prfct1on wrote:
MFJones wrote:
I am not trolling, nobody here is trolling except maybe for you with this trash tier standard league-only build of your's.
Look at Arazosa's reply. My guildmates and I are not the only ones disappointed with the build on a temp league. I am not dodging anything. I already tried the build and it's proven to be shit even with a 450 dps bow. I highly doubt that even with a 500 dps bow it would be much better. Can you agree with me?
I think you should make a nice big warning in red at the top of your post stating that the build is NOT SAFE TO TRY on temp leagues unless you have 500+ exalts to blow.
I feel like it is my duty, as someone who had invested time and currency into trying the build, to warn others by sharing my negative experience. So others do not fall into the same currency trap that I have.
Videos section has a 5l rotc shaper and uber atziri run with a 6l chest, nothing mirrored, only expensive item was skyforths. Please, how is this not proof? I am curious. I can do it again on a livestream showing all my gear, nothing legacy. Rotc, non leg vinktar etc. What more proof do you need at this point?
Stop cherry picking quotes and reply to that please.
Ok sorry, I would like to make a few requests if possible. As you are the master of this guide, perhaps you can point me in the right direction and correct the mistakes I made when playing the build.
Can you please make a new video doing it with 5L reach and show all your gear and jewels without legacy/mirrored items? That video is over 3 months old and you don't really show much.
But more important, since not everyone here only farms shaper, can you also run some guardians and some tier 15 maps with same budget level gear? I would like to suggest Dark Forest and Colosseum if possible.
Thank you ^^
MFJonesHC Last edited by MFJones#1684 on Jan 5, 2017, 7:13:53 PM
Posted byMFJones#1684on Jan 5, 2017, 7:13:25 PM
prfct1on wrote:
Arazosa wrote:
Just saying that I'm dieing to fucking t10 maps bosses in 3 hits with a relatively good gear.
Just spent 25 exalted in items and around 3 ex in chromatic orbs and gems to have this build up.
Also, I destroyed 4 BUILDS of mine to build this: blade vortex, la/br, the bladefall miner and the EA ranger.
Big disappointment.
You never showed us a tree, you mentioned 7.6k es which is quite low. Never showed flasks either. No idea what level your character even is.
There's obviously something going on with tree, jewels, flasks or character level. Mind opening up your profile?
Sure, I set it as public, I'd be glad if you could solve my problem
I originally tried the tree and gems in this topic but since they weren't working I thought myself in copying myself 100% the tree/gems colors you have on the char in your profile.
Also, to answer further questions of yours: I know the chest is 5L and not 6L (that's because I already wasted 1k chromatics in getting 2/2/2 with no results yet) and I know the gems are not 20/20.
But that's not the problem, the problem is that this build lacks DEFENSES, not damage, I can kill monsters easily, but 5 hits from any monster or 2 hits from bosses (T10 BOSSES!!!) and I'm 99% dead since this build has no life leech or high ES regen.
Resistances are all above 150% everybody even with ele weakness, 8,1k ES normally and 12k with vaal discipline, but I can't have vaal disc active 24/7 sadly.
Any solution? the lawn mower build (that I destroyed to take items for this build) worked so god damn good, this I'm afraid is a fiasco.
Last edited by Arazosa#0290 on Jan 5, 2017, 7:19:34 PM
Posted byArazosa#0290on Jan 5, 2017, 7:16:40 PM
Arazosa wrote:
prfct1on wrote:
Arazosa wrote:
Just saying that I'm dieing to fucking t10 maps bosses in 3 hits with a relatively good gear.
Just spent 25 exalted in items and around 3 ex in chromatic orbs and gems to have this build up.
Also, I destroyed 4 BUILDS of mine to build this: blade vortex, la/br, the bladefall miner and the EA ranger.
Big disappointment.
You never showed us a tree, you mentioned 7.6k es which is quite low. Never showed flasks either. No idea what level your character even is.
There's obviously something going on with tree, jewels, flasks or character level. Mind opening up your profile?
