Heyokame wrote:
Because it's a teaser. Many many many of us have played BF in some form. Wondering how your toon would be affected by an unknown nerf is part of the fun.
I'm pretty sure most people were expecting Blade Flurry to be nerfed. The question was always how much, which hasn't been answered. Hence my point that nothing has changed.
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."
-GGG, 2015
Posted bySarno#0493on Feb 23, 2017, 1:37:38 PM
tntkiller wrote:
I dont like the change they do to AOE, hwo honestly takes all the AOE nodes on the skilltree? Also i hope they dont decrease the range curses or auras with it.
a auramancer/curse guardian like me...next league my main would be a curseguardian(this league i played auramancer(more dps boost based)
so im concerned about the changes also the vaal disc change affect me and my party that i boost while i argea the flat ES boost was a bit opieopie for some build that use it to facetank the shapers beam and stuff(and then you talking about people with 100+ exalted gear...and GGG forgets a lot of the time while they nerf those build they also nerg the majority that use the skill just to survive normal content and dont have 100+ exalts to build a uber meta build.
imo vaal disc should have a es bonus bit a smaller one together with the regen, or leave it as it is but add another flask to the system... the ES flask that works like a life flaask but only fills ES(not everyone takes ZO not should have to) and the flalsk should be the same as all flasks that you can modify it with orbs...
now how the area affect changes wil turn out on auramancers/guardian im not sure on yet as its hard to understand how they changed it(at least for me)
i love playing support chars..hope GGG keeps those builds in mind too as alternate playstyle(i mosltly play auramancers becuase i have parkingson and have a lot of concentration problems so as support char i can just keep up with the party without having to deal with content that req a lot of skill/flask/boss mechanics. i loved POE becuase its a game that lets me play a game with parkinson.)
I don't have an insightful comment. Just found you inspiring, that's all.
Posted byHeyokame#1450on Feb 23, 2017, 1:40:15 PM
awesome. nerfs.. yes, but cant wait to try out some new builds. super exited for this new league an 3.0. Cheers GGG you guys are incredible!
Posted bySpheriaN#1048on Feb 23, 2017, 1:45:46 PM
Sarno wrote:
Heyokame wrote:
Because it's a teaser. Many many many of us have played BF in some form. Wondering how your toon would be affected by an unknown nerf is part of the fun.
I'm pretty sure most people were expecting Blade Flurry to be nerfed. The question was always how much, which hasn't been answered. Hence my point that nothing has changed.
And my point remains unchanged. I don't know how many players skipped BF since launch but I would imagine among those who have played a couple leagues or more, the vast majority dove into the new skill. Bino's, Death's, HoWA, etc were all top tier costs at the beginning of the league. So your assertion that this teaser without data is irrelevant really only applies to you and that minority. Not throwing salt but in the macro context you're point becomes less relevant.
Posted byHeyokame#1450on Feb 23, 2017, 1:48:49 PM
Smear wrote:
snapss wrote:
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SUNDER WAS MY SHIT why would increase the direct hit but nerf the shockwave makes no fucking sense I might as well use cleave then :/
I've got a Sunder build as well.
If I'm reading the changes correctly, they are buffing the main attack multiplier and reducing the aftershock from 30% less damage to something that equals out for the increased main attack multiplier, the net result should be (at least in theory):
Increasing single target kill ability, like hard end game bosses.
Slightly decrease the AOE aftershock to balance the buff multiplier when dealing damage to mobs.
It looks like the base AOE killing will remain about the same with a buff to boss kills.
But we shall see.
To me also this seems like a buff to Sunder. With Herald of Ash the aoe clear is just fine even with Conc linked to Sunder. Now single target will be even better...
Posted byHeyokame#1450on Feb 23, 2017, 1:53:26 PM
Motopsycho wrote:
Antares_Draco wrote:
Seems cool. I am open minded and perhaps even cautiously optimistic to try new things. Coming from some other F2Ps where the devs really don't care at all one way or another.
To a new guy who is jaded by the shenanigans of other publishers and devs, it's nice to see GGG actually does something, and believe me, for better or worse that is saying a LOT.
Even if a change or a bunch of changes are initially unfavorable to an individual, it keeps things fresh, or as fresh as can be.
I think this is the right mindset for this game.
Thanks. I've been enjoying it. Maybe it's to my benefit that I'm still very new just before a major change hits. If I am still playing PoE in a year (most likely) then perhaps I'll be angry and disagreeable like the others too lol...
Posted byAntares_Draco#5013on Feb 23, 2017, 1:54:56 PM
Ghork wrote:
Great, but what about buffing scion start nodes up a little bit, they don't have to be as insane as on scion release, but really they are extremely lackluster now. On the same token whats up with witches 3% cast speed nodes @ start compared to shadows 4%, seems 4% wouldn't be out of control
Perhaps the reasoning is that while a Shadow isn't quite as cast heavy as one would expect a Witch, therefore it's a little something extra for the one who doesn't rely on it as much? I'm just taking a stab in the dark. I could be terribly, terribly wrong on this...
Posted byAntares_Draco#5013on Feb 23, 2017, 1:58:08 PM
A damage reduction has been applied to one skill that dealt significantly more damage than other skills of its type, especially after one handed weapon changes.
Blade Flurry has had its damage reduced. lol. no one saw that coming.
I was wondering what build to run next ssf league.
*pewpew firestorm took a big hit (good thing he's thinking of reworking it)
*Consuming dark build are nerfed (the Greatest Dagger I never got)
*Blade flurry is toast
so the only 3 build i can think of for ssf now is
*Pizza stick totem (massive range anyways)
*srs necromancer (buffed last league and so far no changes.
* Lightly bladefall totem (cause blade fall = cheese mode)
Posted bynevel214#5314on Feb 23, 2017, 2:04:09 PM
Heyokame wrote:
So your assertion that this teaser without data is irrelevant really only applies to you and that minority. Not throwing salt but in the macro context you're point becomes less relevant.
It has nothing to do with not playing BF because those who played BF likewise assumed it was going to be nerfed. I've no idea what "salt" and "wound" you're referring to, either.
I feel like you completely misunderstood my post because your replies don't seem relevant.
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."
-GGG, 2015
Posted bySarno#0493on Feb 23, 2017, 2:05:17 PM
By God i might play poe again. This is what Ive been hoping for for a while. Poe for me got so bland. Even with great league mechanics i was so bored eith skills and anything outside of meta felt so underwhelming. Its really refreshing to see GGG putting some focus on rebalancing.
Posted byDrazyHaze#5303on Feb 23, 2017, 2:05:46 PM