[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

Durish wrote:
Goldfield8 wrote:
Hey, Would really like to play this build in the upcoming league.
Buuut Im not sure if this is playable as starter.

Never played a summoner/necro before, so Im not able to judge if this is possible at all :)
Hope you can help me making the decision!

See leveling tips at post #3 and have fun. Summoner its a very good league starter, with low budged you will have a good char.

Okey,just read through it and my only problem is getting the "recommended gear" while leveling. Like I wont be able to get these items tonight.
Vis Mortis for example... same goes for the gem setups until changing to golems (you only go for srs/zombies and spectres dont you ?).
I Kinda feel stupid, not being able to obtain this by myself.
Last edited by Goldfield8#7469 on Dec 7, 2018, 4:47:39 AM
kami_koi wrote:
Am i really the only one to not trust theese Vanguard ? :'D

(Nice skin ofr forum mika, i just installed it ;))

Have a good starting league everyone <3

If anybody wants to proof me am wrong about Tukohama's vanguards and their totems :p Am open ! :D

Hello :)

Thanks! Trying to learn some coding on the side ;)

For the TV Specs, there's easy way to compare them now with Pob :

Against Uber Elder, my
1x TV spec would be doing :
280k DPS : https://pastebin.com/kAqmsWZS

1x Solar Guard spec would be doing :
148k DPS : https://pastebin.com/g8RjuHjc but they will also spam beam, which does only 50k DPS so real dps is closer to 120k

1x Flame Golem would be doing :
113k DPS : https://pastebin.com/mXc3bsE8 but they will also spam weaker skills, which does only 30-100k DPS so real dps is closer to 100k

TV Specs always keeps the totem up and totem lasts so long that even if TV moves away, it will still keep burning the boss. Of course TVs do very little for clear speed, but they are absolutely best minions for boss killing with their massive single target damage.

They deal roughly at least double damage to anything else I have tested as they only have one real attack to spam. Any weaker attack between strongest attacks lowers DPS.

GL and HF for everyone in league from me too!

Hey, Would really like to play this build in the upcoming league.
Buuut Im not sure if this is playable as starter.

Never played a summoner/necro before, so Im not able to judge if this is possible at all :)
Hope you can help me making the decision!

See leveling tips at post #3 and have fun. Summoner its a very good league starter, with low budged you will have a good char.

Okey,just read through it and my only problem is getting the "recommended gear" while leveling. Like I wont be able to get these items tonight.
Vis Mortis for example... same goes for the gem setups until changing to golems (you only go for srs/zombies and spectres dont you ?).
I Kinda feel stupid, not being able to obtain this by myself.

Hey :)

Leveling this build is actually pretty cheap as you can go with just Solar Guards Spectres until t13+ maps.

Usual summoner gear costs 1-3c piece in league and with any 4-link Vis Mortis, pseudo 6-link helmet for Solar Guards, Midnight Bargain, Bones of Ullr (total mentioned set cost about 20c) you are able to do maps up to T13 easily.

Just spend rest on rare items to keep high EHP (HP + ES) and at some point you have enough currency to get Golem gear ;)

Thanks Mica, helped a lot.


Glad to hear it ^^

This guide is pure gold!

I have decided to make this my league starter this time and i have a quick question.

What map mods do you guys reroll with this build?
And what map mods are not doable at all?

If I remember correctly the last time I played Necromancer TV + Wicker, there is no bad rolls for this build. ^^

One of the things I have always liked about elementalist golemancer is that with a curse flask and a mana flask you can completely ignore the map mods - there's basically nothing you can't run. Although hex proof might be a little sketchy once you are used to mapping with max level temp chains!

I've been thinking of trying something a little memey (I mean bad) with golems and the new brands!

Get the golems in a normal elder helmet with conc effect, minion damage & + minion levels if able. Slot in Combustion. Grab spiritual aid on the tree and the rune binder keystone next to it for some brand scaling. Then chuck your lightening golem in the recently buffed Malachai's Artifice so ONLY your ice golem will proc EE for you. This leaves you with a 6-link in your chest for the Armageddon Brand which will benefit from EE from your ice golem, combustion from
your flame golems & allow two brands to be attached to an enemy from rune binder.

The downside is relatively little scaling for the brand on the tree but it would be something you would cast two of for a bossfight / red beast. Can then also run primordial chain for the extra 3 golems and movement speed.

Like I say - very memey & probably terrible. But if Armageddon Brand ends up being awesome might be fun a away to help take down tankier targets and look cool too!!

Edit: Maybe add a scorching ray totem too with multiple totems support otherwise runebinder won't let you have one. Not for dmg - just for the - fire res.

Hey :)

There are no really bad mods in maps.