Sure, I set it as public, I'd be glad if you could solve my problem
I originally tried the tree and gems in this topic but since they weren't working I thought myself in copying myself 100% the tree/gems colors you have on the char in your profile.
Also, to answer further questions of yours: I know the chest is 5L and not 6L (that's because I already wasted 1k chromatics in getting 2/2/2 with no results yet) and I know the gems are not 20/20.
But that's not the problem, the problem is that this build lacks DEFENSES, not damage, I can kill monsters easily, but 5 hits from any monster or 2 hits from bosses (T10 BOSSES!!!) and I'm 99% dead since this build has no life leech or high ES regen.
Resistances are all above 150% everybody even with ele weakness, 8,1k ES normally and 12k with vaal discipline, but I can't have vaal disc active 24/7 sadly.
Any solution? the lawn mower build (that I destroyed to take items for this build) worked so god damn good, this I'm afraid is a fiasco.
You're dying to NOT HAVING VAAL PACT. You do not have a legacy vinktar's so you do not have INSTANT LEECH. This is a MASSIVE, GLARING ISSUE that is not the build or guide's fault. This is your own problem man. TAKE VP NOW.
Furthermore, get atleast MERC LAB APS boot enchant, you lack a dying sun which is a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE dps and survival buff. Fix those two issues and you'll see the build perform more to what you'd expect.
Thank you.
@MFjones I'll record said requests when time permits, I barely have time to play anything as of late. Within 5 days or so I'll have them up. Also You mentioned This gentleman's post and his issue, and go figure it had nothing to do with build. Lack of instant leech due to not taking it.
Last edited by Solishaw#0089 on Jan 5, 2017, 7:51:41 PM
Posted bySolishaw#0089on Jan 5, 2017, 7:46:56 PM
prfct1on wrote:
You're dying to NOT HAVING VAAL PACT. You do not have a legacy vinktar's so you do not have instant leech. This is a massive, glaring issue that is not the build or guide's fault. This is your own problem man. TAKE VP NOW.
Furthermore, get atleast MERC LAB APS boot enchant, you lack a dying sun which is a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE dps and survival buff. Fix those two issues and you'll see the build perform more to what you'd expect.
Thank you.
But man, I did also respec to vaal pact but nothing changed...as you can see I have no life leech node, no life leech gem, I did also respec to using that life leech node on bottom of tree but still no change...the leech was insignificantly low.
I will see to get the dying sun...atm I ran out of ex...
Posted byArazosa#0290on Jan 5, 2017, 7:49:41 PM
Arazosa wrote:
prfct1on wrote:
You're dying to NOT HAVING VAAL PACT. You do not have a legacy vinktar's so you do not have instant leech. This is a massive, glaring issue that is not the build or guide's fault. This is your own problem man. TAKE VP NOW.
Furthermore, get atleast MERC LAB APS boot enchant, you lack a dying sun which is a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE dps and survival buff. Fix those two issues and you'll see the build perform more to what you'd expect.
Thank you.
But man, I did also respec to vaal pact but nothing changed...as you can see I have no life leech node, no life leech gem, I did also respec to using that life leech node on bottom of tree but still no change...the leech was insignificantly low.
I will see to get the dying sun...atm I ran out of ex...
Nothing changed... what? You're lacking instant leech and wondering why you're dying with an ES attack build. You leech 20% of your lightning damage as life with a vinktar's up. With the Physical to lightning conversion done via gem this gives you a metric ton of leech. You do not need life leech gem or vitality void when a vinktar is up.
The non legacy vinktar tree takes vitality void so you still leech something when vinktar's is depleted or you've forgotten to press it and run into an ele reflect pack etc.
This is 100% the issue, ontop of only having 4 barrage projectiles ( would have 7 with a dying sun which is more than 50% dmg buff). This effects your tankiness as well. The less projectiles output, the less you leech, the slower tough bosses die, the more you have to sit and tank things.
You're suicidal attempting this without VP or a legacy vinktar's for instant leech. I promise you this is the problem. Work on getting a dying sun next, its a massive part of the build. Before labeling something a disappointment, make sure you actually do the build the way it was intended. Please.
