[3.10] Bashtart's SPARK INQUISITOR * farming like a god! :)

Spark, crit & freeze

Overview 3.10
> Strong leveling / league starter
> One of the fastest endgame farming builds
> Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/dJhPCv2V (13.04.2020)

The build is still strong and viable and did not change to0 much.

Latest Updates?
> I completly overworked the guide

Video: How to create & improve builds with Path of Building: https://youtu.be/Spw7tfVAAto


For more Path of Exile Guides, Builds and Gameplay please also visit my YouTube Channel! I really would appriciate it if you could subscribe and like my videos!

Here you can find a list of my other build guides: MORE BUILD GUIDES

Don't hesitate to ask any questions in the comments below, please no PM's! I cannot answer every question so please be so kind to help out each other! Thanks you!

Pros and Cons:
+ top tier clearspeed
+ high dps
+ very safe mapping (all mods are possible except ele reflection)
+ viable for lvl 100
+ easy, fast and fun to play
+ very fast movement speed

- can't facetank everything
- no regen maps can be annoying

The concept:
Offense is the best defense... the synergy between high crits and sparks everywhere results in dying mobs all over the map. We create a shield of freezing sparks (with call of the brotherhood ring) around us which is healing us with every hit. We freeze nearly everything before it even hit us... that makes this build extremly safe, easy, fast and fun to play!

Build mechanics

The offense is based arround Invetiable Judgement (crits ignore enemies resistances). The best way to scale the damage is with crit chance & multiplier, spell and elemental damage.

The defense is based on many layers. Our first line of defense is the cold damage of spark which freezes most trash mobs before they even can hit us. If mobs don't get frozen and they try to hit us, we use many mechanics to avoid the damage (evasion, dodge & block).
If those layers fail and we get hit we use different sources of damage mitigation to avoid oneshots. We use inquisitor ascendancy for crazy life / energy shield sustain with regneration, life on hit and leech.

In 3.0 I reached lvl 97 and did uber lab, nearly every map up to T16 and killed all guardians & shaper. I farmed enough currency to buy a headhunter for 75 Exalts.
How can I progress fast?

To progress fast you should not rush to the highest tier possible as fast as you can because that will only result in many deaths and frustration. You should run map tier & levels which you can clear, fast and easy without dying. It is better to clear many lower tier maps fast then to clear a higher tier in very long time. When something just gets too easy you know it is time to progress! If some bosses or some other content is too hard atm just skip it and do it later.

The fastest way to progress imo is sometimes to take a step back... because sometimes with a bit better gear, a few more levels, etc hard content becomes easy.

3.7 videos by Vaikisss:
T16 Glacier 3.7
Deathless Uber Elder 3.7
T14 Map run in Delirium League


Gear details

Most important is the balance between offense and defense. It makes no sense to put all eggs in one basket. Allways max. your resistance!

Call of the brotherhood: 40% lightning to cold conversion, I would use this ring in combination with Herald of Ice.

On gear - look for following stats:
> Life / Energy Shield
> Resistances
> Armour
> Spell Damage
> Cast Speed
> Crit Chance & Multiplier
> Lightning / Elemental Damage
> Add ... dmg to spells

Helmet: enchantment 3 additional spark projectiles / 40% more spark damage / Spark projectile speed, unique helm possibilities rat's nest, starkonja's head or devoto's devotion. The Crown of inward eye is a great helmet for this build and probanly best in slot if you can get it with additional spark projectiles.

Chest: rare with high life & energy shield, resistance & at least 5link or
Inpulsa's Broken Heart: Really good chest for this build, definitly BiS for clearing speed.

Belt: high lifes & resistance or as alternative option bisco's leash / headhunter:

Ring: missing stats... high resistance! Also good options are Berek Grip or Ventor's Gamble. Mark of the Shaper ring in combination with a Elder ring will boost your dps big time.

Recommended uniques:
Duskdawn / Agnerod East:
Duskdawn has great synergies with crit and block. I think it is BiS for this build. You can probably cast way more powerful rare staffs but for the budget I am looking at it is really strong. If you have very low budget the Agnerod East stuff is a good alternative.

Choir of the storm / Bisco's collar: great boost for our dps, also boost our single target dps by a looooot! / for farming bisco's collar is a good option.

Rare boots: with life, es, faster movement speed and resistances. If you can afford it look for enchantment "faster cast & attack speed" / "life&mana leech" if you killed recently. Voidwalker have they advantage that you get piercing after killing an enemy.

Gloves: Just look for high life and resistances.


