Item Filter Performance

Chris wrote:
It has affected our online realm for quite a while.

Curious if this means the past few months level of while, or since 2.0 level of while.

Good to hear this got caught, though!
Jerle wrote:
Are you saying this was always a problem with item filters? Or an issue that developed with 2.5? Not quite sure what you meant.

Sounds like it was an existing problem that has always existed.

Let us start out in hideout instead of town
^ 10 points for relevance mate... good work
Last edited by rockdog2161#6565 on Dec 1, 2016, 8:08:44 PM
so THATS why I was getting 5fps in spots in monstrous treasure maps
Holy cow, every frame?!

That's quite some processing power that went into that :D
Glad you guys figured it out and fixed it, am so looking forward to 2.5 :D
So if I understand this correctly. This is a buff?
Poor Neversink did all that work for nothing
good news

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