Molten Shell

Hi mark, I'm not sure if this has been addressed earlier so if I missed something please let me know; Is the base AOE of molten shell for melee range/really small? I have more than 50% increased aoe for my character but the difference is barely noticable compared to using concentrated effect. I'm not sure if this is a bug but it would make sense if it was intended for melee purposes. Thanks in advance.
Question : I have 50% spell block . Molten shell triggers in a large group: do I have a 50% chance to block the single explosion or 50% chance to block each enemies reflected explosion damage?
You Hit every individual enemy specifically, and they all Reflect the damage back at you -- individually.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jul 24, 2013, 6:04:52 PM
Question :

RF casted with a sword then swicth will allow RF to be active!

Molten shell in the other hand will just dissapear!

Is this normal ?
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I think having a way to manually detonate this skill with reduced damage output (say 50% or so) would make it a lot more useful. Right now I feel it's not super useful especially since elemental damage can't trigger it. Of course it gives you a decent boost in armour but the fact that elemental damage can't trigger combines with the fact that it very dangerous against reflect.
just remove this skill from the game completely, all its used for right now is trolling melee builds in pvp. im probably gonna quit playing if nothing is changed with this skill, if any of ur dev's have done pvp in merciless you will have noticed the amount of people abusing this skill. its not fair for a melee to have to disable the molten shell with a bear trap every single time you want to attack your opponenet, and even if you do they can just cast another one the second there current one is broken making it impossible for 90% of melee builds. the only counter to it atm is spell block, and if you dont have 75% its not even that good since they can just keep spamming it until they hit, and once it hits you are dead.

if you dont remove the skill at least add a long cooldown to it so people can rely on it 100% to win, or just cut the damage in half. its just to easy and over powered to use especially when comboed with high block........

for the sake of PVP's survival, NERF MOLTEN SHELL.
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
I had a really cool idea for a build that would utilise lightning coil and max endurance charges to trigger a ton of molten shells but then... realised elemental damage blocked or absorbed doesn't trigger molten shell. As to whether endurance charge physical absorbtion triggers it either, I don't know. But it'd suck if that doesn't either.

Guess I'll be better off using discharge for damage, sticking molten shell onto CODT/CWS just for an armour buff. Shame.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Endurance Charges mitigate Physical Damage, so that counts naturally.
From a PvM perspective this skill is not fun to use, however is almost a must for melee characters.

The problem: 10 second duration.

This skill has both a very short duration and a rather small amount of damage that it can prevent before breaking. When I could regularly auto-cast a Molten Shell (worth casting... *cough cough* higher then level 7) by linking it with CoDT, this was not an apparent issue. Now every 10 seconds in the middle of combat, I am forced to sit through the casting animation for Molten Shell leaving me vulnerable. This is both a huge quality of life issue (I have never liked spending 10% of my time casting the same buff over and over, I don't think I am alone here) and a game changer for any melee who must pause for the 1 second cast time every 10 seconds (and I am not even going to bring up the mana cost).

Solution: Longer duration, maybe just until it breaks naturally plus, a short cool down.
DarkestLight wrote:
duration ends the moment threshold happens. however yes, cast time "interrupts" a melee is kinda something to talk about.

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