[No longer updated] Pizza Sticks: Flameblast Totem Hierophant
" Mixture of all three with MOM and defensive curses like Temp Chain or Enfeeble will help. Using a caster shield instead of dual wielding will provide more life, es, and block chance. Last edited by Roirraw#5935 on Sep 26, 2017, 11:06:14 PM
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Last edited by meLtonho#3190 on Jan 17, 2018, 7:58:43 PM
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Thanks for the build! Seems very strong. Only tried the glacial cascade version but certainly gets stuff done!
I wanted to get some input on what people have found to be the best Major and minor god. I know the two mentioned in the original post (Lunaris + Ryslatha) but wanted to hear if people actually found those to be good?! I feel like a lot of the Lunaris tree is wasted as generally bosses are the hardest content to face, and thus it would make sense to me to run a boss which benefits vs bosses. Solaris seems a decent ish choice but many of the bosses do summon things regularly so you would lose the single unit buff a lot of the time and its useless the rest of the time which is a little disappointing. (Ive never used the crit stuff on it but that could be useful i suppose.) I feel like all the major gods have their niches but I struggling to decide which one i want to waste my divine vessels on. Brine king seems good for survivability. Although I was lucky enough to drop a taste of hate and already have a freeze immune flask so its chill + freeze stuff seems much less valuable. Perhaps the choice is arakalli by process of elimination? Although maybe it is in fact lunaris but only for the unlockable perks. Thoughts? As for minor the life flask regen seems really minor at best although the regen is a nice boost. Other choices which seems decent for the build imo are Gruthkul as physical resistance seems lacking to me atm. (although i suppose that doesnt do much vs a boss) Or ralakesh. As i spend a lot of time moving to avoid people while the totems do work so perhaps the bleed + that are worth it. although I do have a bleed reduction flask and maim is not that bad with the curse reduction rings. Cheers for peoples inputs. Atm im leaning towards Grthkul for my minor and im not sure about major!! |
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I've been using this build as my main, and am now in T5 maps with nothing but self-found gear. But there have been a few difficulties:
- Chaining projectiles. Do you have no choice other than to post totems and run as far away as you can? - Breaches. Ripped to almost every single breach so far. Is there a different spell I am supposed to have on hand when I see one? |
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This build is very good.
I like the possibility to switch skills sometimes. I tested some and at this moment I am using Fireball with Greater Multiple projectiles. All the other gems are the same as Glacial Cascade. I am using 6L Armour with the skill... It has some clear speed and hit far targets and it's clearer than Glacial Cascade, that hides the targets and I can't see well where they are. Probably Glacial Cascade is better, but I liked each one of the totems shooting 5 balls of fire very fast. I like better than Glacial Cascade. Flameblast makes me feel insecure, because I can be hit while the circles are not big enough to explode... :( I almost never die. I am 91 at the moment. But I just put 2 totems and run back as fast as possible... this is my strategy... :) I tryed the cloak with the "one more totem" (Soul Mantle), but then I realized that I got some 8 curses, all at the same time at me sometimes... so I gave up... it's not worth for sure... “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein Last edited by jacarishe#0789 on Oct 5, 2017, 4:44:53 PM
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Im using this build as my main build. I’m lvl 80 atm and I can clear T9/T10 maps but I don’t seem to get pas T11 I die a lot in maps higher than T10/11, I’m max resistances 75% + in all, I got 3,7k hp and 1k energy shield and 2.7k MP. I use a stone golum for more life regen. But nothing seems to work.
Anyone got any tips for me how to get to T15/T16 maps? With this build. ;) |
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" There is an upgrade to one of the major gods (solaris or lunaris?) that let you not taking damage from chaining projectiles. Breaches - cast speed, aoe, and totem defenses are keys. |
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" You probably would have a different opinion if you had "of warding" flasks or two kikazaru rings equipped. |
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" Assuming you are using flameblast, how did you die most of the times at tier 11 and above? |
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warchief totem is much stronger, 917k dps per totem (3 totems)
path of building pastebin: https://pastebin.com/9BZgKKQw Last edited by emulatin#5475 on Oct 7, 2017, 12:18:25 PM
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