Scorching Ray
Well first of all, Izaro is not immune to Elemental Status ailments.
Second: - Ignite is an Elemental status ailment. - Ignite deals Burning damage. - However, not all Burning damage is Ignite. - In fact, the only Burning damage that is also an Ignite, is Ignite. Scorching Ray deals Burning damage. Ray does not Ignite. Ray is not an Elemental status ailment. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Apr 8, 2017, 5:45:08 AM
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Thanks, I think that covers it up (I am convinced now).
IGN : KC_Serra (among other chars) Last edited by Serrã#4598 on Apr 8, 2017, 7:39:01 AM
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if I use two totems with ray will they do both damage at the boss or only one and the other helps only with the stacks? With two totems will they growth in the half of time to 8 stacks if both fire at one monster? Thanks for the help. |
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Scorching Ray has some unique stacking rules:
- Damage from separate sources stacks - Resistance Reduction caps at 24% regardless |
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How does the damage stack from different sources work in regards to the 'additional debuff stages add 60% of damage'
Can you for example, use a 2 slot scorching ray totem to keep a debuff on an opponent while you run around, and every time you stop to cast scorching ray it will instantly do dmg as though you have built up the 8 stages instantly? |
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Each source gets its own separate debuff; that's how they are allowed to stack in the first place. Your Totem and you both have a separate eight-stack debuff, if you let yours run out, tough cookies.
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So, I've finally made SR build (3.0 Harbinger). The goal was to test endgame reliability of The Unshattered Will + Fortitude as main defence and Worthy Foe usability as regularly applied debuff
Build stats
lvl 97, 9620 eHP; 37/18% (62/43)% block, 16-24% spell dodge, 5(28)k eva, 3(12)k armour (with flasks); 0.92sec WB attack time; 21/20 gems; 681% increased SR damage
The main concern:
Such "defences stacking magic" is irrelevant, I could easily double the effective dps of the build by simply using Inquisitor while having 0.77sec attack time WB and getting 15% more eHP and 400% eHP refill. Character staying alive not because of 46% reduced damage taken and block chance but only because of manual dodging and having eHP high enough to take 2 hits in a row from minotaur.
Personally I'd prefer Fortify to be something like "While not on low life lethal hit you would take removes 70% of your current life instead"
There is no support gem variation. Faster Casting, Arcane Surge simply useless as main link. Leveling 12-70 with 6l could be described as "faceroll", feels like cheating. At lvl 70-90 to keep leveling enjoyable the build require using RF or having 500%+ increased damage, otherwise the dps of the first SR stage feels not sufficient.
Overall, I would say the skill design has been done very well, but every 'positive' aspect being overshadowed by engine limitation: the way the game track mouse pointer position makes 30ms latency/stable 60 fps mandatory (otherwise SR direction become unpredictable), beam interaction with elevations and line of sight obstruction is terrible. It crashes client when cast next to the wall, it frequently crashes Sarn arena instances… 9/10 design, 2/10 skill use positiveness.
normal predictable behaviour: ![]() the thing that shouldn't be in the game: ![]() if skill has 'some' constant - that constant shouldn't be ignored by random bugs/glitches. Skills should have consistent behaviour. The beam turn rate made to be function of cast speed, but on the gif that 'beam tremor' definitely going faster than normally. ![]() Some map object has hitbox larger than actual object size. Why does this happening, the game has fixed angle of view, how player supposed to see that line of sight obstruction? Problem: impostor syndrome Solution: nerf everything Result: depressing mess Last edited by a_z0_9#4860 on Oct 24, 2017, 9:04:59 PM
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My Scorching Ray impressions: it seemed like a really interesting skill, so I figured I'd level something to try it out.
After getting through almost 40 levels, I feel like it's a candidate for "least fun skill", for me. It's not "bad", really, just not much fun. Reasons follow: It has stacking debuffs, but they are invisible. I can't tell if I need to point at that yellow monster a bit longer to get the full debuff effect, or if I can swing away to that annoying little thing nearby yet. I can't tell how much damage is stacked up on the target, and I can't tell how long it's gonna last. This makes the skill feel really, really like a memory puzzle: "do you remember how long you pointed at each of these 17 things, compared to your current cast speed!?" Possible solution: give some indication of how much "vulnerable to fire" the enemy is, through text scale, or through "vulnerable to", "more vulnerable to", "extremely vulnerable to", etc. It doesn't actually hit anything. That feels ... mechanically bad. It's really, really not obvious if you didn't read the details in the wiki or a build guide, and it means that it makes so much of the passive tree, gear, and auras feel useless: no life or mana on hit, no ability to use herald of anything, no curse on hit, etc. It just feels wrong. Like this is the "fourth" type of attack, and the game only has support for the original three or something. Possible solution: make it trigger on-hit effects, somehow. Possibly by adding a strength reduction to them or something while casting, but that brings it back to feeling like a normal spell, not some strange and poorly supported other type of attack. It feels like a support skill for a Cast While Channeling spell, rather than the other way around. It definitely killed things, but it felt really weak and powerless, as if it was designed to be the "extra damage support" I added to something else. Never tried a CwC gem and a direct attack spell, but I'm pretty sure it would suddenly feel way less odd. The level curve means that SR is available way, way earlier than the CwC gem, though, so there is a whole period where it feels like you can use this "support" damage source without access to the main one. Possible solution: raise the level of SR to the level of CwC, so that you don't spend a bunch of levels with the support-feeling spell, wondering if it is ever gonna "get good", or if this is, like, it. Finally, it has that thing that spells all do: my weapon really doesn't do anything, because damage comes from the gem level. So, that random unique want with +1 level to the gems, and +31% spell damage, is going to outperform everything else until rather late in the game if I'm using SR, and it only stops being great when a 3-link means I can't stack on more support. That ... doesn't feel great. I mean, it's not unique to this spell, but it certainly makes gear feel pretty worthless. A low level, but well rolled, rare wand would do the same thing. No suggestion for that one. It is hard to know if the alternative, where the weapon did need replacing, would just feel worse anyway. :) |
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" Damage over Time is the fourth Damage source, yes, with the other three being Attack, Spell and secondary Damage. :) DoT has existed since forever though, it's not like Scorching Ray is a recent abberation or anything. |
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![]() Any chance this gonna get fixed in 2017? Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything Result: depressing mess |
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