Difficulty Levels in 3.0.0

This is totally the awesome, I'm beyond impressed. This is an amazingly full answer to the problems of repeating content just to cover difficulty levels.

It's also an amazing amount of work. I am so very happy over this. Just waiting to see what the Fall of Oriath supporter packs look like, because I'm going to lobby my wife for budget to really reward this.
That was an awesome ******* post, looking at it with hindsight. GG GGG.
Just increase the skill cap to 200, expand the skill tree even more, and let it be.

Lames , all I see is lames which is fixing something which is not broken by breaking it and put a bit sign "fixed". This is how the recent PoE "balance change patch notes" looks like : a big hammering someone heat with 10kg hammer, then wrap it with scotch and put a note "fixed".

Picard out !
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
I tried to find something about this question, but I didn't, so :
what if I have a character level 50 in the middle of actual cruel ?
when the 3.0 will come out, where would my character land ?
back at the end of act 4 to discover act 5 ?
but wil he be able to do the new passive-point-quests? Even if I already did some passive-point-quest of ol cruel mode ?
Last edited by AaxFamily#4443 on Mar 5, 2017, 5:51:09 PM
Sexcalibure wrote:
I really hope that you consider making a closed beta testing to make sure that this reforging ends up being balanced

Lol nice signature :P
Maybe one day GGG will realize we don't like Labyrinth. ha.
Cant wait for 10 Acts to test them all

When Beta starts?
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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Apr 1, 2017, 12:28:22 PM
Chris wrote:
Next year's 3.0.0 expansion introduces Path of Exile's fifth act. Without any changes to the game's structure, the core game would consist of fifteen acts to play through across three difficulty levels before you arrive at the end-game. Clearly, this is too much and would push the end-game out too far.

We want to confirm that our plan for 3.0.0 reduces the core game to ten total acts before the end-game. Changes of this nature dramatically alter the levels that maps and other systems start at, so we need Act Five to keep character progression relatively similar.

I would like to be excused about my sharp tongue, but I believe I have to do it in order to preserve the vision about PoE with my whole ideology of 28 years of gaming carrier. If I am wrong anyway - just ignore my jibrish.

First of all PoE does NOT have End-game.
and because of this some peoples love it, some hate it.I am personally accepting it as a way to keep it expanding.

2nd : 15 acts is NOT too much ( even 50 should be not much ).
since maps game-play is a basically wondering like a fly without a head in a places where it is questionable, and while in-town there is a better chance to meet peoples and play together which will rise the chance PoE sooner or later to be took more seriously from the peoples which is looking for a way much more social-type game.

3rd : 3 difficulties levels is the way
Actually I would go much further and ask about 4th difficulty level, which is "by choice" introducing a random in-maps spawns of epic monsters even bosses, and a bosses which can have additional boss inside their rooms as a random spawn, and increasing +40% the difficulty level of the monsters across the maps.
Additionally the replay of the game on a higher difficulty is an important part of the "Diablo universe" as the old generation gamers are calling it. Turning it into a linear game will make it just "one of the rest games" without much point of it.

In addition I am calling to review my previously ideas I am regularly spamming into the forum. ;)
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Id be all for yall doing a modified version of what D3 did. After we play through every Act with a character in the current league let us start mapping on future characters from level 1. Give us special map type items that open a single portal and scale to our levels all the way to 70. Im really really tired of seeing Piety and her friends 324774354375 times a year. Or having to run Dried Lake or Docks 83573754357 times just because other areas are less efficient. Bandits can be a mod added to each map via rolling. So if you want to help Oak you need to enter lowbie maps with the other guys as bosses and kill them for a drop. Then roll a map with Oak as a boss and give him the items for your reward.
IGN: DabrixRN
Last edited by Thomasmgp#1035 on Apr 10, 2017, 5:39:14 PM
Yeah. I bet You don't see the rest of the maps for like 234903242342 time.
You've probably have seen once or twice the rest of the maps.. yeah.. riiiight.

What about the mini leagues "killing Piety 50000 times per hour for the glory of Batman" ?!

It is hard for me to accept this reply somehow as the reason against multiple levels of difficulty.

Anyway I accept the idea of mods of the main game trough items and choose the way to proceed on leveling.
For instance let me unify mine and Yours approach.

- at the end of the 1st cycle ( Normal difficulty ) the player could choose the way how to proceed further - trough replaying the whole game on the next difficulty or use some set of items ( if he found them meanwhile ) to open a portal and play some weird version of the game ( maybe even random maps with random story - which is even better for me ).
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2#7668 on Apr 11, 2017, 10:46:04 AM
just want to say i LOVE the 10 acts one playthrough thing!

it was always frustrating to go back to act 1! a really downer in motivation and fun. also knowing that you have to do the parts of the game you didnt like again was annoying!

really looking forward to the beta! just got my first lvl 85 char, so i am getting better!
definitly buying a supporter pack with a beta key!

good luck GGG

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