Blade Flurry

Refer to above image from gamepedia, it seems like releasing in stage 1 is better than releasing in stage 6 as you will be able to attack 6 times with stage 1 within same time frame.

Comparing stage multiplier 1.1 x 6 = 6.6 (6 times) vs 1.85 (1 times)

Pretty sure something is missing, anyone could enlighten me on this?
Soooo, I am interested in this skill. Is it still bugged or broken or whatever?
I haven't tried this skill for sometime since the namelock made really bad moments, but I decided to give it a try and got a good surprise.

It is not namelocking anymore, thx a lot GGG.

It still has a bug that locks you sometimes after using whirling blades (and probably with other movement/dash skills), but it got a lot better now.
So, this skill has a few mandatory scaling breakpoints, you definitely need 85% AoE (95% with Blood and Sand) and 7.5+ attacks per second in order to make the skill pleasant to use.
The skill ignoring the mouse cursor position and picks random target in front of your character, so you really want that 19/21 units splash size, every monster in this game is fast enough, so if you can't channel up the skill within ~0.8sec frame then you'll never reach your full DPS.
Speaking about DPS, you can have the appropriate amount only in two cases: if you go crit, impale, 4k life build (berserker/champion) or crit, HoWA, 6k ES (juggernaut) in every other case your Blade Flurry build will most likely suck at killing bosses. 50% damage effectiveness hurts.

3.15 was a great opportunity to… fuck up miserably and, oh boy, I didn't miss my chance.
They are going to slow down the game. Great, so they'll also rebalance the monster's timings, AoE, range, flat damage reduction, armor, debuffs power and healing effects to make gameplay enjoyable but slowed down just right, right? It's about time to go non-crit bleed gladiator!
The build
6.3k HP, 77/77 block, 20k armor, Molten Shell, 5.6k evasion, blind, maim, hinder, Fungal Ground.
vulnerability, war banner, aspect of the spider, pride, 30% overwhelm, Vanquisher
637 pDPS weapon, 968% hit damage, 774% bleed damage, 4.42s bleed duration, Crimson Dance
Rage and Onslaught on block, explosions on kill, frustration during a boss fight

The build missing only two unobtainable items at the moment the 2x Pride 1x Precision -Watcher's Eye and "20% double damage" Lethal Pride.
Normal gameplay, 8 mods t14 map

Typical boss fight

Nope. imgur can't handle the 200MB gifs. Take it as is, it's a snooze fest
The build can't do Maven, Uber Atziri, Normal Elder if they are spectated by Maven.
Normal Shaper constantly healed by Maven takes about 10 minutes to kill, I've never felt so much hatred during a boss fight.
Because every fight takes so unnormally long time, there is no enjoyment or sense of pride and accomplishment when it's done. I rather lay down on a rock and wait for eagles to fly me away.
I'm so done with this.
Only seven similar 1h swords are currently available for trade in SC league, 196 in Standard, I'm also using t1 flat damage almost everywhere it's possible.
4-links 470% damage Corrupting Fever at 8 stacks has the same DPS as 8-stacks bleed applied at 6 stages from 6-linked Blade Flurry. Pathetic.

50% damage effectiveness is not enough, 20% more Damage with Hits and Ailments should be separated and the Ailment bonus has to be at least tripled.
Can we have Wither equivalent for physical damage? Easy 105% multiplier in one click
Can we have 200% hit damage multiplier on RT?

Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Last edited by a_z0_9#4860 on Aug 19, 2021, 12:57:01 PM
All the skill really needs to play on an epic scale... The projectile tag like Cobra Lash, and Venom Gyer.

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