Temporal Chains is annoying and if you go with Aliras +15% Elemental Res and use Necro with +20% extra ele res from aura, you have enough Elemental Resistance to negate Elemental Weakness in maps totally.

Like Harvey said, with Elementalist you can ignore even more mods like ignite, chill, freeze, shock and bleed.

Maybe add "Immolate" or "30% more elemental damage" to Golems in helmet?

Hmm the Artifice + Golem is new one to me. Seems to work according to forums 0_o

If you don't use Primordial Chain, TV specs stack -24% fire ress debuff. Can't confirm but you may also be able to use Animate Guardian with "nearby enemies have -x% to elemental resistances" helmet equipped on it?

Really like the plan, can you report later how it worked out? :D
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Last edited by mika2salo#7776 on Dec 7, 2018, 7:30:42 AM
Hello there

New player on poe, a couple of weeks ago I stumbled on your guide and decided to follow it. I managed to clear almost all content by myself except Uber elder and minotaur guardian. The rest were easy fights. The problems I encountered were that I got stuck at 92 lvl. My deaths were more compared to my xp rate and I wasn't able to level up. Probably was to my aggressive playstyle or to my gear.

I have one question,

On poe ninja the majority of golem builds were with primordial chain and no tv and I was wondering why.

Please check my gear and tree and
propose what to upgrade next!

Last but not least today I bought this little gem for a couple of exalts. +1 spectre and 20% less mana conservation for my curses which will save me 4 skill points!

Last edited by nbarloya#0609 on Dec 7, 2018, 9:24:17 AM
Hey Mika,

It was going to be something I might try at the end of the league for fun but I'll let you know how it all goes.

Hey Nbarloya,

Unfortunately it looks as though your characters are set to private so we can't see them at the moment. There should be an option in the accounts page and under privacy settings I think to make them visible. Just un-check the hide characters option.

Also I think that the boots may not work entirely as you think they might. When it says socketed spells have reduced mana cost I think that means that their cost to cast them yourself will be reduced by 20%. I think they would need to read more along the lines of socketed gems have x% reduced mana reservation. At least the reduced mana support gem functions in this way. Probably be worth trying them out to check. Either way they are still a massive upgrade over Bones of Ullr so congrats on getting them!
Unchecked it. Please check if it works now!

I hope the 20% works as I though else I would be pissed with my self!
Hey Nbarloya,

Yeah, I can see your character now!

I'll have a quick look but Mika will be along at some point and he'll give you some good advice.

Honestly your gear looks really good. I've put your golemancer in Path of Building and everything looks ok to me on the survive-ability front. You have good chaos res, ok life and overcapped ele res. Decent ES & life.

So nothing major, just a few things to maybe consider. Shield charge is really nice when linked to faster attacks and fortify. Phase Run is better in a 3-link with increased duration and efficacy. You probably can only fit one of those in easily I would guess.

You have a white (non-magic) quicksilver which is a little odd. Might as well transmute it and augment as well if needed. Ideally you are looking to get a quicksilver of adrenaline for more movement speed and then a useful prefix like alchemist's, experimenter's, chemist's or ample.

I think you'll get better (die less) as you play more although the fact you have taken on Guardians is a really good start.

Primordial Chain is popular at the moment as there is a really good golem build which uses ice golems. There isn't a spectre that really help ice golems so having more golems from primordial chain is nicer. Plus it's cheaper than a Presence of Chayula. And it's always nice to play some thing new and different. I don't necessarily think one is much better than the other though. Both are good.
Thank you for your time and responses!

I'm going to experiment this time and make Elementalist Winter Orb+Golem hybrid.
As promised I am vouching for this great guide!

It's the first time I had a chance to try a hybrid-golem build (usually I play a lot of different golem variations) and I have to admit it's great :)

I took my time and even recorded a Deathless Uber-Elder video to prove that it's a very solid build:


My gear is slightly different from yours as I keep my flame golems linked to Elder Helmet, and Spectres are kept in +1 Chest, which according to Poe.Builder resulted in more DPS over time than keeping them in the helmet slot (even in a helmet with 20 Burning 20 Minion Dmg 20 Minion Life 30% more ele dmg).

My 2cents for defense layer during Uber-Elder fight:

1) Immortal Call + CoDT (saved me a lot of times)
2) Phase run (great in disengaging and letting the ES recharge in peace)
3) Max cold res flasks + chance to avoid cold dmg flasks + immune to freeze mods

My gear:

Last edited by Talamoe#1912 on Dec 7, 2018, 12:13:52 PM
nbarloya wrote:
Hello there

New player on poe, a couple of weeks ago I stumbled on your guide and decided to follow it. I managed to clear almost all content by myself except Uber elder and minotaur guardian. The rest were easy fights. The problems I encountered were that I got stuck at 92 lvl. My deaths were more compared to my xp rate and I wasn't able to level up. Probably was to my aggressive playstyle or to my gear.