If you're in standard I can even loan you a dying sun so you can see the difference.
Last edited by Solishaw#0089 on Jan 5, 2017, 8:04:27 PM
Posted bySolishaw#0089on Jan 5, 2017, 7:54:29 PM
I think the problem is that without high damage bow (500 DPS+) the leech from vitality void is not good enough. Vinktars carries this build heavily so when it goes down the build feels super flaccid.
Posted byMFJones#1684on Jan 5, 2017, 7:59:48 PM
MFJones wrote:
I think the problem is that without high damage bow (500 DPS+) the leech from vitality void is not good enough. Vinktars carries this build heavily so when it goes down the build feels super flaccid.
That's why for prolonged boss fights like a shaper/uber atziri/izaro you bring 2 non legacy vinktars and drop your quicksilver so you have a backup.
Posted bySolishaw#0089on Jan 5, 2017, 8:01:25 PM
I kill shaper all day every day with this build on BSC, I do this on stream when I'm not mapping on my CI Meatballer, feel free to click the twitch logo near my name and watch me stream this when I am live(I stream every day).
I have had a few people come from this thread to my stream and they are all impressed with the build, my bow is 388 pdps, i started farming Shaper with 8.2k ES and level 89. I am happy to help with your tree/do gear checks to the best of my knowledge regarding this build but if you follow the guide as I have you will not be disappointed.
Posted bylolheretic#6491on Jan 5, 2017, 8:13:07 PM
lolheretic wrote:
I kill shaper all day every day with this build on BSC, I do this on stream when I'm not mapping on my CI Meatballer, feel free to click the twitch logo near my name and watch me stream this when I am live(I stream every day).
I have had a few people come from this thread to my stream and they are all impressed with the build, my bow is 388 pdps, i started farming Shaper with 8.2k ES and level 89. I am happy to help with your tree/do gear checks to the best of my knowledge regarding this build but if you follow the guide as I have you will not be disappointed.
I'll have to check out your setup, curious if you've changed anything from the original builds because apparently there's a vocal few who seems this is an impossible task.
It seems you have your bow toon disassembled sadly. You should highlight some runs shaper/t15+/guardians if you have the time and I'll add them into the main post under video section. Your gear as well would be great, so it can give temp league players an idea what to look for and proof this is indeed temp league viable without an insane budget. Thanks!
Last edited by Solishaw#0089 on Jan 5, 2017, 8:23:37 PM
Posted bySolishaw#0089on Jan 5, 2017, 8:18:35 PM
prfct1on wrote:
lolheretic wrote:
I kill shaper all day every day with this build on BSC, I do this on stream when I'm not mapping on my CI Meatballer, feel free to click the twitch logo near my name and watch me stream this when I am live(I stream every day).
I have had a few people come from this thread to my stream and they are all impressed with the build, my bow is 388 pdps, i started farming Shaper with 8.2k ES and level 89. I am happy to help with your tree/do gear checks to the best of my knowledge regarding this build but if you follow the guide as I have you will not be disappointed.
I'll have to check out your setup, curious if you've changed anything from the original builds because apparently there's a vocal few who seems this is an impossible task.
It seems you have your bow toon disassembled sadly. You should highlight some runs shaper/t15+/guardians if you have the time and I'll add them into the main post under video section. Your gear as well would be great, so it can give temp league players an idea what to look for and proof this is indeed temp league viable without an insane budget. Thanks!
My gear has evolved a little from where it started (as it would killing shaper as much as I have. I will look into recording some runs and showing my gear etc) but I switch between my meatballer and signalshot character and they share most of the same gear and my tree remains the same.
It annoys me coming to this thread and seeing people put down this build as that turned me away from the build last season. If anybody who has seen my stream views this post I would appreciate if you comment and say what you think about the runs you have seen, although don't comment on how bad I am at the game haha.
Posted bylolheretic#6491on Jan 5, 2017, 8:35:20 PM