Division and segregation in a micro community
So... I understand the whole PvP thing is broken. Damage is off the charts, broken skills and mechanics left and right, little to no attention given by GGG. It's bound to make some people bitter. Add to that the obvious fact that competitive people are also mostly egotistical assholes and you get a melting pot of shit that scares everybody away.
It's all to be expected, but I'm kind of disappointed that only few people are able to take a step back and realize they're arguing over a video game with people pushing 30 or more, segregating and creating a divide among a tiny subset of the community for really no reason at all. Your voice is not heard by a crowd. You're not impressing the masses. There's you and the very few of us. We're such a small community that we know just about everybody by name. Yet we manage to have ongoing arguments, blatant disrespect, belittling, etc. Little groups form that don't play with each other just like 12 year old kids. How are we not past that? It's no surprise we barely ever get new players. The gameplay is based purely on available funds and proper use of poorly balanced game mechanics. All that's left is the community and they're mostly just fighting with each other. Now don't get me wrong, there are a ton of cool dudes, but also way too many bad apples. If you recognize yourself here feel free to tell us why you're behaving that way. Are you emotionally spent after a work day? Do you just enjoy being a general dick? Problems in your personal life? What's the deal? It's all pretty much dead right now. More than it's ever been. Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708 1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847 Last edited by Simplesim45#4104 on Dec 12, 2016, 9:48:19 PM Last bumped on Dec 24, 2016, 8:42:45 AM
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i'll be honest n not name ppl in that long comment.
Personnaly if u look at how my pvp experience is so far u can see that yes we have a problem. 1. Im friend with amazon (before i even start pvping), so because im is friend im already tag before saying 1 word 2.im fairly new to pvp 3 month ago i was a nobody in pvp, i wasn't even pvping, i was playing the skill that ive enjoy the most in the game sadly its EA (pvp cancer tagged), i started pvping cuz i runned out off challenge in pve but i still enjoyed the game so i decided to try something else. 3. after trying some new stuff that i was really happy about my build i decided to write a (build guide) that ive posted on pvp forum first (was a mistake since markusz had already showed it but i dind't knew about that) then i posted it later on RANGER forum side since its there that build guide should be posted n nothing similar to that build had been posted there yet. 4. when i posted it on pvp forum i got strashed on by multiple ppl, that i didn't knew at that time. So since this was my kinda first experience with pvp forum i was really upset about ppl reaction, so yes i reacted badly. 5.After that i tryied to participate on the forum at my best but has u mentionned it mostly turn into a hate shit storm. So i was upset about ppl insulting me/my build ( the only i have, n i use for pve/pvp so yes ill keep improving it since i like it), so yes i started to write hateful comment n shitpost. 6. has for now i gave up on that poe forum section n just casualy post comment about broken mechanic (yes i know i use all of them), and some comment about pvp item. I decided to not feed the troll n just watch n laugh at ppl trying to trigger me. A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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But all that hate cannot be solve cuz ppl take it to seriously because there A build get destroy by B build, but there A build reckt C build n so on.
