Lightning Strike
Quick feedback which is likely to hve been mentioned earlier.
Molten strike single target and aoe is better than light strike yet LS costs much more mana. Is this intentional because LS can be used from reasonable range + the shock chance? In any case, LS should never be chosen over molten strike (or other melee gems for that matter). You never see it being used which is a shame, looks cool and dosn't cause too much fps lag |
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The biggest pain is having to wear out your Shift key. Right click the air, and our hero thinks he has to smack that empty space in melee with his weapon. It is the worst thing in the world. Up there with using "the claw" in Monster Hunter games.
![]() ^ Lookit this poor wretched beast : [ |
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Reminds me of reave not taking accound its updated range... except light strike has it easy.
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PC games are awesome for normally having rebindable keys. PoE is no exception.
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Awesome to start on the right side on the tree now with LS. so many possibilities.
Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide. |
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I was wondering if someone could help me with the dmg formula and how each modifier is applied. So with my current build I have:
-Projectile Dmg -Weapon Ele Dmg -Added Ele Dmg (Hatred, Added Fire, Herald of Ash) -Multistrike -Chain So I understand that if I have no modifiers and no projectile dmg, it would be 70% of the inital hit dmg (minus melee dmg modifiers and strength). But how do other things factor in if I add things like chain and projectile dmg? |
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" It was told a lot: Converted and derived (x% of physical is added as cold, for example) damage is affected by both damage modifiers (both physical and cold, for example), and all "increased" modifiers stack additively, while all "more" (or less - in case of LMP/GMP/chain) multipliers add multiplicatively. With multistrike and chain gems, btw, your projectiles will deal 29.12% weapon damage, your direct hit - 41.6%. That kinda sucks. IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: There is no knowledge That is not power |
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To anyone interested in scaling the projectile portion of Lightning Strike (which, in my opinion, is the part worth scaling), Physical Projectile Attack Damage is incredibly strong on LS. The projectiles get almost 50% more damage at level 20, and because Lightning Strike's attack speed is from the melee attack, PPAD's downside does not apply.
The tooltip DPS will not increase but that's because LS's tooltip is for the melee part only. Unless you have high strength without Iron Grip or if you have a lot of % increased melee damage, the projectiles will deal more DPS than the tooltip at high levels of PPAD. |
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" slower projectiles are also good as the speed is mostly irrelevant (and shorter range reduces risk of wtf reflect situations) i scale Lightning strike with herald of ash (overkill) and use very slow dagger for that - without multistrike in a 4 link (LS + melee damage + wed + PPAD) and 70+ maps are still easy - one crit, everything burns.. and due to 90+% pierce chance one crit covers entire pack |
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LS + CoC, which procs the CoC Gem? First hit? Or hit + every projectile single roll? Also does the Disemboweling cluster "works" when LS is used as "ranged" attack? Also: will LMP/GMP release more crits for CoC activation when the connected spell is no projectile spell and LMP/GMP wouldn´t support the spell casted by CoC? Thanks! |
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