Mathil build list v2

The tree for the Low Life EK is sticking for me at 96%. Anyone else having that problem?

Update: All trees are, seems to be a browser issue. Anyone else encounter this?
Last edited by Kdronin18#1198 on Apr 14, 2017, 5:09:31 AM
Kdronin18 wrote:
The tree for the Low Life EK is sticking for me at 96%. Anyone else having that problem?

Update: All trees are, seems to be a browser issue. Anyone else encounter this?

All good here.
//edited because stupid
Last edited by shrinkmaster#1641 on Apr 14, 2017, 3:00:29 PM
Dude, thanks for your amazing work.

I'm planning to start a new character based on your EK Pathfinder, so I dowloaded your template in Path of Building, and it seems that the "Ring of Blades" jewel can only get 30 Dexterity from the skill tree (when 40 are required).

Well, I can click on some nearby Dexterity node, but is this some kind of Path of Building glitch ?

[edit] Nevermind. Tried it myself, it seems that those jewels are happy with un-selected passives...
Last edited by Cmoidudu#5361 on Apr 15, 2017, 12:05:25 PM
A bit feedback on frostoblt elementalist. (Sorry for bad english, poor Russian here)

Oh, big thanks for this awesome build.

At first, this build is first build i'm sattysfied with.

So far i get to the guardians w/ this build, done my first guardian yesterday, it was Minotaur - done on 87th lvl. Died twice, but it was only becouse it was my first try, and i can barely see him when he is undrground. Dps on ignite and frostbolt itself is a BEAST - twin abyss map w/ 40% ele resists was just a breeze.

So far my dps with pendulum buff (yep chose pendulum over beacon cause of crit - ignite with pendulum buff can burn down t12-t13 bosses.)

50k tooltip dps with golems and GMP under pendulum
83k tooltip dps with golems and slower proj. under pendulum

Reached 88 lvl within about 2 days (full playtime is 5 days, but 3 of them spend on vanity, h/o vanity and trading)

My gear so far.

Also check out my vanity :d

Last edited by DeadEngine#5680 on Apr 17, 2017, 6:14:43 AM
Mathil wrote:
First thread is officially too full to keep editing.
All builds are typically posted as guides on to ask your questions, streaming almost every day.

Breach League

Ngamahu Cyclone Raider

Double BF (Bladeflurry/Bladefall)

Hand of Wisdom and Action Spectral Throw Raider

Assassin BladeFlurry

Hege Staff Raider (currently groundslam)

Passive Tree
Groundslam links were: Groundslam + Multistrike + Melee Phys + Melee Phys on Full Life + AoE + Crit Strikes

Scorching Ray Cast While Channeling Firestorm

Cast on Crit Vortex

Occultist Chaos Wander

Current passive tree
Bandits - Passive - Attack Speed - Power Charge

Oro Berserker

Tornado Shot Assassin

Provisional passive tree
Bandits - Life - Attack Speed - Power Charge

Voltaxic Spark

Passive tree
Bandits - Passive - Cast Speed - Power Charge

Gladiator Varunastra BF

Gladiator Varunastra BF

Burning Arrow Elementalist

Legacy League

Ice Crash Slayer

Passive Tree
Bandits - Life - Attack Speed - Frenzy

Ice Crash Slayer - Endgame version with Kongor mace

Passive Tree
Bandits - Life - Attack Speed - Frenzy

Mortem Morsu Spectral Throw Assassin

Passive Tree
Bandits - Life - Attack Speed - Power Charge

Frost Blade Pathfinder

Current Passive Tree
Bandits - Passive - Attack Speed - Power Charge

Frostbolt Elementalist

Current Passive Tree
Bandits - Passive - Cast Speed - Power Charge

Starforge Raider Cyclone

Current Passive Tree
Bandits - Life - Phys - Frenzy

Lowlife Nova EK

Current Passive Tree
Bandits - Passive - Cast Speed - Power Charges

Brutus Lead Sprinkler Berserker

Current Passive Tree
Bandits - Life - Attack Speed - Passive

Updating as I have time.

Can you update breach league builds tree please?
It's fcked up that sharonne's wrappings used in slot of skin of the loyal will cut the dmg so hard.
What's the best tree to convert the Mortem Morsu build into either a Low Life or a CI char for more survivability? since you can barely get any life nodes as a shadow.

And if so how would you compensate for losing the 80% Chaos Damage that Cherrubim's give?

Thanks in advance.
Last edited by Jasper#7551 on Apr 20, 2017, 12:04:24 PM

The build on mathil's Brutus' lead sprinkler marauder shows him having 254 dex, I'm not even near getting that much with the exact same tree. What am I missing?
I've been playing with Brutus for about a week and have been doing pretty well with it. I wanted to try this version of the tree and i ended up being 10 int short for the 154 needed for hubris and that was with Coordination still allocated, so really i'm 20 short. Any suggestions where to pick up the extra int?

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