Most are acting like hypocrite n complain about mechanic or bug while they are abusing some themselve. And since its so broken atm ppl enjoy more pvping on poe forum then in sarn/1v1/3v3/CTF A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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Great post Sim, it's pretty simple (ha) what's going on right now. GGG has fixed a lot of the "1shot" functions (Inquisitor/Decay/Vortex) besides AoE overlap/2ndary damages/mine&traps, but they have failed to address Pathfinder, Zerphi mechanics, Aegis, or these CWS/CWDT regen tanks. It's good they at least are attempting to fix things slowly, but unfortunately it has left us in an extremely one-sided meta where it's as simple as a flow chart. Got Zerphi? Got AoE Overlap? Got 2ndary damages? No? Getrektnublol
Combine that with ego-centric people who refuse to admit they have spent their PoE "Career" basically hopping from one balance hole to the next. For example, playing ONLY EA for years and then jumping on the Shin train once it's public knowledge, and you want to be taken seriously? LOL fuck outta here with that bullshit and all your MoM jewelry. "GGG put it in the game so that means it's okay!" If you think for one second that anyone from GGG actually plays this game more than the most casual of the casual, then you are sorely mistaken. Abusing Zerphi mechanics, AoE overlap, or 2ndary damages is so far from their mind it might as well be in a different game. Abusing these mechanics is on the same level as people hiding inside of walls in Call of Duty where they can shoot people but they can't be shot back. "It's in the game so it's okay!" Some people like playing games with cheat codes to make themselves feel better about their inabilities to succeed in RL, and some people just like being dicks on the internet. Combine those two things with all the balance holes that GGG seemingly provides, and you have plenty of avenues of ruining the game for anyone you come in contact with. This game has a lot of potential to be some of the longest surviving PvP if it was well taken care of. But then again, I'm too idealistic. Hopefully cya guys in Sarn in March 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack 🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 Last edited by Ahfack#1969 on Dec 13, 2016, 10:28:30 AM
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This is gonna be good.
Last edited by IceDeal#5895 on Dec 13, 2016, 10:38:07 AM
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Really wish I was wrong breh
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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i'll be simple philo,
1- you only seek food for you ego to make it grow bigger. you perceive everything for this purpose, you put everything into the limited box of your ego seeking purposes. you only seek ways to feel like you are better than others. this applies to amazon too. you strike me as a such person. and i see evidences in every post you write. 2- you have no idea about pvp yet you like to brag about it. you are a starter and you don't have a fat credit card to help you out to get better in short time too.(some do) so, give it some time to grow your skills, dont brag about what you have done. we don't care. we've been through paths that you haven't reached yet. it's not because i'm better it's because i've been here before you. we like to bash such people like you. 3- you use EA. we don't respect EA players. Lib only, because she is like a turnusol paper to see how good other builds are. 4- you are disrespectful to others. People here are very experienced compared to you and it takees time to understand what pvp is about. and b y starting pvp as an EA player you can never understand that either. you just think you understood everything from the very start. 5- nobody seeks ways to be toxic towards amazon and you. We simply don't care. You guys put yourselfs in front of our noses all the time by bumping your threads which people barely cares. IF you enjoy that, you are welcome to do so. I'm not saying amazon's build is bad structured, what i'm saying is apparently it's not attractive for people for some reason(3 brood twine requirement maybe?) 6- you use "triggered"/childish memes, you talk a lot about the things you don't know. we pvp players are old guys. ahfack is 30, i'm 30 too, mulla was 30+ too. my whole guild is 25+, half of our members are married. etc etc. goods: 1- i appreciate your passion towards pvp and getting better 2- same for amazon - amazon is better than you cause at least whatever he does, he tries to find something new - and the ideas he tries to implement are most of the time better than no mom scolds + zerphi. 3- you write guides and help others 4- your try to implement new ideas to your build. 5- you fail hard though but it's ok. note: amazon/shin or you, can take the signal fire from me whenever you want. i don't know other rolls, but it's as the signal fire i vendored 32% fire. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Dec 13, 2016, 11:09:31 AM
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From what I noticed overall, whoever takes PvP really seriously has a bad time, or causes a bad time for others, conflicts etc. At least in match outcomes, win ratios, or being credited for effort. I do take gearing, building somewhat seriously, and put effort into it, but I am aware when I do niche builds, and they will fail in some matches and situations, but don't really care, just want to see how good it gets, have some fun, in a casual way, and enjoy the building process.
