Difficulty Levels in 3.0.0

I just hope Act 5 will gave us at least 4+ skill points, not ONE point as Act 4 super unreward and ultra boring/lame/unfun.

Also 23 skill ponts as quest reward set really high limit to what to play and what build/class to choose. If it would be 40+ skill points as quest reward class/subclass and builds would has less important and more fun. Also leveling process would be less important (even tho nerf exp ruined all points to leveling).
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Definitely looking forward to 10 acts instead of the current 12 or 15.
Gehinom wrote:
Guys, you might have misunderstood, its not a suggestion thread. Its a manifesto. They're going to remove exactly one difficulty without regards to your ideas of how the game "should" be.

Not even you skipping this league is going to help, I'm afraid.

~Not To Be Taken~
I have another proposal to make: Implent some additional form of hardmode for each difficulty, akin to the Fraction in Dark Souls 2 you can join to make the game harder or the bonfire ascetics which lets special, more difficult enemies spawn in certain areas. Or to stay in the genre, it would be like /players x command in Diablo 2. It would increase both the difficulty and the exp/loot rewards for players who are able to face tougher enemies on normalmode and therefor increase their leveling speed.

It wouldnt be like in Diablo 3 where you can just get yourself powerleveled by staying naked on the entrance of the rift, it would be a self sustained speed mode for people who are bored with the low difficulty at the beginning of the game.
Last edited by Nerkal#2084 on Nov 18, 2016, 10:06:07 AM
Important question. What happens to the passive skill points in Cruel when the reduction is made? Secondly, is the new difficulty going to have less exp loss than Merciless but not as little as Cruel? The exp loss in Merciless is just annoying. 3 plus little bars a death is too much. Personally, I wouldn't mind have extra act portions to play through. That gives ore areas to farm on more difficulties. Just whatever you do, do not implement anything from Dark Souls. That would ruin this game.
Hilldrake wrote:
I have a suggestion for difficulty progression:


Instead of repeating the game over and over through the 3 difficulties, why don't we get a progression system like this:

Act I ~ Act III = Normal Difficulty

Act IV ~ Act VI = Cruel Difficulty

Act VII ~ Act X = Merciless Difficulty


Then, instead of removing a difficulty, we can have all the 3 and make it naturally progressive through the gameplay.

• Of course the Skill Points gained through Quests should be adjusted to fit the new system properly.

• Some repeated Quests would need to be remade to 'repeat' through the 10 acts (1 quest each 3 acts) but respecting the old rewards, and this even increases the number of Quests of the game, making it more interesting.

Big. Fat. NO.
Ashriel wrote:
Very nice. When can we expect to not have to level alts to 70 through 10 grueling, mind-numbing acts just to test out a build idea?

You can already do that. It costs about 100 Orb of Regret.
Jawsome1 wrote:
Definitely looking forward to 10 acts instead of the current 12 or 15.

Current 15 acts? There is 4 acts current. So when the game will be finished it will have fifteen acts? And 3.0.0 is just act 5? So act 15 will come out in like version 9.0.0? Or am I total wrong here?
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They didn't say exactly which difficulty they're going to remove though, so what makes you guys say "R.I.P. Cruel"?
GehennamIgnis96 wrote:
They didn't say exactly which difficulty they're going to remove though, so what makes you guys say "R.I.P. Cruel"?

No idea if it was stated somewhere else (podcast, reddit, another thread), but Closed Beta was Normal, Cruel, Ruthless, Merciless. Act 3 coming out hosed Ruthless, so it seems reasonable to believe that Act 5 will hose another in the middle.
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