[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

lolheretic wrote:
NewbieDOTcom wrote:
I do not get all the hate. I do not play new leagues that much and usually dabble in HC when I do play yet that is due to my time constraints. I could easily enter a new league and make this build work well. It may not be able to melt sharper lol or t-16 bosses like end game gear yet what happened to the old school bow players that know that not every build means standing in front of a boss, etc. and not having to move around, dodge, etc. Cmon people, no pun intended, this build is very new league viable. If you are trying to just follow this guide and tree exactly like the creator/OP then maybe you are not putting enough thought into the mechanics of the build and play style. People that play bow builds have always wanted a viable ES/Ci build. Now you have it. Or you can think out of the box a little and use Life/ES. The conversion from physical to elemental still works fine.

I for one have played so many different builds over the years. Some cookie cutter builds (none of the newer ones with blades and all lol) yet come on. People that say you need 100 ex in a new league to make this build work are just not being truthful. If all you want to do is run up to a boss with no thought about the boss you are fighting and the mechanics of the game then, well, you may be right you do need 100EX + gears yet players that know how to move around, dodge, think about game mechanics, etc. should have no problem making some changes to items and tree issues and making the build work. It may not melt sharper in 15 seconds yet is is very sharper viable.

Sorry to jump in on some of this yet IMO the original creator/poster of the build did a great all around job with how they presented this build.

Just my 2 cents.

This build does melt shaper/t16 bosses, i know this because i am doing it this season, with 70 ex worth of gear including skyforths i farmed enough currency to buy headhunter doing 4-5 minute shaper runs.

Best build ive ever played.

10/10 build bro
lolheretic wrote:

in your opinion what makes a build temp league friendly? how can you say this build is mediocre on temp leagues?

If you play enough to be able to afford a 420+ dps bow and a 750+ ES 6L Chest then go for it, it's still a great build. But the fact is that most people who play temp leagues will never be able to afford such gear unless they get incredibly lucky with drops. Let's be honest here. Without legacy and mirrored gear, this build only performs at about 25% of it's maximum potential at best.

A temp-league friendly build in my opinion is one that can be done and optimized within 10-20 ex and doesn't require mirrored or legacy gear to perform well. Something like cospri's discharge build can be done within 15 ex and performs quite well and clears fast. It can also be scaled to be even better with better gear later on.

The problem with this build is that the disparity between building it with 25 ex versus building it with 300 ex. It's just not comparable and doesn't even feel like the same build. You won't be able to melt big bosses with a shit 350 dps bow or a reach. If you decide to play the build with low budget then you're not gonna have a good time. If you don't believe me then go ahead and dump more currency into the build. I've already tried with 80+ ex with no success. The build is not satisfying without comparable mirrored/legacy gear. In fact it feels quite shitty.
But the fact is that most people who play temp leagues will never be able to afford such gear unless they get incredibly lucky with drops

nobody gets rich by good drops in game, the key is trade. i know lots of people who makes 1 mirror profit in first 10 days of leagues.

A temp-league friendly build in my opinion is one that can be done and optimized within 10-20 ex and doesn't require mirrored or legacy gear to perform well.

unfortunately you just stuck there. people are coming to you with arguments, you completely ignore them and keep repeating this. i understand your frustration that you couldnt make it work with 80ex, but it doesnt mean somebody else won't be able to too. at the start of the conversation i said that 30ex is needed for this build to work, 50ex is decent, with 80ex you can obliterate everything. if you couldnt do make it work, is this your fault? or this builds fault? none of us can say that. since i havent seen your gamestyle.

80 ex means,
400-420 pdps weapon, with which you can easily get with flat phys + 30% wed rings, and some 20-30% wed rustic belt 85-100k dps, lets assume you have 7 arrows, 3 from dying sun, 3 from barrage, 1 from enchantment;

7 x 92.5k dps(average) is 647.5k dps, put point blank on top of that, there you go you have 970k dps vs bosses, when you are in vinktar effect shock can make it like 1.1M easily. (bosses have shock resistance so it doesnt get 1.3)

is there with another unbuffed 1.1M DPS build which you can get with 420 pdps bow, i really would like to know
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Jan 3, 2017, 7:00:36 PM
Just got this bow in standard

Should I try to craft it? (Is tyranical harbringer of something - probably deadeye; after that i regal it and got physical damage 18-32 - that is to know that it isn't a hybrid mode phys damage+acc on it)

If it is ok to craft it what should I chose:

1. Keep the accuracy mode and put multiple craft mods and what should I chose then as extra mods? Critical multi and attack speed?


2. Put prefixes can not be changed, scour it, put multiple craft mods and now have 3 open slots to craft?

Thx for advices

And btw I have transformed a ranger lvl 90 into this. Is not developed as it has only 8700 ES and 25K tool tip in hideout with aura, but it killed so easy abyss or shrine bosses. I need some items from breach character but yes, the build is great.

And another question which is better as vessel of vinktar?
Damage penetrate 10% lightning res
add some lightning to attacks
Thx again
Last edited by Piftiuta#3122 on Jan 3, 2017, 7:10:28 PM
oh my bad, seems like the people im arguing against all play on standard league rofl
Can someone please help me with cutting points from tree to 102 points? I want to respec at lvl80, but don't know what dmg nodes i should remove.
(I'm playing on HC, so i'm 100% taking all shield nodes)
Looking to build this build right now: just one question.

What is better, a legacy 6L reach of the council or a rare bow with 340 dps around (can't afford mirrored ones) with crit chance, atk speed and 160+ incr phys damage? (both 6L)
Last edited by Arazosa#0290 on Jan 3, 2017, 7:55:01 PM
Rupenus wrote:
probably occultist with valyrium ring is the way to go in HC. almost stun immune with valyrium, more ES, no need for skyforth. you just need anti shock flask on all the time, that'd be all.

Can you (or anyone else) suggest a witch/occultist tree for EHC? Didn't find one posted, ty :)
Also, which ascendancies? The ES regen is quite useless with Vaal Pact, so what to take instead?
hello, can you tell me in your video your flask recover very fast ?
thanks you
this build should take the saboteur ascendancy because it's such a currency trap
Last edited by MFJones#1684 on Jan 4, 2017, 3:24:18 AM

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