I see some conflicts starting in this thread too, but I think it's overreacted, or a misunderstanding. From the beginning I've taken phil's build guide as a troll, a caricature of amazon's guide, and overall phil's comments (which is okay, I do make jokes and meme things too), or at least it seemed that way, but I'm not sure any more as he mentioned it in a more serious manner now, complaining about the reactions he got, so I'm confused. However rup, you wrote a pretty serious reply, but you gotta accept that some ppl, especially younger ones, even me, will be making jokes, memes, troll shitposts and such, it's a game's forum after all, you can't be that serious about it (I do feel similar about EA bragging tho, but our reactions differ, I just laugh/cringe about it). IGN: Márkusz My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Last edited by Márkusz#4682 on Dec 13, 2016, 1:25:26 PM
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The way I see it is there already IS a division in the pvp community, and it isn't necessarily created by us. It's a natural division of players; ones who do it for ego, there's players who genuinely enjoy it, there's the bandwagon-hoppers, the casual pvpers who are more social. Shit like that. Currently, it's a lot of players who are serious, and players who are serious and only seem to use these sorts of flavor-of-the-month builds. I'll use QBot as an example. We put up with him just standing around and being virtually unkillable. Then came frost bomb. Where's QBot now? All these so-called "pvpers" just up and leave when the playing field is leveled and made more fair, while the rest of us stick with it and adapt.
We have players like to play somewhat fair and avoid abusing any unfair things (where we can). Then there's players like mirarara/KarunaMah/fireslide/head_high who just, like Ahfack said, go from one balance hole to another. With mirarara/all of his characters, it is ALWAYS the broken bullshit meta that he uses. He was right up there when Spark was the micro-dick skill to use. He actually said to me that it was fair because it "works like it's supposed to", but gets all pouty when I beat him and tells me my AoE is "unfair". There is no. Fucking. WAY. I am going to consider him part of my pvp community. He is just one example though, and I'm not going to list everyone who annoys me. Before you get your tit caught in a wringer over Rup's comment, salty, he does bring up some valid points, primarily about the experience aspect. Had you had to put up with EA for even a fraction of the time we have, you'd have grown to detest it as well. It isn't just about the skill, but what it means to still use it. Now I haven't been in pvp as long as everyone here. Plenty of people pre-date me by awhile, but I've been here long enough that I have earned the right to complain, and one of the things I complain about is anyone who, despite all we've said about how unfair some skills are, refuse to stop using them and even go to the lengths of justifying it somehow. Now I know I'm bitching about a game like Harley said, but it is a game I have devoted a lot of time and effort into. For some people to just wander in and undo it all because of some unfair, bullshit thing is pretty goddamn infuriating. And to address salty's point of everyone abusing an exploit, I have to start by saying that EA is about the biggest exploit in pvp, and for the most part, it's on entirely different level than some things we use. Sad thing is, if some of us don't abuse something on some level, we're fucked. It's almost comparable to playing an FPS against a bunch of aimbot scriptkiddies. Might edit later for clarity, or if I think of something else to bitch about. Lavender or Leave. PvPresident, 2016 // You'd better run. “EA is fine” -relith Last edited by I_am_Upset#2098 on Dec 13, 2016, 1:42:16 PM
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To answer most things that have been said on me on this forum ill try to make that has short has i can.
First rup im 24 n married so don't come at me with BS shit like ur a kid blablabla. Do u think that ur acting more like a grown man spending all ur time on this forum spreading has much hate toward ppl has u can... dunno but maybe find a job or something? And about that fail things dunno what ur talking about cuz my build still does good in pvp n can do everything on pve so i dunno maybe all build are fail if e see them ur way :( Has for u ahfack i didn'T knew that u where so upset about me n what im doing ive never took my build seriously in pvp since im well aware that it is broken but yes i like playing EA n sry if its broken on pvp has for u markusz if u rly think that i take that build guide seriously, ive made it for pve n to show league/new player the build, cu we all know that it has more chance to get fix if its abused on pve But non of u explain still why ur acting this way toward other ppl, n that was kinda the goal of simplesim post. still love u all n ur funny reaction i hope u will take this game less seriously in the future. A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens Last edited by philophil#2404 on Dec 13, 2016, 1:48:47 PM
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