Content Update 2.5.0 Patch Notes

Reduced the maximum number of Summoned Raging Spirits to 20, but we have also increased damage as the gem levels up to compensate. It's intended to be a similar damage output but with less casting needed and less effective area of effect.

What were you thinking? Underwhelming patch notes all around.
Bahh nice shit :(
Mirror service thread:
DjSall wrote:
So now it takes 60 seconds to charge up my vinktars with master surgeon. Thank you GGG for ruining countless builds again :))

EDIT: Obviously not counting increased flask charges gained.

How on earth did you calculate that as 60s?
[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Ethan_GGG#0000 on Nov 30, 2016, 4:46:17 AM
path of CI continues
According to the Breach Portal Effect video, a witch wields a crit staff, the covenant and a pair of shavronne pace. What could it mean? Is it time to think of a speedy CI-crit-dual-totem-incinerate-and-two-fire-golems sorceress (or somewhat close to it)?
Last edited by cuss#5322 on Nov 30, 2016, 1:58:07 AM
So, some serious builds and items have been nerfed, or should I say "WILL" be nerfed in a couple days.
Let's take a look at a couple reasons why and what GGG could have done differently, if possible.

We're all familiar with Mjolner and cospri's malice by now right? Yes, yes? I'm assuming MOST of us have dabbled with either item at one point or another. The builds that come with these items have a general consensus of being "fun" right? Right! Well, why do these items make the game fun or why did they used to make the game more fun? RIP mjolner/cospri's :( :(

I'll tell you why! Because, it makes the game colorful! Yes folks, you heard it. Nothing satisfies me more than a good discharge. *giggity*

But, it's a little more than that. It's fast paced, i'm an athletic guy, I'm used to fast paced things. to me, cospri's and the old mjolner were manifestations in game of how I play sports IRL (no i don't mean discharging on people, ew...). I just mean getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible to score.

But I digress, I don't wholeheartedly disagree with GGG, in some ways i think they're right in nerfing them both.
However, in my opinion it's an incredibly stupid move marketing wise. Like one of the worst business decisions I've ever seen.
FOR EXAMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This makes the game look cool, interesting and draws peoples attention. This is something that'd get someone to play the game.

then you have something like this...

So my question to ggg is, why not just buff all the skills and spells to compete with a triggered discharge? While making the game inherently more difficult... I mean gear wise there's like a 4 exalt difference mostly due to cospri's malice. So why such a drastic clearspeed difference? Well, the games' not balanced lel, if it were there wouldn't be so many people playing cospri's discharge.
How can ggg balance the game? Well, I've been an avid gamer for the past 25 years, if they're really interested in balancing the game, they know how to contact me :3.

Now, i know a lot of you are going to say "well BUILDS LIKE COSPRI'S TRIVIALIZES THE GAME" Hahahaha, my friend, you can make MOST builds trivialize the game with the right amount of currency invested. But, they're just not as fun in my opinion.

I also find it unfair how GGG bankrupted a lot of people with legacy Mjolner's. If you're planning to ruin an item in the future GGG, please just remove the item from the loot table. Like this whole facebreakers 45% crit multi. Just remove facebreakers from the game completely. Because they're too op.
Obviously i'm being facetious. But you know what i mean? Now my crappy 600% facebreakers will be worth several exalts instead of a couple alts.

Forreal, if a summoner has, can, and always will be able to summon effectively since closed beta, and can be played since closed beta, so there's a sort of comfortability in playing it. Why must other builds not follow that same train of thought? GGG's like "Nah, you can't like this discharge, you're not allowed to like it. It's too good". and there are thousands of people that are like "bravo GGG, you tell em, you hit 'em where it hurts" meanwhile the majority of these people are terrible players who can't make more than a few exalts per league.

All I'm really saying is, if the game were more balanced, the quantity of people playing discharge would be less, and the need to nerf such an item/build wouldn't arise because of it.

This isn't just true about discharge either, it's true about everything considered "op". Instead of labeling it op and nerfing it, we as a community as a whole should be looking at "WHY" these things are op, why they're considered OP, what type of players consider it op. If it's even OP to begin with, or are the other abilities just that underwhelming?. These are some of the better questions we should be asking. I just feel like the right questions aren't being asked which is leading to a boring easy game. If builds are trivializing the game, ggg has to work with intelligent players to come up with resolutions as to not negatively effect people's gaming experience. Cause right now I'm up a few ex from those facebreakers, but i'm down like 180 exalt from the other changes which IS negatively impacting my gaming experience.
Lol, RIP facebreakers. Fortunately I already vaaled a pair.

tm10067 wrote:
Lol, RIP facebreakers. Fortunately I already vaaled a pair.

Not 1000%, why vaal?

Chalace wrote:
DjSall wrote:
So now it takes 60 seconds to charge up my vinktars with master surgeon. Thank you GGG for ruining countless builds again :))

EDIT: Obviously not counting increased flask charges gained.

How on earth did you calculate that as 60s?
Another moron complaining because they are unable to do simple math.

/end *sarcasm*?
GitGud, GitNerfed, Repeat.
seeing alot of butt hurt players posting here, makes me lol hard. What makes me lol even harder is the ppl threatening to not buy supporter packs or threatening to quit playing the game... kind of reminds me of the "famous" ppl who threatened to leave the U.S. if trump got elected...yet not one of them left.

Fixed a bug where alt-tabbing in fullscreen mode would change to windowed mode.
Many thanks!

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