Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

LBJames wrote:
1. Can you add a more obvious aoe effect to sweep?
2. Can you let Lightning Strike bypass obstacles please?

This please!
Well,90 of vslue of my acc - coc they are useless. Ggwp. Fuck this patch and fuck new tabs i wanted to buy for league -_-
GGG just destroyed coc. Its not nerf, nobody now will use it,what the point? Great work.
good bye my old friend
As expected Earthquake nerfed, melee changes are neglible and revolve to miniscule more dmg buffs. Ok GGG, maybe next patch playing melee won't be a submission to being at the bottom of the food chain...

Bladefall trappers - can't tell whether they're screwed or not will need to see how it affetcs the actual map clearing and boss killing after patch deploys.

Blade Vortex - that's just mean GGG. I mean with BV you need to hug enemy which given all the damage spikes in the game isn't exactly a carefree task. We gonna see, maybe it's not gonna be that bad. That being said, visually -10 for sexiness (20BV doesn't look as good as 50BV :C)

I've never got arround to build Mjolner character, shame really :(

Conflux change hinders EA viability as a higher tier map farmer, no?

I'm disappointed with no summoner changes. If you don't want to make AI less stupid or more controllable then atleast remove CD on Convocation - you can take away that garbage healing factor in return if that makes you happy...


Ehhh, another league, another summoner or totemer (cheap and safe to get going in HC)...

Can't decide between Flame totems, RF totems, Facebreaker totems, Spectre+Zombie summoner... or maybe Essence Drain+Contagion? What are your league starters?
Last edited by Marrond#4432 on Aug 31, 2016, 5:56:01 AM
Great changes btw when do we get to see the changes to the passive tree?
"Reach of the Council: Its added damage has been lowered from (25-40 to 100-115) to (15-30 to 70-95). Its local increased physical damage has been reduced from (50%-70%) to (40%-50%). Given the large number of additional projectiles this bow provides, it doesn't need the incredibly large damage bonus. It essentially has a built-in GMP which you could use a damage support in place of."

Damage. Damage everywhere, Exile...

But seriously I don't want to use a "free" damage gem. I want to use GMP with Reach built-in GMP to get 11 arrows tornado shot. No one thinks in that direction. Saddly.
E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
Yagamai wrote:
Everyone complaining about the nerfs was abusing the shit out of these skills... The nerfs are much and IMO CoC is still not nerfed enough.

LOL what? Not nerfed enough? CoC is now a shit tier skill, making it any worse would be the same as removing the skill entirely.
nice patch, bladefall mines almost the same, melee got worse, ranged are untouched. ranger league inc
Bex_GGG wrote:

"bla bla bla... This is a buff."

I love you bex <3
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
Bex_GGG wrote:
With the wide-ranging melee buffs and adjustment to Earthquake, we expect to see a much more balanced use of melee skills.

Umm, with wide range spell buffs and monster life increases, frankly, I don't expect many melee builds in the first place, considering that the primary reason why melee was understood as Earthquake only still is there.

Bex_GGG wrote:
Blade Vortex now has a stack limit of 20 (down from 50). It now deals 63% more damage at level 20.

So this is a 53% damage nerf. RIP Lawnmower.

Bex_GGG wrote:
Vaal Molten Shell now causes an explosion when it prevents any physical damage, rather than when it takes any hit.

Please, it's already dead. Stop!

Bex_GGG wrote:
The chance of finding a Unique Strongbox has been doubled again.

Doesn't matter how many times you double the number 0, it will always be 0! :^)

Good to see Elementalist nerfs at long last but this type of 'balancing' will quickly move on to next best thing. You're not selling champion skins like Riot games and this can, and likely will, hurt the game. Melee looks like it is heading back to pre-2.0 days again and it is rather disheartening. Earthquake was too strong compared to every other melee skill, yet it was the only melee skill capable of even getting competing with top spells. Nerfing the class, items, skill itself and it's supporting gems all together in one patch will only make the skill feel terrible and people will not want to use it ever again.

Overall can't really be too angry or sad about the nerfs. Perhaps the overkill nerf approach is something to look at in future because we only get meaningful content updates 4 times a year. Being stuck with an ability that is complete garbage for 3, 4 or even more patches is rather... sad(and it does hurt your business directly, too).

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