[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!
Guys I put barrage gems in my bow and lightning arrow gems in my vaal regalia (including incr crit chance), this doesn't change anything right?
It's because I couldn't get colors I needed on the regalia but I got them in like 1 attempt on the bow so I switched the gems colors/links bow-regalia. |
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Alright I'd like to prefix this with I haven't made it to guardians or shaper yet, I'm level 80 on the character, highest tier of map I've done is 13.
I've been looking at this build for a while since I came back to playing a couple of months ago because I really like barrage (haven't played since 2013 really) and I've had some reservations whenever I looked at your gear, as others have probably also had I'm sure. I decided I wanted to make a pathfinder as my next character a couple of days ago but didn't know what I wanted to play and I remembered this build. I was pleased to see you uploaded a video of a 5L reach killing shaper, and although you didn't show any of the gear otherwise I thought it would be worth it to try out. I bought a reach, accidentally 6 linked it in 14 fusings, bought a vinktar and some rings, and on I went. I'm coming at this from a low budget point of view, I actually sold a dying sun to buy the gear for this build (funnily enough the second time I've ever killed shaper as well.) I have like 6.7k es, I want probably 8k which I'll get when I upgrade my chest one day and that will be enough for me. So, with the rundown out of the way, I'll get to the point I want to make. After mapping for a little bit with the character, I'm enjoying it never having made a pathfinder before and I love the skill barrage. I see a lot of people posting about not being able to clear lower tier maps even. This is my gear so far.
Not the best right? I also only have 2 jewels, one being energy from within. Right before writing this I almost wiped on a map, enfeeble ele weakness residence with other damage mods on it, and it was all my fault. I agree with some other people saying there isn't enough leech outside of vinktar, but this build doesn't seem to be amazing at mapping to me, just average, which is fine. I will probably never have skyforth, I just make too many different builds when I have the currency to do it usually, but I'm ok with the power charge on crit setup for now. If you look at my profile, you'll see I haven't taken a crit wheel and a bow damage wheel, and I'm only using hatred and disc as my auras. I can clear t13s without dying relatively fine, I just know I don't have enough defenses or points in my tree to expect more right now. The point I'm trying to make is the build does work fine, even with shitty gear, so far. I assume I'll be able to kill shaper with my bow and 2 more jewels/better rings/helm enchant/+1 signal fire. I know I'll be able to kill guardians (maybe not hydra because I suck at hydra). I'm probably not going to get a dying sun again, but if I do, I'm sure I won't actually need it, but I would like to get a taste of hate especially for shaper. Now for the OP who made the build, I would like to ask for you to test the build with non legacy items, and with not brood twine, I think having these things to showcase the top damage is fine, but I think you should center the build around gear people can actually obtain reliably. Any bow build can work with skyforth/legacy vinktar/brood twine, now show us what you can do without those things. I've seen the 5l reach video, I understand the point you were trying to make with it, that's fine, but I do think you should do some testing and determine if you can do the build without all of the top end gear you have and then showcase the build at a level most people can achieve in a temp league. I myself will continue to push to 87, maybe do some upgrades, and then kill the guardians with it and make my own determination if I need/want to invest more or just make another build. I'm also not saying "do this build in a temp league" either, this is just a guide on a forum, you owe no one anything, I just would like to see how the build looks against end game content like shaper without some of the best gear you can imagine on it, and I'm sure others would too. Thanks for sharing your build with us. As for everyone else, don't be an idiot, you don't have broodtwine, you aren't going to have the same numbers as the OP, do some simple critical thinking and realize shaper isn't going to blow up with a bow that has 200+ less dps than broodtwine and barrage isn't a broken ass skill like bladeflurry or flameblast. This isn't a simple build either, it utilizes a lot of different mechanics at once, you need vaal pact (especially for breach), your damage is coming from all the phys you are converting to elemental damage and crit, if you don't have reasonable crit/accuracy/phys damage from the tree and jewels/gear, it's just not going to feel good. I'll come back after I've got levels and hit the guardians and make another post with the budget gear I have. The chest was 190c, you don't need a 6l for either skill so the reach was 180c when I bought it, the rings were 15 each, signal fire is probably 18c uncorrupted, I crafted my boots on accident with a chance orb, found my gloves, the one jewel I have was 15c, energy from within is 6c I think, vinktar is like 75c, eye of chayula is 10c, and I crafted my belt. So that's around 9ex with the current market. You can probably get a 5L chest with higher es for less than 190c, the only reason I paid that much for it was the chest base for the build I was doing because of the colors it needed. I think you can reasonably get this gear in a standard temp league for 6-7ex, which I would consider to be budget level. It's obviously not a league starter, or a 0 investment build, it's using barrage for it's main single target lol. I'm having fun with it, I would just like OP to showcase it with reasonable, non legacy gear. I know it won't look as sick, but it would let people see that they can do it without a deep investment, and if you can't, then we know for sure it requires a lot of investment. |
