2.4.3b Patch Notes (Restartless)
Since this update I cannot play the game anymore. Everytime I start either client I just get a black screen. I can hear the Loginscreen music, but there is nothing to see. Before both clients worked perfectly well for me.
"The track of your life has come to me, and it goes no further. I am your end, your utter obliteration!"
- Cnaiür urs Skiotha |
" Same here, so I'm back on the 32bit client. Guess it has to do with the windowed full screen mode but I can't be bothered to read it up... May your maps be bountiful, exile
The 64bit client works great now(on windows 10, dx12). The game runs smoother and boots way quicker now(less than 1 second) which is amazing. Thanks GGG!
SERIOUSLY? NO PATCH FOR SCREEN RESIZE ISSUES AFTER Alt+Tab? WTF? And no news about shadows? What do you plan to do with them?
New mute system is terrible - no trade... Last edited by y3lw0rC#4020 on Nov 22, 2016, 7:42:03 AM
game doesnt work anymore error. game freezes. first time since i play this. :(
I can't switch to fullscreen at all now. Dropdown in options shows Windowed and changing it doesn't let me save it. Maximize button in window doesn't work either.
IGN = Tetti
How to aways start the DX11 client on steam? There's any command line?
so basically I still cant play due to random poe crashes while changing zones...FeelsBadMan
After this patch on Windows 8.1 Nvidia 650M is not detected by X64 client.
same here, every 1 or 2 screens poe crash or dc
and why i can't put shadows off on dx11? |