Exile making music inspired by PoE

I'd simply like to share this guys music, he's been a member of this community since Open Beta and makes fantastic music. I'm making this post in hope of some sort of GGG recognition. I found out about him because of the music he has produced for a Skyrim Mod, and re-found him again when he made a post on the forums here as a submission for fan created art.

His PoE Account
His Youtube

His submission for the contest is a PoE inspired song. "At the Edge of the World"

"I made this song as a tribute to Atlas of Worlds, the new Path of Exile expansion, which just happens to be my favorite game. It's a bit of a weird song. It took much longer to write than I expected. It has so much percussion and string stuff it was really hard to mix, so it might not be the best mix/master I've ever done, but I think the song came out good in the end."


If this is in the wrong section go ahead and move it, figured it would fit here since it does have something to do with PoE

Last bumped on Oct 15, 2016, 3:14:42 PM
Bumping for this amazing artist and the amazing music they produce.
I've been a member of this community since the rotten days of when GGG still used to code in their moms basement, and I don't make music :(
He actually made a thread himself recently.

ZiggyD used to listen to Vindsvept's music on stream and I believe people generally know and admire his work, even GGG. "At The Edge Of The World" definitely deserved to be featured in my AoW community highlights.

Path Of Exile Community Highlights

He actually made a thread himself recently.

ZiggyD used to listen to Vindsvept's music on stream and I believe people generally know and admire his work, even GGG. "At The Edge Of The World" definitely deserved to be featured in my AoW community highlights.

Yeah I mentioned that in my post, that he submitted his art for the contest or whatever it was. Just wanted to help get him known, his music is amazing and honestly I'd LOVE to hear it in the game.
Last edited by Kungfuanthony#0144 on Oct 15, 2016, 3:14:57 PM

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