed, it's not that much better, I don't understand why you want to nerf it

It's way more powerful than lioneye's. You get a free gmp on all your skills AND it doesn't have a damage penalty associated with GMP?

Accuracy, especially at this point in time, is not a problem for bow builds at all. Now if we're back in open beta, where harbingers don't exist and crit on bows is hard as hell to get, then yeah... lioneye's is op. Even Kripp said it :p
Seriously, what's wrong with you people. Do you realize this will only further fuck up in game economy? Not adding more currency/item sink but more ways to get rich? 5L item prophecy cost what? like 25 chaos? Why the fuck to have Vorici then? Who would want to pay 150 fusings instead? It's just one example, but there will be more.
Bullshit makes the flowers grow
Bravo! Yay! Woot-Woot-Woot! Aaalllllrrrriiiigggghhhhttt!!!!! Well done GGG!

Is there any chance of backtracking and incorporating Perandus and Talismen as well? Think of the multidimensional aspects . . . silver coins and actual gold as well as currency and the potential/necessity to travel to specific realms in search of certain items, deemed a priority, by the player, for a player's particular build approach. "I need that particular talisman and then I should run Perandus until I am offered the exact item I need to complete my build."

Is there a possible economic aspect revealing itself here? As the appearance of the Silver Coin becomes less common won't that make the currency/trading value of coins rise? Players who have played in the Prophecy league since day one and have amassed a large stockpile of excess coins are positioned to make a tidy profit. Just a thought.

Anyhow, thank you for bringing Prophecy into the fold.

Afterthought: Political and economic ramifications and the endless aspects debates aside, I honestly believe this was a wise and healthy move GGG has made for the ongoing well being of Path of Exile. As long as the game continues to expand and grow it will continue to thrive.

edit: added Afterthought
Last edited by DemBlues#4098 on Aug 10, 2016, 3:43:14 AM
grepman wrote:
Ageless_Emperion wrote:
grepman wrote:

Also, think of it this way - making coins rarer can also make them more valuable and make GGG enable rarer prophecies more often.

Dude I don't know if its like a reading comprehension issue on your part or something but that is the point I made with my posts...

Coins can be rare if sub-par prophecies are removed.

If they keep all the junk then coins shouldn't be rare.

I can't spell it out more clearly than that.
"removing 'subpar' prophecies" is not the same thing as making very rare prophecies a bit less rare. we arent talking about the same thing. Lets say instead of a one in 15k chance you now have 1 in 2k chance for a super rare prophexy. You still need 'subpar' prophecies to the tune of 1999 of them yeah? (depending on your criteria for subpar, etc etc number can be different)
proportionally it will be about the same.

Prophecy, just like divcards, aren't really meant for you to get better odds of getting something amazing than actual drops.

Regarding your first point, the method is different, the concept is the same. Whatever you decide to call it the probabilities need to be adjusted accordingly. Let the developers decide how they'll do it.

Prophecies like div cards are a "deterministic" means of acquiring items, their whole point of existing is to let you get loot without hoping for a 1/large number chance of it happening. You kind of misunderstood why they exist.

Coal48 wrote:
I haven't reached merciless yet in prophecy, only started playing in it recently, silver coin drop rate seems perfect to me, it's quite the bummer it will be nerfed

reach of the council doesn't sound much more powerful than lioneye's glare, a little bit more damage but less attack speed, lioneye's as hits can't be evaded, while council as 4 additional arrows plus reduced projectile speed, it's not that much better, I don't understand why you want to nerf it

They are clamoring for it to get nerfed because it infringes on the 0.001%s' grip on the dps market with their crafted crit shit. Its not like there is an actual market for those items, anyone who can afford them has them, anyone who does not hate that they exist. Its pathetic and self serving.
~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
Last edited by Ageless_Emperion#2844 on Aug 10, 2016, 3:29:34 AM
hm not too happy about this :/ I only activated prophecies like twice because they disturb the flow of the game too much for me, now it'll always feel like I'm missing out on something... this might honestly be a game breaker for me
Alleluia !!!
I promise if you guys did a poll on how many people wanted this league to roll into the core game, it would not be here #bringbacktalisman
Hype! I like it!!!!
This is best PoE content update since beginning of PoE.

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