Mathil build list v2

Good builds! Keep up the good work!
I'm struggling intensely to get Uber lab done while having no troubles farming T9-T12 maps

I got through uberlab by relying on darkshrines. Getting the permanent fast movement one made the fight a lot easier. Movement Never Ceases would have been nice as well, but I wasn't that lucky.

The extra damage the second Wildfire adds is hard to calculate in PoB for me. Guess I still need to learn more about the program. It's easier to see the damage from getting the nodes to Projectile Mastery and it seems like quite a lot, without having to travel through fairly useless stat nodes.

EDIT: I just ran uberlab for the first time in around ten levels, and it's really fast and easy with decent gear. Argus and Izaro melt before Shade Form even wear off.
Last edited by Silverback0124#3465 on Dec 19, 2017, 8:58:44 PM
How would a Yriel's do on the Molten/Flurry?

Work until maybe making a Belly happen?
I picked up a Lycosidae shield for my MS+FB Raider because a lot of posts say the "hits can't be evaded" mod is really great for the build, but the damage in PoB vs. using two Touch of Anguish claws is lower. Is it really better to use the (very expensive!) shield instead of dual-wielding?

The block chance is another nice layer of defense, and shield charge is nice....
Last edited by Silverback0124#3465 on Dec 20, 2017, 4:02:02 PM
Talk me out of scrapping my lvl83 ice shot/barrage for a molten/frost.

or tell me why my raider is having trouble staying alive vs T9+ bosses. Barrage just doesn't seem as potent as it should be.
RemyRevelry is the IS/Barrage toon.

I'm not rich by any means. Especially after the IS/Barrage that still needs some better rings.

I find myself switching back to my skele mage summoner even though it's slower as I don't die nearly as often.
HEY what is the best Pantheon choice for elebuzzaw/molten strike build?
I don't know if anyone can help me but I'm trying out his flicker strike build and following it mostly to a T. I'm lvl 74, super low on health 2.9k and my damage is a 3rd of his on tooltips(7.3k) and I can't get my flicker past 4.2k. I'm kind of annoyed since I get 1shot by a lot of rares and bosses that I can't really map besides T1-T3.

I'm using rat's nest for right now because with abyssus I get destroyed if my flicker stops for even a second. Also I'm not sure if I wanted to use the boots since cast on crit would seem fun to plug in since you're constantly critting in this build but I haven't done anything with them yet.

Any help would be seriously appreciated.
How does 6L Ancestral Warchief compares to 6L Molten Strike? You can even use your Frost Blades while your totem attacks or can move around, while with Molten Strike you're locked to one place.
Last edited by Qte#4617 on Dec 23, 2017, 11:03:56 AM
omgitsb3n146 wrote:
I don't know if anyone can help me but I'm trying out his flicker strike build and following it mostly to a T. I'm lvl 74, super low on health 2.9k and my damage is a 3rd of his on tooltips(7.3k) and I can't get my flicker past 4.2k. I'm kind of annoyed since I get 1shot by a lot of rares and bosses that I can't really map besides T1-T3.

I'm using rat's nest for right now because with abyssus I get destroyed if my flicker stops for even a second. Also I'm not sure if I wanted to use the boots since cast on crit would seem fun to plug in since you're constantly critting in this build but I haven't done anything with them yet.

Any help would be seriously appreciated.

I'll give this a shot, I'm no pro, but I'll do what I can. First off, you have essentially no life on most of your gear (the belt is okay though). Ungil's Harmony is lowering your damage significantly. AFAIK Herald of Ash is pointless while you have Brutality supporting your Flicker Strike. The elemental damage on your rings/belt jewel/gloves does nothing because of Brutality. I'm sure there's more, and hopefully someone else can get to it. Also couldn't check your tree (or the jewels you might have in it) because your profile is private. Best of luck, I probably won't check this to respond back anytime soon. Happy Holidays!
BennyJ wrote:
Talk me out of scrapping my lvl83 ice shot/barrage for a molten/frost.

or tell me why my raider is having trouble staying alive vs T9+ bosses. Barrage just doesn't seem as potent as it should be.
RemyRevelry is the IS/Barrage toon.

I'm not rich by any means. Especially after the IS/Barrage that still needs some better rings.

I find myself switching back to my skele mage summoner even though it's slower as I don't die nearly as often.

I played a pretty decked out Doomfetch Tornado/shot last league. Barrage is hot & miss if you asked me. It has animation lock which make it dnagerour on non one to one situation & awful when missed, & it missed often, especially if you do not namelock the target.It is however amazing as single target skill.

I am leveling a molten strike/Frost blade build (now level 61), & th clear speed is amazing & you move so much faster with a movemnet skill like whirling blade or shield charge. Molten strike feel more comfy as a single target skill as its almost impossible to miss, & 2nd as a AOE skill with a compact mob group comfortably.

& yes, Moltenstrike/FB, its more fun as well, but fun is subjective.

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