Vessel of Vinktar: is very usefull for bossfight... it is like an emergency button. I guess the best version is the one with added lightning damage to spells for us.
Atziri's promise: For budget version use this instead of vinktar or as an addition. It is really good and cheap.
Surgeon's Silver Flask: Onslaught, nearly always active because crits reduce the CD, it improves the clearing speed and dps boost for bossights. If you use onslaught in your herald setup you can chose to take another flask.
Avenger's Diamond Flask of Grounding: Crazy dps boost for bossfights and immunity to shock from our vinktar.
The overflowing chalice the overflowing chalice or another sulphur flask to proc consecrated ground is necessary to fully profit from inquisitor ascendancy.
Sulphur Flask
Rumi's COnvocation: this flask is very powerful for defense and offense.


We use one spark threshold jewels!

Rare Jewels:
Look for following:
% increased maximum life
% increased maximum energy shield
Critical strike multiplier
Lightning / elemental spell damage
Spell damage
Attack / spell speed

Missing stats...

Gear check yourself...what can I do to improve?!

In Path of Exile many small thing will make a big difference... following checklist may help you to improve:
> 6Link chest for main damage
> Skill gems: level +20 quality +20%
> Jewels can make a big difference in dps
> Quality 20% of your gear & flask's
> Character level +90
> Check every single piece of equipment if it can be improved
> Use Path of Building to try out if an change will improve you before you do it and waste currency.
> Try to understand the build mechanics!

Passives and skill gems:

Skill Tree: Click Me!!!

Skill gems

Main Damage:l

(Vaal) Spark + Spell Echo + Controlled Destruction + Pierce + Energy Shield Leech + Hypothermia

Only use Hypothermia when you use a Call of the Brotherhood ring. Otherwise use Added Lightning Damage Support.

Storm Brand + Arcane Surge + Elemental Focus + Controlled Destruction + Energy Leech + Hypothermia

Mana reservation setup:
Herald of Thunder + Herald of Ice + Zealotry

CWDT (lvl 12) + Immortal Call (lvl 14) + Brand Recall (lvl 4)
This setup helps us to avoid getting oneshotted and in boss fight it necessary for sustain and helps a lot to survive!

Dash + Second Wind + Arcane Surge + Summon Lightning Golem

Vaal Skills & other good stuff: (Optional)
Vaal Haste
Vaal Righteous Fire[/b]

Ascendancy, Bandits & Pantheon
Bandits: Alira (5 mana reg per sec, 20% Crit Multiplier, 15% all resistances)

1) Sanctify
2) Pious Path
3) Righteous Providence
4) Inevitable Judgment (a diamond flask will let your dps explode!!!)

> Soul of Tukohama: While stationary, gain 2% additional Physical Damage Reduction each second, up to a maximum of 8%. While stationary, gain 0.5% of Life Regenerated per second each second, up to a maximum of 2%

> Soul of Solaris: helps to avoid one shots. I would take this as standard and for maps with reduced life recovery go with

Additional information:

Here a small general guide how you can level fast and effective http://guidescroll.com/2014/10/path-of-exile-endgame-in-12-hours-guide/

Leveling Template 3.6: the lvl in () is the level when the skill gems becomes available!

Here the Skill Tree for reference. Just follow the numbers shown on the picture above.
Skill Tree: Click Me!!!

How I leveled in 3.3:
Level 1-20:
You get Spark directly at the start... get Spark and link Pierce to it. Use Following links while early levels:
Spark (lvl 1)
> Pierce (lvl 1)
> Added Lightning Damage (lvl 8)
> Added Cold Damage (lvl 8)

I would recommend to use a lightning spire setup for boss fights:
Lightning Spire Trap (lvl 1) + Added Lightning Damage (lvl 8)+ Elemental Focus (lvl 18) + Controlled Destruction (lvl 18)

Level 41-60
I specced out of elemental overload to go for more crits. The jewels hazardeous research and I used Poacher's Aim (+1pierce) so I could drop pierce support out of my spark setup. The next ascendancy I gonna pick is "Rightious Providence".

Level 65-74:
I grinded quiet a few levels in some area like
> Act 5: The Chamber of Innocence
> Act 9: The Blood Aqueduct
> Act 10: The Desecrated Chambers
so I reached mapping with lvl 74. If you feel weak at some point while leveling... just grind some levels and after that it will be easy again.

Make sure you always cap your resistances and get on every gear life if possible. Also the CWDT setup is very important for your survivability and sustain. Following now is my gear which I will use to start mapping:

Level 75-84
Atm I am farming map up to tier 6 and level fast... I nearly never die and just rush trough those maps...

