2.4.0 PvP
Or, you know, as a community we could just not play hot/bears/zerphi/traps until they're fixed? Might be hard to implement, but not a bad idea ;)
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack 🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 Last edited by Ahfack#1969 on Sep 1, 2016, 2:17:56 AM
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" Are you sure we are talking about the same community? ;< |
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Fair 'nuff haha
One can dream! 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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" Shhhh. Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016 // You'd better run. “EA is fine” -relith |
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Hey gimme a spell that can deal with EA/LA and leap slamming melees along with immortal tanks and reflect tanks that isn't flameblast/blade vortex/vortex/ice storm/firestorm (don't want to play something someone has already mastered or is considered broken. I played magma orb, it sucked balls and people were still saying it was broken). By dealing with em I don't necessarily mean outright wrecking them, but at least allowing me to fucking touch em and potentially kill them. and I'll gladly step off my glass cannon bear trapper.
You guys all found comfort picks in what you like. People are still gonna play LA/EA (but I don't play rangers!), shin's gonna be shin. Ahfack/mulla/myga playing the melees that can get to casters and penetrate their tight little buttholes with no possible answer unless you 1 shot em (I've never enjoyed playing melee). Totems are crap. Not gonna play SRS... so what am I left with? I'm gonna give fireball a shot with that 50% more buff, but unless it 1 shots 10k HP, you guys can flask spam your way to my asshole and I'll still get offscreened by bow builds. You give me an idea of what SPELL (self cast) to play that doesn't suck balls and actually has the same kind of fair shot at killing shit than what most of you are playing. Good luck. Lib, firebitch, vlad, keil, jorge and rlowe are all sweeping my traps now and I lose about half my matches against them when they apply pressure. They adapted their playstyle slightly and it neutralizes most trappers. We've also got some newcomers in 3v3 CTF with 500-800 movespeed. That's also gonna take some adapting cause holy shit, that's fast. My point is YES bear traps do a retarded amount of damage. I also die to 1 lacerate wave or an accidental EA fuse or a CWDT level 1 vortex. Shit you can sneeze at me from offscreen and I'll die. Melees with that new chest actually won't die to a bear trap. Personally I think traps should fade when a character dies, that would alleviate a lot of frustration. Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708 1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847 Last edited by Simplesim45#4104 on Sep 1, 2016, 10:06:57 AM
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" This is something you've chosen to go for though. Bear trap deals such ridiculous damage you dont almost have to spec in to damage at all. Thats exactly the reason why bear is so strong, it deals lethal damage without investment which allows you to get all the defences there is |
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" We've talked about this. I built it for 3v3 and sarn. I would really like to see your bear trapper in 3v3. I might be wrong, but unless you're there to follow up with a cluster right on the target, you're not gonna 1 shot most of the players we have and that changes the strategy for everyone. Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847 |
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" Simple's bear trapper is a complete glass cannon (2k hp and no block) and still doesn't one shot me on crit, but dies from one of my stray srs. I think people need to learn how to counter bear traps, rather than qq about it's damage from glass cannons. We have one shot wonders (EA, LA, vortex) crying in CTF about bear traps. It's so hypocritical. If they bothered to sweep, they wouldn't encounter so many problems. It's playing lazy. I manage to counter him reasonable well using skeles, firestorm, and cluster traps - inching forward. This whole pathfinder meta where no one uses movement skills anymore and speeds around the arena like retards, has a counter. I don't think we should castrate it. Lapiz... I looked at the skill tree of your bear trapper and you have quite a few damage nodes invested. 19 trap nodes and 7 jewels is hardly "speccing in to no damage at all". I imagine his build does more damage than yours as well, since you invested in more defense. IGN: _Firebitch Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Sep 1, 2016, 11:48:32 AM
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I just don t get why you trappers pass your time cheesing the whole spawn lines in sarn. Player spawn and then pam dead without playing.
I don t say trolling opi build like that is not fun, but when you get to spawn already dead 3-5 time in a row it kind of hurt the whole community and give bad names to trappers. Miners seems to be more gentlemens, from what I seen they engage much more in sarn and spawn kill much less. Poe Pvp experience
https://youtu.be/Z6eg3aB_V1g?t=302 |
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" That is actually very little when it comes to hld builds. No other skill can have this few damage passives and oneshot (with all traps hitting from the cluster) 10-12k hp -.- Ok, EA can if someone is standing deliberately in a corner. The builds from simplesim and me are different sure. The defensive type with cluster traps can fight anyone head on but needs all the traps from one cluster to oneshot the 10k margin whereas simplesim cant really fight anyone head on but can 1shot most players with a single trap hit. I guess my point is that you cant really beat the tanky version with any char in a head on fight (which is often the deciding factor even in CTF games) but you can slowly gain ground by clearing the single traps vs simplesim. The tanky version runs over you because you cant kill it and it has no cooldown on the bear trap. |
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