Breach As a Core Game Mechanic

Well... I will not complain about upcoming changes until I actually see the changelogs but I have to say I'd prefer buffs over nerfs. "Better buff life and/or rework armor and eva to mitigate both spell and attack phys and elem damage" I'd say, for the sake of diversity.
(Not talking about ES+VP combo here, this shit is broken af)
There is a sure way to die.

Билды - это листья на дереве Path of Exile. C каждым патчем одни опадают, и каждую лигу вырастают другие.
Last edited by DigitalCage#4281 on Feb 13, 2017, 2:12:42 AM
not in the world plzz...!!!!! as zana mod or sextant mod should be ok....

have fun
learning is a painful process ... knowledge is the most deadly weapon.
Last edited by xxxcobaltxxx#7702 on Feb 13, 2017, 1:35:24 AM
Rebalance Esh Breach Mobs Dmg Spikes Stutter And Mechs And You're GTG.
Dark Are The Veils Of Death...!!!
Breach has been a very successful league. It had a great launch, and continued with high player engagement.

Its important to read statistics the right way and interpret them with care.
The League was terrible. For most players. But POE had a huge bump up in player accounts and most of 'em started the league. I myself started the league after skipping last one and was really dissapointed about the mechanic. It was clearly only for High End Machines and for the Top Tier Players with Top Tier AOE Builds.
But I wanted to get the challenge rewards. So I stayed and with the help of the comunity I solved Breach Chellenges. My first Character died over 100 Times I guess. After that I avoided the breaches and enjoied the game more.

I already went back to standard. ;)
Remove shrines from the core game and replace it with breach. Shrines are lame and roflstomp (always) whereas breaches are exciting and difficult.

Breach league has been my favorite since Invasion which was epic! Difficulty (not talking being 1 shotted) in league is mandatory in order to please longer periods of time. If you think it is too scary for new players you can always scale new league content on normal and cruel down, but to make it hard towards end of merciless.

However if you'd go for zana option, make breach very cheap, but maybe level 7 or 8 to unlock?

Oh and nerf vaal pact, maybe so that you can't leech es?
Last edited by Jyssi#3843 on Feb 13, 2017, 1:59:46 AM
really like nerfs!

expect many "this is nerf" for a change
sidtherat wrote:
or you cut down your damage and invest it into.. you know.. defences

currently VP + ES or just absurd levels of ES carry any and all clayhanded players

this game used to be something more than 'stacks damage, win'

but do not worry, ggg wont change a damn thing because they are very worried about the backslash from all the power-junkies. same with reflect. people fail time and again to understand that reflect is a cap on their damage/defences ratio. instead of that and increasing defences, they want to circumvent this entire mechanic. because reasons. because powah. because some need to substitute real life achievements with 'success' in a video game.

note: there is a difference between 'viable' and 'faceroll hardest content in the game with one click'. ES is the second option. no-skill, no-effort, no-brainmusclerequired option. with stuff like that available everything else looks bad. remove the broken turd (ES+VP) and other options have a chance to shine again and game can be at least somewhat challenging again. most players have no clue how this game works.. they are barely able to copy the meta stuff and pretend to be poe-savants.. cool.

spot on sir +1

3.0.0 - the patch that killed ES ? No more Vaal Pact Ghost Reaver combo i guess?
Probably massive es nodes % cut?

I got a feeling that we will see max es builds that will reach 7-8k es at its finest.

*Balance Team* - will make sure it works as intended (at their lvl 20-60 chars)^^
YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions

Lab still sucks balls.

I miss Zana already.
2.6.0 should be just BLAMT :D
Please do not nerf ES, not everyone plays meta builds!

Just buff life, and nerf(or disable) vaal pact when used with ES.

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