Bandits: Alira (5 mana reg per sec, 20% Crit Multiplier, 15% all resistances)

Don't progress to fast, sometimes when the maps get to hard just take a step back... level a bit and get better gear. There are two good farming spots which you can use to grind some levels and gear while leveling (I normally grind 2-4 levels and then again leveling is much easier):
> Act 5: The Chamber of Innocence
> Act 10: The Desecrated Chambers


How do you get that chilling effect when killing an enemy? Why do you Spark look like spiders?
Herald of gloom mtx shatter effect & spark spider effect mtx.
Is this build viable for Hardcore?
The build is balanced for softcore, but it has really good layered defenses so I think with much more investment in defense it can be played also HC.
Where can I use the hazardeous research threshold jewels?
The required intelligence does not have to be allocated it just need to be in radius of the jewel.
How to link my gear?
Just open up a reply and go to top left corner of this page to your character and click on the item you want to link. This item will be linked in your reply as soon as you close your character window.

The build ist still viable and up to date!
Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Apr 14, 2020, 2:53:01 PM
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2021, 2:07:47 AM
hey there, looks pretty cool. as im looking for a build to start next league im curious about yours. im still kinda new and got some questions:

i assume main purpose or best manageable with this build is clearing maps fast? how far did u succeed?

you said, you cant freeze all. whats the highest map boss you were able to freeze?

would you recommend it for league start? how is levelling and what budget is needed? i think your amulet is quite expensive, isnt it?

thx for sharing and congratz to a nice build after playing this short
piza14 wrote:
hey there, looks pretty cool. as im looking for a build to start next league im curious about yours. im still kinda new and got some questions:

i assume main purpose or best manageable with this build is clearing maps fast? how far did u succeed?

you said, you cant freeze all. whats the highest map boss you were able to freeze?

would you recommend it for league start? how is levelling and what budget is needed? i think your amulet is quite expensive, isnt it?

thx for sharing and congratz to a nice build after playing this short

yes the main goal is clearing maps as fast as possible. Today I did two T15 maps without dying and one dropped the T16 Phoenix map which I did also. I died once in the bossfight against the Pheonix guardian because of lags. I added the videos in "Videos"-section.
It also possible to freeze T15 bosses as you can see in the t15 example run I added just a few minutes ago.

Yeah sure you can start it in league (I will do it) because with low level you can run frozen lake and lower stuff and clearing it really fast. I would not recommend level with spark until lvl 69... you can use whispering ice or firestorm to get to lvl 69.
thx for quick reply.

is there an alternative for choir of storms or do you see it as mandatory?
piza14 wrote:
thx for quick reply.

is there an alternative for choir of storms or do you see it as mandatory?

It is not mandatory but the dps boost is massive... depending on how much lightning resistance you have you get an additional crit chance of 10-15 percent and your crits deal 50 percent more damage. Also a big factor for freezing bosses is the lvl 20 lightning bolt. I guess it is our biggest hitter and freezing depends on enemy life and the damage of the hit. In my opinion it is the best item in slot.
Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Feb 28, 2017, 12:17:59 AM
piza14 wrote:
thx for quick reply.

is there an alternative for choir of storms or do you see it as mandatory?

I forget to mention other options...I guess you can take an rare amulett with crit, ele resistances and other missing stats. So you also could get an other unique ring maybe... there are many other options:) In the new seasson I will try some out and post it as options (like the halycon, the valyrium...).
Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Mar 2, 2017, 3:13:46 AM
HI, I must say that this build looks really interesting and i'll probably use it as a starter for 2.6.

Just got a cuple of question, is this viable for reflect maps too? When would you suggest to pick CI, at around Lvl 68 and with some good ES gear i suppose?

Also, it would be GREAT if you could make a levelig passive tree, so that peapole as noob as me (i'm playing on and off since vanilla but never seriously put my head into building since work and gaming don't really work togher XD) dont waste point in passives that could be taken later (mostly the timing for the keystones would be lovelly)

Last edited by Türambar#5444 on Mar 2, 2017, 2:07:06 PM
Hello, will you update guide for 2.6? Is it viable as league starter and SSF?

Edit: what bandits you choose? point-faster casting-power charge?
Last edited by Cebilat#0050 on Mar 3, 2017, 6:52:35 AM
Türambar wrote:
HI, I must say that this build looks really interesting and i'll probably use it as a starter for 2.6.

Just got a cuple of question, is this viable for reflect maps too? When would you suggest to pick CI, at around Lvl 68 and with some good ES gear i suppose?

Also, it would be GREAT if you could make a levelig passive tree, so that peapole as noob as me (i'm playing on and off since vanilla but never seriously put my head into building since work and gaming don't really work togher XD) dont waste point in passives that could be taken later (mostly the timing for the keystones would be lovelly)


Hi, unfortunately reflect elemental damage is the one thing we just cannot do. With Vinktar we can kill reflecting elemtal damage packs but without the flask effect we just oneshotting ourselves. I added a leveling section in the guide... I hope this will help you a bit.
Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Mar 3, 2017, 1:17:10 PM
Thanks mate, fast and properly done!!

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