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" First, thank you for sharing your experience so far. Secondly fantastic write up, was a great read. You're 100% correct this isn't exactly a newer friendly build so to speak. What might seem like small oversights in gear or tree will result in the build underperforming (lack of vp, low crit/acc just as an example). It requires game knowledge enough to realize what you're struggling with and how to counter it whether it be via gear/tree/jewels etc. Regarding demoing with realistic gear, there's a gentleman in breach right now downing shaper, t16's etc with non legacy anything obviously. I'll be adding the content he provided under the video's section momentarily so yourself and others can see how the build performs with realistic gear. Spoiler, it's strong. What's great about signalshot in general is it scales incredibly well with gear. So if you start with "shitty" gear and slowly work your way up, earning each upgrade it makes it that much more satisfying. You feel the power upgrade each time, making you feel like you're actually progressing. Maybe it's just me but I enjoy that out of my builds. Keeps me in engaged. I feel some are expecting to see mirrored/face rolling performance out of a 4l silverbranch and get upset when they don't get it. Again, thanks for your summary so far and keep us in the loop. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to mention them, thanks. |
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" It does not matter if your barrage setup is in your bow or chest, as long as you're using the correct gem links for your respective skills (la,barrage). |
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" Levels matter quite a bit in terms of survivability for this build. Also your gear lacks a lot of accuracy to enable you to crit. If you're unfamiliar with how crits are determined in this game, then understand that accuracy is checked twice for every crit. I imagine the logic behind this is the game asking whether or not your hit landed by rolling for accuracy first (acc check #1), then checking to see if your attack rolled a crit (crit check), then checking if your crit can hit (acc check #2). So if you have 80% chance to hit and 50% chance to crit, it ends up being .8 * .5 * .8 = .32 or 32% chance to crit, which this build really needs to crit to do its damage. Aside from that, things like Dying Sun and a +2 barrage helmet greatly increases your dps if you find a high dps crit Harbinger. Here's my gear for example.
I had no problem killing Chimera since I burned all of his phases and adds almost instantly. Can't imagine it'd be any different for the other guardians. My atlas is set up for only shaped red maps and some of the better layout maps, hence my lack of access to other guardians. |
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" I can't wait for this. The only thing stopping me from starting the build right now on breach is this. It seems super fun and strong, but I don't know how would it fare without gear like yours. Moreover, which ascendancy would you recommend for a Breach player with Skyforth? Just got them :) super happy |
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" Yeah I've seen his posts, has skyforth/dying sun/helm enchant, I would personally like to see how the build works without those things since to a regular player coming into the build isn't going to have those most likely and I believe the build can still function without those fine (ie kill guardians and shaper). If no one is going to pilot it like that, I will most likely be trying guardians in the next coming days with it anyways, so I'll see for myself either way and find the breakpoint where the build can start doing the end game most likely in terms of level/gear. I can see it works though with non legacy gear and a 380 pdps harbinger and it looks pretty strong too, which is nice, but I would like to see where it stands without those top end BIS items like skyforth, dying sun, and the helm enchant. " Dawg I appreciate what you're trying to do but I'm well aware of how the majority of the game works, I also do computer programming for a living so I can usually tell how this stuff is written in the C++ they wrote the game in most of the time. I have 86% hit with the golem out and like 40% crit with power charges etc., I know that's terrible, I'm still missing a jewel slots, a damage wheel and point blank I'm not expecting to run through shit right now, the point was to say that my gear is shitty, I'm level 80, and can clear most maps fine up to t13 (so far), to accentuate that the build is fine and half the people commenting that you need brood twine to do damage probably just can't play the game without steamingrolling it with some stupid OP shit. Last edited by Arruke#4603 on Jan 9, 2017, 11:13:56 PM
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" Sorry if I came across the wrong way since I kinda lumped a response with you in with the general public looking at this build. Just want to make sure those who want to start this build understand that the example gear in the OP as well as your linked gear is a bit misleading since they severely lack accuracy. While I may have called you out personally, I really should've mentioned I wanted to inform the general public. Anyway I had some free time this evening and bought the other guardian maps.
Deathless except for one -max res death to Phoenix. Wanted to see how much I could facetank through but without master surgeon I wasn't really keeping my flasks up as much as I needed to. |
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" It's cool, I know you weren't trying to be an asshole or anything, I'll probably replace one or both my rings with ones with accuracy and crit on them, jewels, my gloves maybe after I get my last ascendancy, and probably taste of hate because I can use it on my warchief as well which I'll be trying to kill uber atziri with soon, all before I fight guardians of course. I'll try to get the helm enchant in the 11 or so blessings I have as well on a good lab day, but it won't bother me not having it. |
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Does this build still die to shaper?
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