[2.6] Explosive Arrow Pathfinder W/Videos -HC Endgame Mapping, Grandmasters, T16 Guardian Guides

dingis wrote:
SleepingMarine wrote:
I dont think the attack projectile damage on your gloves will work for ea

Explosive Arrow's blast damage does scale with projectile damage! You can see this from just simple Google-ing and the passive tree from this build guide. His build spends few projectile damage nodes instead of other stuffs.

Also, you can get permanent 8% movement speed and elemental status immunity at low life from the champion tree. However, I think flask utilization and the boss fights (because of the 20% elemental ailments chance, igniting bosses are much easier) are absolutely better with pathfinder ascendancy nodes.

The gloves say projectile ATTACK damage. Explosion is not an attack so it doesn't work. If it did I would have grabbed iron grip a long time ago.

If you like champion by all means go ahead and play it though. I still like pathfinder better because of higher movement speed, higher ignite chance, status immunity, etc. And my guardian kill guides were all also without dying sun, opal rings, ngamhu tiki, dual curse, level 21 ea (they were with gear from prophecy hc that I never changed).

You should only need 1 empower 4, having it for aoe clear is unnecessary.

Okay, so here's where I'm at


I've saved up enough to grab a lvl 4 empower soon, but I've never run pathfinder before (having dying sun up so much).
I want to use 1 6L for general clearing then switching out a few gems for bosses.

Assuming access to any gems and flasks, is this the right way to go?
EA, Less Dur, Inc AoE, Fire Pen, GMP, Emp 4 ---- switching in slower proj, ignite, and life leech if needed

I'm questioning how ya'll go about leech? I use Warlord's Mark as part of my COH setup. I'm thinking about using these gloves for bosses.


I think for guardians and whatnot my gems would change to following:
6l link - EA, less dur, Ignite, Fire Pen, Slower Proj, Life Leech
glove link - Frenzy, GMP (or culling strike), flammability, COH

Does all of this seem correct?

You have a dying sun, so you can go with a fire leech rearguard instead of +1 arrow. leech boots work as well. Some people using dying sun instead of gmp and just have the single target setup for both. I would recommend you either do that or do the weapon swap, it's faster then switching out gems to just press a button and have the correct gem set up. Switch the button to weapon swap to something convienient, mtx the 2 bows differently should be easy enough to do. And you don't need a second 6link for aoe clear, a 5link would do.

The problem with your skill setup for single target is you're missing conc effect which is the highest double dip damage you can get. You can run life leech on a seperate gmp arrow set up for general cllear though. For single target you want all the multipliers you can get. You need 2 blue (ignite and conc) 1 g (EA) 1 red (fire pen) 1 red (empower4/less duration) 1 green/red (slower proj/empower4/less duration).

Thanks for another great response. Pathfinder just gives so much flexibility that it's hard to see what's best.
I think I'm going to try that single target setup and always use dying sun. I'll keep inc aoe on me incase aoe feels small for clearing.

I still like warlord's mark and blood rage for clearing. I may switch my gems around and pickup a second devotos with frenzy, coh, ele weakness, flammability for stuff like guardians. .2 leech doesn't seem like enough for bosses, especially if I'm trying to frenzy curse without +1 arrow. I could be wrong though.
IGN: dwreckedarc
I wanna go elementalist ea this time around. Is there anything that i should change if i go elementalist gear wise? Is rearguard still worth it?
How much life regen should you have? And why do i only have 7k life?

(look at PlebGoesEA)
Last edited by Anavels#1532 on Dec 17, 2016, 4:30:19 PM
Anavels wrote:
How much life regen should you have? And why do i only have 7k life?

(look at PlebGoesEA)

You still have 40% life left on the tree to take and levels give a good amount of life too.
IGN: Forgers
Feel free to pm.
Hi Thanks for the great guide but I am confuse on the leveling process.

I watched the video and he says level up using the "Elemental Bow Build", I have no idea what does this mean.

Currently I have a "Storm CLoud Long Bow" and a basic "Quill Rain Bow", can someone tell me what I should be leveling with and what skills as alot my damage is starting to fall off and takes a long time to kill the monsters.

Do I need to find gear with elemental damage while leveling up or I can use the basic projectile spells like split shot and Tornado Shot until explosive shot?

Also should I be using Lightning arrows untill I can use Sharpnel.

Thanks in advance.
Why vinktars? Is the shock really worth it?
twss180 wrote:
Hi Thanks for the great guide but I am confuse on the leveling process.

I watched the video and he says level up using the "Elemental Bow Build", I have no idea what does this mean.

Currently I have a "Storm CLoud Long Bow" and a basic "Quill Rain Bow", can someone tell me what I should be leveling with and what skills as alot my damage is starting to fall off and takes a long time to kill the monsters.

Do I need to find gear with elemental damage while leveling up or I can use the basic projectile spells like split shot and Tornado Shot until explosive shot?

Also should I be using Lightning arrows untill I can use Sharpnel.

Thanks in advance.

Use this guide for leveling:

I leveled like that, up until he says "Get doomfletch prism". I didn't feel like dropping 10-15c on a leveling item. I used doomfletch all the way till like 45-50 when I transitioned to EA.
Anavels wrote:
Why vinktars? Is the shock really worth it?

Yeah, shock is amazing vs thrash. Like 50% more damage or so.

VS Bosses it's not really worth it, since you can't sustain it. You can use lightning trap for that.
do you have any trouble with breach ?
i'm currently 68, everytimes i open it, i must run out the circle then shoot in

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