Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes
I would love to see a somewhat accurate data on how many players will be returning to poe after this shitstorm lmao
Give me a fuckin beta already fss..
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Path of projectile spam....
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" So you guys were doing like 1million plus damage? So your still doing 200k+ now? Or was it 2mil + ? More then enough. |
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" And the post on reddit states: " This does not mean that after spell 1 is a 500ms cooldown, but rather spell 1 will not be casted again for 500ms. Spell 2 will be casted asap after Spell 1 , means at the next crit, and has its own 500ms cooldown. Same with Spell 3 to a theoretical maximum of 4 spells linked to CoC. Source: Maybe i just rephrased what you meant, i'm not really sure :P Last edited by Boredom111#0074 on Aug 31, 2016, 7:09:12 PM
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" I 100% agree. There is a lot of anger and hostility, and entitlement as you so well put it, floating around this thread. I don't think you and I really disagree about anything fundamental. CoC was too powerful, and now it is normally-powered. I personally think it works out to be less effective than self-casting, but only marginally so and maybe with some crafty build strategies it can be made more useful than SC. Last edited by thurmack#0592 on Aug 31, 2016, 7:05:49 PM
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aww did kastmar finally go to sleep :( he was my favorite incessantly whining CoC boi
GitGud, GitNerfed, Repeat.
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I was excited for Atlas of worlds until I read these patch notes.
Theres certainly some cool stuff in here. I was rather excited about the particle system and multi-threading improvements. specifically because using Mjolnir and Cast on Crit was challenging because you had to make sure you didn't cause yourself to disconnect. It would have been nice to see that fixed. However, instead of trying to address the actual problem, perhaps by figuring out a way to reduce the computation and data transfer with some intelligent programming, they decided to COMPLETELY GUT the trigger system. The trigger system was one of my favorite parts of the game, that I was really hoping they would eventually expand upon. Instead they've nerfed them into oblivion. THe one saving grace of this Half second cool down, was that it seemed like it would make a CoC Discharge build possible, since the hard cool down would allow time for charge generation, but they nerfed discharge's damage by 35% specifically when triggered... Honestly, I was getting bored of PoE, and felt I might not be playing it much anymore. I was reinvigorated by seeing Essence and Atlas of worlds, expanding the end game map system, and finally expanding the currency / crafting system in an interesting way. They ruined one of my favorite build styles though. No new skills. No new supports. 10 new uniques for me, for all intents and purposes, because I doubt I can reach and compete with the very end game content to have a chance to get the other 12 uniques. 6000+ hours in, and I was excited again to play, only to have that excitement ripped from me... Performance issues... what a shit excuse. I remember when Desync was a big problem, and GGG kept saying over and over how it was a problem they couldn't fix. When in reality they just wouldn't put in the effort required to resolve the issue, as proven by the implementation of Lockstep and the major debugging they did to predictive. Once again they've taken the lazy approach and decided to gut an awesome part of the game because they couldn't spend the time or energy to think of a real solution to the problem. I donno, I was going to buy a supportor pack this time around again... I don't think I'm going to now. I just want GGG to understand that. |
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" " So, here's the problem: These two statements contradict each other. Either the CoC-gem has an internal cooldown of 500ms, which is what the patch notes suggest in my opinion, or gems linked to it get an individual cooldown of 500ms, which is what the reddit post implies from your point of view. This needs to be made clear by GGG in some way shape or form, because either the phrasing is misleading, or one of the two statements is simply false. I mean, regardless CoC will still be pretty strong, let alone much more mana-effective than most selfcast-builds with similar dps. But we'll see how things work out. [quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.
But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote] Mors edited this post first. |
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I love the taste of interwebs tears when something they abused gets taken from them...
YES! YES! Feed me your sweet, delicious sorrow. "I'm never playing again because my broken character got nerfed." says the false fan in True Fan's clothing. Just play and enjoy the thought of rebuilding a character around the new implements. Good job GGG on making a game that YOU feel is appropriate to your style of game. Keep up the good work guys. Look forward to seeing the changes in action. |
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"I'm not sleeping.. I'm at work. ;-) |
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