I have one question,

On poe ninja the majority of golem builds were with primordial chain and no tv and I was wondering why.

Please check my gear and tree and
propose what to upgrade next!

Last but not least today I bought this little gem for a couple of exalts. +1 spectre and 20% less mana conservation for my curses which will save me 4 skill points!

Hey Mika,

It was going to be something I might try at the end of the league for fun but I'll let you know how it all goes.

Hey Nbarloya,

Unfortunately it looks as though your characters are set to private so we can't see them at the moment. There should be an option in the accounts page and under privacy settings I think to make them visible. Just un-check the hide characters option.

Also I think that the boots may not work entirely as you think they might. When it says socketed spells have reduced mana cost I think that means that their cost to cast them yourself will be reduced by 20%. I think they would need to read more along the lines of socketed gems have x% reduced mana reservation. At least the reduced mana support gem functions in this way. Probably be worth trying them out to check. Either way they are still a massive upgrade over Bones of Ullr so congrats on getting them!

Unchecked it. Please check if it works now!

I hope the 20% works as I though else I would be pissed with my self!

Hey Nbarloya,

Yeah, I can see your character now!

I'll have a quick look but Mika will be along at some point and he'll give you some good advice.

Honestly your gear looks really good. I've put your golemancer in Path of Building and everything looks ok to me on the survive-ability front. You have good chaos res, ok life and overcapped ele res. Decent ES & life.

So nothing major, just a few things to maybe consider. Shield charge is really nice when linked to faster attacks and fortify. Phase Run is better in a 3-link with increased duration and efficacy. You probably can only fit one of those in easily I would guess.

You have a white (non-magic) quicksilver which is a little odd. Might as well transmute it and augment as well if needed. Ideally you are looking to get a quicksilver of adrenaline for more movement speed and then a useful prefix like alchemist's, experimenter's, chemist's or ample.

I think you'll get better (die less) as you play more although the fact you have taken on Guardians is a really good start.

Primordial Chain is popular at the moment as there is a really good golem build which uses ice golems. There isn't a spectre that really help ice golems so having more golems from primordial chain is nicer. Plus it's cheaper than a Presence of Chayula. And it's always nice to play some thing new and different. I don't necessarily think one is much better than the other though. Both are good.

Thank you for your time and responses!

Hello :)

Primordial Chains is pretty popular right now as it's new item. It brings something new to Golems, but not necessary more powerful.

Ice Golems are very good, but pretty different compared to Flame Golems. Ice Golems have excellent single target damage and are more FPS friendly for laptop players. They are however slower at clearing packs than Flame Golems and FG + TV Specs deal higher total boss damage.

The mana cost reducement in boots wont unfortunately work with auras or curses. However they are still significant improvement over Bones of Ullr :)

As promised I am vouching for this great guide!

It's the first time I had a chance to try a hybrid-golem build (usually I play a lot of different golem variations) and I have to admit it's great :)

I took my time and even recorded a Deathless Uber-Elder video to prove that it's a very solid build:


My gear is slightly different from yours as I keep my flame golems linked to Elder Helmet, and Spectres are kept in +1 Chest, which according to Poe.Builder resulted in more DPS over time than keeping them in the helmet slot (even in a helmet with 20 Burning 20 Minion Dmg 20 Minion Life 30% more ele dmg).

My 2cents for defense layer during Uber-Elder fight:

1) Immortal Call + CoDT (saved me a lot of times)
2) Phase run (great in disengaging and letting the ES recharge in peace)
3) Max cold res flasks + chance to avoid cold dmg flasks + immune to freeze mods

My gear:

Hey :)

Thanks for great video and gz on beating Uber Elder! \o/
I have to check the helmet / armor placement later.

I can agree on the Uber Elder recommendations. Especially Cold Res capping helps a lot it not familiar with boss mechanics.

I'm going to experiment this time and make Elementalist Winter Orb+Golem hybrid.

Hi :)

Hope the experiment goes well! At least Winter Orbs is godly and will replace Storm Burst in as Elemental Equilibrium trigger skill.


New skill "Winter Orb" replaces "Storm Burst" as Elemental Equilibrium trigger skill now. You can straight replace Storm Burst with it as its same color and works with same links. It can also be leveled to 20/20 as it only cast faster but costs same amount of mana at final level.

3.5.0 Hydra -boss run


Hyrda run with new "Winter Orb" skill triggering "Elemental Equilibrium".
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Last edited by mika2salo#7776 on Dec 8, 2018, 5:30:02 AM

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