[3.0] AFK Gone Cheap - AFK up to T16 guardians||Shaper killed || 3.0 balls video montage!
" Yeah, I realized, so I switched the CWDTs around. Also, just gotta say, elemental reflect maps are awesome with this setup. The CWDTs will be triggering almost constantly, even the high damage one, and your health will barely move. You do substantially more damage and have substantially higher clear speed in an ele reflect map. You basically just walk and Whirling Blades everywhere and everything dies along the way. At least that's how it is with me, with only 6 ascendancy points. So I don't have the 40% more dealt, 10% increased taken node. I'm not sure that node would change anything, as about the only time that reflect seems to cause even a temporary dip in my HP is when I'm in an 18% reflect map and fighting an ele reflect rare and cloaked in savagery is not currently up. Even then it's less than half of my health, maybe just a third, so that node shouldn't put me at risk. |
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" Again, I just did ubber izaro at lvl 82 with a tabula. This was with ~5.5k hp. Be sure to have your artic armor on and refresh fortify if you're scared, it's a huge defensive boost. Also be sure to kill the additional guardians/statues/etc even if it takes you more time, otherwise with some combos he can inflict a lot of damage once the 2nd 3rd phase comes. " I know I can change the setup but I'm having heaps of fun right now with this setup and more than anything I'm just really curious as to how things work exactly (and not just a feeling of "oh yeah that works") Considering I have the chance to ignite support gem on the chest, both BV will ignite just as much (91% on the chest vs. 93% on the helmet) however the helmet deals 20x less damage (34dmg vs. 700 dmg) and is almost twice smaller in aoe (increased aoe support gem). And since both share the same number of max stacks, the helmet is usefull up until 20 stack but once at 20 it just eats up stack "space" that could be used by the main setup. So if it isn't a loss of dps, I'm not sure I understand why. Last edited by georgesdenu#3959 on Dec 17, 2016, 2:49:10 AM
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Well, then swap the BV gem in the helmet for yet another Nova (Ice?)... maybe this will put your mind at ease. :D
I just kept BV in the helmet because it contributes nicely to our hit counter vs single targets, I use Kaom's for quite a lot of bosses, you know. And it's never done me any harm while clearing maps either. Also, with a "proper" BV build you'd be constantly spamming a secondary BV setup to generate Power Charges (no damage, no AoE, just PCoC)... you wouldn't do do that if it would hamper the damage output of the "real deal", now, would you? ;) " Again, the damage from the chest setup can be completely ignored, it will never be enough to scare even white trash mobs in high tier maps (I get around 1.2k avg BV damage, and that's with 21/20 gems, a joke really when you think of it), we kill with Fire Burst, period. The bit of leech we get from the chest is equally redundant, lesser hits we heal just fine with Razor and big hits we heal with "Savagery" (high-level CWDT and Fire Burst doing the trick here). And if you don't believe me, open a map and leave your chest at home... clearing the map will take a bit longer maybe but the build works just as well. Last edited by tomay#5509 on Dec 17, 2016, 12:55:22 PM
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How you guys get 2R2B? I wasted around 60 chromes and got nothing. |
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" You want 4 off colors in 4 sockets on a high-dex item? And in just 60 chromes? You're an order of magnitude off. Try using the Vorici Calculator https://siveran.github.io/calc.html. It suggests using Vorici's 1R1B option, and says on average you'll spend nearly 1000 chromes. You could spend several times that if you're a bit unlucky; and easily several times that just using chromes directly. Incidentally, it becomes a lot easier to get 2R 2B if it's a 5-link, and even easier on a 6-link (assuming you don't care about the colors of the remaining sockets). A few hundred chromes with Vorici's 1R-1B on a 6-link, estimated. Of course getting it to a 6-link is pretty costly in and of itself. Last edited by TimeDilation#5779 on Dec 17, 2016, 3:18:48 PM
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I really love this build, I played it last season and this season too. I however have one question: Is the use of Blade Vortex in the helmet really the best choice? I realize it helps keep your BV at 20 stacks resulting in more hits, but other than that is there a reason for using it?
Also I have been considering going for Whispers of Doom and adding Enfeeble to the CWDT with Flammability, it's only 3 points to get it. I realize we'll get less CWDT-procs from monster dmg, but it should help against 1-hit kills, which still happen from time to time eventhough my gear is decent(7.2k hp and 4k+ armour). Last edited by cpdoom#0199 on Dec 17, 2016, 7:03:07 PM
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" Yeah, as already mentioned. With a 4s4l, u need 1000 chroms on avarage. With 5s4l you need 350 chroms on avarage and with 6s4l you need 200. So my suggestion is getting it to 5s4l and then getting around 400 chroms. Best of luck! IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder
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" If you trust yourself to always keep blade vortex up, you can put anything you like instead of the blade vortex in the helmet. It was more important when blade vortex hit 1 time per second per stack. Also, I don't really know how it interacts with the new blade vortex mechanism, when combining with my own. It will increase the damage my own does and the number of hits probably. A good replacement is ball lightning. I would also want to announce that there seem to be a bug on blade vortex, where stacking it up, double dips. So at 20 stacks, the 600% more damage is global and will double dip. So a 6k average damage on 20 stacks BV with conc. effect (with 400% inc. from tree and gear), should ignite for 6000*5*6*1,59(conc effect)/3=95400 dmg/second. With emberwake you can stack those for 4 seconds, but making 5 times less dmg each. This means you can reach a burn stack of around half a million a sec, if those double dip rumors are true (which they seem to be of the footage I've seen). IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder
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" I was thinking about this myself... If I would to take Whispers of Doom I'd rather invest four points and take the "effectiveness" route. Since Curse Effectiveness on bosses has been nerfed twice with recent releases it is more important than ever. Ideally we want to use high-level Enfeeble with 20q Blasphemy for another 10% Curse Effectiveness to counter the nerf. OTH, "losing" three or four passives comes at a cost which most likely affects our life pool and we rarely ever find ourselves in a situation where we really need two curses so I'd rather do away with Flammability and cast lvl 20 Enfeeble manually where required (it's not that this build is very demanding in terms of casting skills ;). 30% less damage taken and "crit immunity" with Brass Dome is a surefire recipe to avoid getting one-shot. Doing some quick maths, three passives will lose me 12% max life (or 225 HP), if I want four points it's 17% (or 320 HP). Possible alternatives being Windscream (losing 350~ HP from boots... not good) or Mokou's Embrace + Doedre's Damning (less damage than Emberwake + The Taming). IMO Doedre's is the way to go if we really want to apply two curses; we don't care much for the duration of a fight as long as we don't get one-shot, right? Of course, filthy rich people might swap amulets for the boss fight, where healing from Eye + Razor is negligible... ;) Last edited by tomay#5509 on Dec 18, 2016, 7:26:37 AM
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Hey i have a question.. What chest piece armor do u suggest instead of a tabula?
Thanks! |
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