Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

The only melee skill that was almost "viable" was EQ : why would you nerf it ??? it's less powerfull than ranged/bow/casters ... nice 5% buffs on other gems... really usefull...
-if I understand correctly, the changes to incinerate, making it a "channeled skill: completely destroys the build I made?

Maybe some people will help me clarify if it's the case or not, here's how it works:

1. use romira's banquet to generate power charges on non-critical strikes
2. take conviction of power from the hierophant to have 25% chance to generate endurance charges on power charges
3. incinerate cannot crit, so you always generate power charges, so on every hit, you have 25% chance to get a endurance charge
4. incinerate as a fast cast speed so you hit very often and so generate maximum endurance charges quickly
5. from there you can keep them, consume them with immortal call (which is what I do) or consume them with discharge
6. if I understand the mechanic change correctly, the build now only can generate 1 power charge when activated, and so 25% chance to get only 1 endurance charge when hitting something, even if you make multiple hits while channeling, it won't count, you need to stop and activate the skill another time to generate another charge

and if that's the case, that god damn breaks my heart, since I'm a very bad player, this build was my remedy, I guess I can still technically make it work by using a non-channeled skill but it will be vastly inferior and I cannot keep using incinerate anymore

falagar112 wrote:
You can use barrage - around same hits/second, not a channeled skill, and probably alot easier to use for a "bad" player as you called yourself - as it can offscreen and doesn't need the melee range that incinerate does.

Not to mention you don't need stun immunity with barrage.

edit: I know barrage can crit, however, the way the charge generation works, and the low base crit chance on barrage - it won't be less charges, i have a feeling you'll actually end up getting more of them simply because of how much easier it is to hit things with barrage (since it can pierce)

As for Navali:

There were act specific prophecies, not sure how that will turn out now that it's h/o only. And as far as my reading comprehension goes: you rescue her in the cliffs, and can invite her into your hideout for free (not losing a master spot) - sounds to me that you can ONLY use her in hideout to me.

thanks for the suggestion

I used faster projectiles with my incinerate build, so it wasn't melee range
I also used GMP to cover a wide area, Barrage can't do that but I'll still consider it
I didn't use unwavering stance for stun immunity, Mind over matter prevented stuns decently I think
If I were to use barrage I would simply go for resolute technique to guarantee power charge generation and not missing
A question on the frost-wall change.

Does the projectile just not collide full stop.

Or is it just not counted as an enemy.

For example lets say I play a RoTC Ice Shot build that relies on frost wall to allow it to fight single target (ice shot shotguns on the cone) would it.

A. Pass through the wall and not create any cones.
B. Collide with the wall create cones but not pierce through due to not being an enemy thus immune to pierce.
or the unlikely scenario
C. Pass through the wall and create cones due to the arrow coming in contact with a wall.
MrTeatimeYT wrote:
A question on the frost-wall change.

Does the projectile just not collide full stop.

Or is it just not counted as an enemy.

For example lets say I play a RoTC Ice Shot build that relies on frost wall to allow it to fight single target (ice shot shotguns on the cone) would it.

A. Pass through the wall and not create any cones.
B. Collide with the wall create cones but not pierce through due to not being an enemy thus immune to pierce.
or the unlikely scenario
C. Pass through the wall and create cones due to the arrow coming in contact with a wall.

No collision = no cones
[quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.

But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote]

Mors edited this post first.
ibaglaev wrote:
I don't understand mjolnier also will have cooldown or only coc gem?

Mjolnir as well, although as yet it is a secret as to what the cooldown is.

They are keeping it as a surprise.
plodd wrote:
ibaglaev wrote:
I don't understand mjolnier also will have cooldown or only coc gem?

Mjolnir as well, although as yet it is a secret as to what the cooldown is.

They are keeping it as a surprise.

TY for answer. Hope it's will working as now :)
85 pages of tears and counting.

GGG did something good for once.
Ahhhhhhh 30 more pages to read just from while i slept. This thread is so amazing :D so many limp CoCs now
GitGud, GitNerfed, Repeat.
vio wrote:
Zaludoz wrote:
In the future, to avoid a lot of rage (though not all of it), GGG might consider announcing that they "don't like" certain usage of skills/interactions, and they plan to change them in the future, even if they currently have no set plan on how.

the nerfs of the prophecy council uniques and cast on crit both were announced.

Just to clarify, (and elaborate), not to refute that those 2 things were "announced" in some way,

I mean, as soon as they know they don't intend for something to stay, they need to say something... pretty sure some of the nerfs here have been a LONG time coming, giving people more than 3-6 months (up to years) worth of time to use, build around and plan for and work towards, only to see it come crashing down here.

And when I say "announcing", they should make plainly clear that the level of power WILL NOT be like they see. They need more manifestos. They need to show where they want balance, and where things are out of balance. Even if fixes aren't known or planned... if people are given warning that "thing" is "this far" out of balance, people have an idea of what to expect will change. If they find an interaction that makes "thing" "500 x stronger" than where GGG devs want to see its power... they know something is off, and should expect a change. This would also give players a base-line to discuss the success or failure of buffs or nerfs, and they could give useful suggestions on how to reach the developer's balance goals.

This is just a request for more advanced and clear communication about the state of the game, how they see things compared to how things are... are they happy with interactions players found, or are they horrified by how out of balance they made things?

Things like Cast on Crit clearly got out of hand in their opinion. They knew they wanted to change it. In one of ziggy's recent videos, I think it was, there was even mention made by a developer that they wanted to change Cast on Crit, but didn't know how without breaking builds... but plans were in the works to make changes. I'm not sure on what the time-stamp would say on when they formally announced this.

It goes to setting player expectations. Limitless build possibilities, gear choices, skill interactions... but within "limits"... that are more like a vague feeling of this is too strong, or this does this too fast... compared to this other thing... (but that would be ok if it cost x amount of currency, or was x rare). In "Some" cases, people will not know where these limits are, and this will lead to wrong expectations. (doesn't matter how obvious it may be to some people.)

Again, personally, I'm not impacted by most of this stuff, and I'll likely never be in a position to be hurt badly, because I never get so strong that I'd get near these limits to begin with. I shouldn't say "not impacted" though... because it changes future plans. Some options become "never gonna touch that".

(One other factor to the rage is the extent of the nerfs, and the fact that several overlap... and I'm not sure the people making the changes understood the overlap... we'll just have to see how they work out in the game.)
As03 wrote:
The only melee skill that was almost "viable" was EQ : why would you nerf it ??? it's less powerfull than ranged/bow/casters ... nice 5% buffs on other gems... really usefull...
Because Ziggy using bow so EVERY1 must use only bows. All game is only about bows now.

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