Essence Metamod Crafting

TreeOfDead wrote:

So, we just get another "coins" and another rng time wasting + scam material to make rich ppl more richer faster, bcs its gonna be high speculated currency.

TreeOfDead wrote:

so much tired from trading bullshit

Play SSF if you dont like trading?
Being a successful trader does not imply scamming or otherwise bad behaviour. And yes there are people getting rich via scamming. But being rich does not imply scamming.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Haanns wrote:
Well there goes any motivation for me to do more crafting than outside of using masters.

I was really excited by the thought of a "Crafting League" where it would be possible for the non elite to craft awesome items. Currently using exalts to add mods for me is a no no because its too expensive for me to risk my currency. This new Essence League had added a whole new level of excitement not only for me but the silent majority.

I find using the excuse that powerful items will be too readily available to be a weak reason to nerf Essences. The elite few always corner the market in powerful items anyway, so by having crafting allow more to be made, would make the non elite able to compete. Also using people in standard will be butthurt is also not a good reason in my eyes as GGG have always said their main focus is on moving the game forward not stagnating it due to the standard league

The leagues are 3 months long and many people only play these, so by making crafting more accessible would have been great. Now i find myself about to go into another league where i can play the whole 3 months without using the awesome new "ESSENCE" feature because it is no longer awesome.

I feel this is an opportunity lost. Perandus with all of the uniques readily available was one of the best leagues in recent memory, precisely due to the fact that the uniques normally out of peoples reach became obtainable for all. Did it upset people? Sure it did. The very vocal minority that couldnt make currency off of uniques.

This Essence League was billed as all about making crafting accessible for all with a bold new mechanic. If it didn't work or was too powerful then not rolling into permanent or watering it down afterwards (like all the other leagues mechanics rolled into core game) would have been seen as the norm.

By nerfing the mechanic before the league even started because the player base got excited is a real shame. I think the person before me said it best

> Fun detected!
> Fun denied.

+1 to this

just another nerf of funn mechanic, as always in every league if mechanic disturb their full random system they nerm it.
CliveHowlitzer wrote:
Isn't this just one more situation where something doesn't apply 'just because' without any in-game explanation for those who don't check outside sources? I know that doesn't apply to most people but I am sure there are those who just play the game and would be in the dark regarding these sorts of situations since there is never anything in-game explaining that particular things don't work in certain situations even though they function normally in all others.

Difficulty through obfuscation. One of PoE's core features.
Zrevnur wrote:
TreeOfDead wrote:

So, we just get another "coins" and another rng time wasting + scam material to make rich ppl more richer faster, bcs its gonna be high speculated currency.

TreeOfDead wrote:

so much tired from trading bullshit

Play SSF if you dont like trading?
Being a successful trader does not imply scamming or otherwise bad behaviour. And yes there are people getting rich via scamming. But being rich does not imply scamming.

One small problem, SSF not help me get mirror worthy gear or close to it, SSF not help me make 6 link items that i need to my build, SSF not help me farm 9999 gorge to level up characters, ETC.
Sure you can say that i dont need any of there, but that means i wont do half or more content at all, i dont like skip content. Core malachai? Skip! Uber Lab NON jugg or NON miner bladefall? Skip! Uber atziri and farm her 50 time per day? Never! And many more things will be slower and impossible, so thats worst suggestion and not real option at all.

SSF would be possible if essence gave us easy access to mirror worthy gear, only then SSF should be fun and real, where you could do same content as if you trade, but not wasting time on trading at all.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Aug 22, 2016, 6:36:19 AM
Exzir wrote:
A simpler solution would might have been once an essence is used it wipes out the masters mod and is replaced with the essence roll.

So you would get that meta mod only once. If you tried to apply the crafting mod again it would say you already have this type of mod...

Or similar: Simply make it impossible to craft metamods onto items with 1+ essences.
This would also be consistent with the goals in the first post:
1) Essences can be reapplied like chaos orbs.
2) It is difficult or impossible (depending on how exactly the affix adding scheme works which I do not know) to craft more than 1 essence onto an item.
One thing I do not like about it is that it is still major power creep.

Not 100% sure though. I may be missing some tricky scheme or something...
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Chris wrote:
At the end of the day, this master metamod Essence crafting was something that less than 1% of our players will be wealthy enough to attempt, but would dramatically affect the rare item economy for everyone. Essences already apply a large boost to the potential of rare item crafting, so we feel that this particular case was a bit too far in the direction of "the rich get richer".

Force us to have to spend 1000s of Essences to get a really good craft. Now without metacrafting, it is just a gamble and only the richest players will have enough currency to get items worth using instead of BIS uniques. Players who can't craft on that insane level rather sell their essences, enabling the rich players to do it.
This sort of thing is only available to the top 0.1% of the playerbase. Exactly what you dont want "the rich get richer" Chris. And as always i will never get that lucky craft as usual Chris.

Thanks for my shittiest RNG that worse than anyone. Not sarcasm or lie, my RNG much worse then bot RNG, it should be fixed so at least i could play normally.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
To the vast majority of the playerbase, the cost of using one of those metamods is not low. Most of us don't have exalts coming out of our ears. I feel like this is once again balancing around the 1% of the playerbase at the top instead of allowing the community at-large the ability to potentially get something powerful.
Do I understand it correctly ?

You call Essence spamming ( a slot machine with 1 fixed slot ) crafting since you removed any way to actually craft.

I would prefer to gain access to a slot machine in my hideout over calling this crafting - hey how did you craft this opop item ? "I Essence spammed it - what else...".


<sarcasm>For sure this will benefit the players who do not play 1000 hours per league</sarcasm>
The other way around actually would have made crafting worthwhile for the non rich / no lifers - if spending 3 exalted orbs would yield something at least remotely useful people might actually dare to spend that much currency into crafting for once. Now you turned all "normal" players into Essence dealers for the top 1% no lifer / rich / virtual businessman.

- Love the game but not everything is great. Even though I agree master crafting might have been extremly powerful without restrictions this change makes Essences almost pointless imho ( I assume as many players will get a GG item on their own as did in Talisman - not too many ).
When Chuck Norris plays PoE masters do his missions
Last edited by AdFinitum#3969 on Aug 22, 2016, 7:36:30 AM
I Love GGG for their transparency :) great work as always!
AdFinitum wrote:
Do I understand it correctly ?

You call Essence spamming ( a slot machine with 1 fixed slot ) crafting since you removed any way to actually craft.

I would prefer to gain access to a slot machine in my hideout over calling this crafting - hey how did you craft this opop item ? "I Essence spammed it - what else...".


<sarcasm>For sure this will benefit the players who do not play 1000 hours per league</sarcasm>
The other way around actually would have made crafting worthwhile for the non rich / no lifers - if spending 3 exalted orbs would yield something at least remotely useful people might actually dare to spend that much currency into crafting for once. Now you turned all "normal" players into Essence dealers for the top 1% no lifer / rich / market manipulators.

- Love the game but not everything is great. Even though I agree master crafting might have been extremly powerful without restrictions this change makes Essences almost pointless imho. Just another toy for the top 1%...

My words, thats what they gonna do and call it "dont wanna make rich ppl richer" excuse.
I wish i could craft something myself, trading become more and more mandatory after each league.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead

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