Mathil build list v2
Holy crap Mathil, think your "offhand Chin-Sol action" got a little out of hand :-)
Been busy min-maxing the char. Current stats: Lvl: 98 HP: 6.3k Shaper DPS: 7.28 PoB link: Also recorded Phoenix run with updated stats: Gear: Got some more improvements to be made, like replacing one of my rings for Opal ring, and another 2 lvls to lvl 100. Shooting for that 8 Million Shaper deeps ;-) |
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Wow fritso very nice charachter you got there. Do you mind recording a shaper run with that stuff? :)
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" Thanks! Invested quite a bit of time into this char, and I'm still experimenting with gear and skill tree every now and then. Did a skill tree change after that last post, and am now sitting at 7.58m Shaper dps with about 6.3k life. Looks like I'm gonna touch the 8m mark at lvl 99. New PoB: Unfortunately I got quite a bit of xp now, so going to lvl to 99 first before doing Shaper again. Did quite a few runs back when I was at 5m Shaper dps. Even then, he was pretty basic. Whenever he uses his beam attack, just hit him with your barage, and boom, 50% health gone and he's onto the next phase. You can even facetank the beam if you like. Also have a Mino run on my channel from back when I had 5m dps. Chin Sol scaling really is insane. I mean, it can deal more damage than a Doomfletch Pathfinder build with fully mirorred gear for a fraction of the cost. Plus, no need for that +2 barrage Abyssus which is insanely expensive, and makes you squishy against phys damage. Last edited by Fritso#3688 on Oct 14, 2017, 1:34:14 PM
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This is my Ice Shot character. Having a blast farming maps with it but I die alot on guardians (maybe I sux at dodging). I have like 60ex to invest on this build but idk where to start. Any help is appreciated.
PoB: Gear: | |
" What is killing you on guardian runs? Are you rolling hard mods that increase dmg? Any specific guardian you have trouble with? Your HP (about 6.2k) is fine, good life rolls on gear, and your Guardian dps (2.5-3mil) is also solid. Your accuracy may be a bit low (89%) but don't think that should be a big problem. If you suck at dodging, like I do, you can use a cwdt - ball lightning - blind setup in your Chin Sol. Also, any specific reason you're not using +1 frenzy Dark Ray Vectors? They provide more movespeed, extra dodge, and very nice damage (about +500k on your build). I found them to make Chimera Smoke Phase a lot easier. Thing of note though is your resists. They are not properly balanced for Wise Oak. With all your flasks up your fire res is highest, not your cold. So you don't get the extra dmg from the flask. You'll want your fire res at least 50% below your cold without flasks, cuz Dying Sun gives 50% extra fire res. Good thing there is a simple solution to this in your build: remove fire res craft from opal ring, and replace with cold res. Don't worry about your res not being overcapped for ele weakness without flasks, because your flasks will always be up anyways. And for ele weakness maps, just run a Quicksilver flask with remove curse (this now also removes map curses since 3.0). In fact, on any map that has curses like temp chains, vulnerability etc, I run a curse remove Quicksilver. Oh...and please quality your Chin Sol for that cheap extra (about 45k) dmg. Think you can afford the whetstones after a 60ex investment ;-) |
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" Thanks alot for your time. In my opinion you should make your own build on foruns. You're rly helpfull and you give very good tips. About the guardians,I died alot on phoenix without dmg modes, like I said, maybe I sux at dodging. I still have to try shaper and chimera, Mino was ok and hydra was kinda easy. The boots, well, I dont need more dmg tbh and my boots give me alot of defense and hp. But ill try it. I derped with resist balance,completely forgot about Dying sun. Its fixed now, thanks again. Chin Sol is fixed too. Now in your opinion, should I use my currency and try to make it my boss farmer? Im bored with maps now. I want to farm Guadians/Shaper no-stop. Or I should keep this char for fast mapping and make one dedicated boss farmer(no ideia which one,looking for options too)? And again, thanks for your time and sorry for my English. | |
" Thanks man, I appreciate it. I've spend so much time, currency, and overall tweaking on this character I may consider making a build guide for it once I hit 100. Phoenix can be tricky later in the fight, because he reduces your max fire res when his health goes down. So it's absolutely mandatory to avoid his blast and spin attack when he's on lower life. His adds can also hit prety hard when your max fire res is lowered. So gtfo when he does his blast and attack him after. Ofc you can make the fight a lot easier with more dps, so you can kill him before he gets a chance to do is blast atack. This is one of those builds that is perfect for both mapping and guardians/shaper. It scales insanely well when investing some currency. There's not many build that can get you more damage and faster guardian/shaper runs. Ofc this is not the safest build, but when you're dedicated to farming them you don't care about dying every now and then. Like I said in an earlier post I'm going to get to 8 million Shaper dps when I hit 99, and that's with about 40-ish exalt invested into the character and some lucky self crafts like the +1 arrow Chin Sol. Don't know of any build that can do that for that amount of currency investment. Plus we still have a decent 6k+ life. So imo, invest into this build, and the sky is the limit. Hope this helps, and if you need more info, just give a shout. Last edited by Fritso#3688 on Oct 15, 2017, 1:10:32 PM
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Hi people, have a serious question - made a 6l +1 chin sol but it's kinda a low roll, should i concentrate on getting a better rolled one or it doesn't matter THAT much?
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" an easy way to check this is using Path of Building. Roll a perfect chin sol and check the difference in damage output. my guess is the difference isn't that much that you should worry about it. Fritso, what an awesome build! I got my ice shot raider up and running and its killing! Not even using lioneye's jewel yet. I am wondering what i should focus on if I only want this as a map clearing build (using ice shot most of the time). Last edited by Slothrop1#3972 on Oct 20, 2017, 12:27:17 PM
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" Thanks! If you mainly want to focus on mapping you'll want to buff your Ice Shot damage, and focus on getting high movespeed. No need to get extreme amounts of life, cuz with Ice Shot you'll be freezing everything, so it's quite safe. - Get 6L ice Shot setup (not 100% mandatory, but easy extra dps) - Try and get good % increased ele dmd with attack rolls on jewelry and belt - For high movespeed +1 frenzy corrupted Darkray Vectors are king, but can be expensive - Maybe use a rat's next for the extra crit and movespeed (only use if you have enough life/resists). Or a rare helmet with an Ice Shot enchant like % increased Ice Shot dmg. They are prety cheap. - Quicksilver flask with extra movespeed roll like: - If you got some spare skill points, maybe spec into some movespeed nodes if you don't need extra dmg or life. Hope this helps. Have fun! |
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