2.6.0 Area of Effect Changes

GGG has done a horrible job of balancing the game since closed beta. Always expect the worst in regards to balance from GGG and once in a blue moon they might actually create more build diversity rather than decrease build diversity.

These changes seem typical as of now. Thye will reduce options rather increase build options. Hope I am wrong, and GGG's "balancing" has actually improved build diversity!

PS whose got life buffs?
yeah, melee suck, so GGG decide to nerf it... gj balance team, you suck.
RIP "melee" builds that were hitting offscreen ( /laughs )

Your tears are delicious.

omgwhyme29 wrote:
gj balance team, you suck.

yeah, please more retard comments like that, make my day.
IGN TylordRampage
Last edited by Malone#6946 on Feb 27, 2017, 6:42:09 AM
Aynix wrote:
Beregondz wrote:
The real despair comes when you look at map mods changes, since numbers are increased to match the previous effective radius, you can see the magnitude of the nerf

Take "of Giants" mod for example:
20% --> 45% increased Area of Effect on White Maps
30% --> 70% increased Area of Effect on Yellow Maps
40% --> 100% increased Area of Effect on Red Maps

This means that if you want the same radius as before the nerf on unthouched by changes skills/effects, now you need 2,25-2.50x times the AMOUNT of aoe increase you had before; that doesn't mean taking more than double the inc aoe sources because some of them had their numbers increased (like inc aoe support and passive nodes) but not by much, so it's still a significant struggle (if it's even possible, for some skills without any help from helm enchants or space for inc aoe uniques it probably won't)
Aynix wrote:

YOu don't need screenwide AoE in this game. I played Flameblast in this league. 0 AoE from items, just Witch+Templar cluster and Inc. Aoe gem. AoE was ridicoulus. When I got Divinarius + Carcass Jack + Dying Sun it was just broken as fuck.

You are not getting it. Check the Video comparsion from the Streamer who did the Flameblast video! After this patch your aoe will be smaller with all the tools you listet, than Flameblast with only 3 aoe nodes WITHOUT lvl 20 inc AoE gem! You cant even reach the size with dying sun. Thats 40% smaller (minimum). Holy shit people are either dumb or blind.
RIP "melee" builds that were hitting offscreen ( /laughs )

Your tears are delicious.

LOL said the bow player.
Malone wrote:
RIP "melee" builds that were hitting offscreen ( /laughs )

Your tears are delicious.

omgwhyme29 wrote:
gj balance team, you suck.

yeah, please more retard comments like that, make my day.

Literally wanted to point this out.

Reave / EQ / Lacerate nerfed QQ "MELEE" is dead... melee... they should really remove 'melee' tag from all those. Killing enemies by weaving weapon/-s at him from screen away is as melee as shooting them with an arrow.

Only thing I don't understand is obvious Melee splash nerf (judging from picture only) while they advertised "SIGNIFICANT" buff, but will hold with judgement until I see full patch notes and release splash to compare.
Last edited by Eli86x#7244 on Feb 27, 2017, 7:00:08 AM
tntultra wrote:
If someone does not understand - here I describe it really simple:

1) Basics you need to know
Area = pi * radius ^ 2
Area of effect GEM (!) still affects radius. So basically its a multiplier to radius from this point.
Templar & witch nodes now grant 20% increased area.

Therefore: First image of RF just showcases increased base RF radius (because gem is the same) - no relation to aoe change.

2) Maths
Lets say gem (or secondary effect, or whatever else) has radius R.
Previously with one cluster it had radius 1.15R , with 2 1.3R and so on.
Now with 1 cluster it has radius of 1.095R, with 2 clusters - 1,183R.
Respectively 5% and 12% radius nerf.

Imagine you use AOE gem.
Previously with 1 cluster - 1+(15+39)/100=1,54R, with 2 - 1+(30+39)/100=1.69R
After nerfs 1.095*1.39=1.522R, with 2 - 1.183*1.39=1,64R.
Respectively 2% and 5% radius nerf.

Calm your fucking tits down.

PS. Applause for the guy made initial post content about comparing initial and squared root numbers without gem to ppl bait on the "nerf" LUL.

1) Templar and Witch clusters now give 10+8+8 = 26, not 20

2) you are ignoring completely diminishing returns, the focus point of the nerf that makes people complain, thus all those maths are definitely not valid with 2.6 ( also diminishing returns seeems to start VERY early, given how much increase aoe they gave to map mods with just 20% increase to match the old effective area
Last edited by Beregondz#1267 on Feb 27, 2017, 6:53:15 AM
The Averagejoe will just stick to their Projectiles or maybe RF now. If you want to gimp your clearspeed to the max, go first > and use gems like Flameblast or proliferation etc. REMEMBER, all things, that are not listet in here (so no baseline AoE buff) got a HUGE NERF. That includes things like prolif gem etc. You all remember how many people took prolif when they fucking obliterated it? NOBODY so all played other things. The same shit will happen now, it does not help when you say "uhhh ahhh all is fine, it needed a nerf". A NERF was needed but not this RETARDEDLY HUGE. They start to remind me on Blizzards imbecile Balance-designers. They also buffed/nerfed shit 500% people told them whole betatests long : Hey DEVS!, you have to revert that shit, its broken!, but they still bring it live. I would not be surprised, if they buff some shit in the middle of the new league. This nerf is idiotically overdone, especially some of the Meleegems.

I will play some 0/8/15 Vaalspark or some other Projectile shit, I bet 50% of you hypocrites who are saying the nerf is good/fair, will do the same!
Go play Flameblast or EQ/Cyclone after this patch. You will see...
Last edited by xX999Xx#3624 on Feb 27, 2017, 7:03:27 AM
Beregondz wrote:
tntultra wrote:
If someone does not understand - here I describe it really simple:

1) Basics you need to know
Area = pi * radius ^ 2
Area of effect GEM (!) still affects radius. So basically its a multiplier to radius from this point.
Templar & witch nodes now grant 20% increased area.

Therefore: First image of RF just showcases increased base RF radius (because gem is the same) - no relation to aoe change.

2) Maths
Lets say gem (or secondary effect, or whatever else) has radius R.
Previously with one cluster it had radius 1.15R , with 2 1.3R and so on.
Now with 1 cluster it has radius of 1.095R, with 2 clusters - 1,183R.
Respectively 5% and 12% radius nerf.

Imagine you use AOE gem.
Previously with 1 cluster - 1+(15+39)/100=1,54R, with 2 - 1+(30+39)/100=1.69R
After nerfs 1.095*1.39=1.522R, with 2 - 1.183*1.39=1,64R.
Respectively 2% and 5% radius nerf.

Calm your fucking tits down.

PS. Applause for the guy made initial post content about comparing initial and squared root numbers without gem to ppl bait on the "nerf" LUL.

1) Templar and Witch clusters now give 10+8+8 = 26, not 20

2) you are ignoring completely diminishing returns, the focus point of the nerf that makes people complain, thus all those maths are definitely not valid with 2.6 ( also diminishing returns seeems to start VERY early, given how much increase aoe they gave to map mods with just 20% increase to match the old effective area

Oh, i fucked up 8%.
So its a buff for 1 and 2 clusters. 1,56R and 1.71R after 2.6 with aoe gem.
Diminishing returns is a "clever" word to describe growth of square root function. These "diminishing returns" are already there in every formula.
And yes, with dying sun radius will be a bit lower, you should be able to do math yourself.
Slicer9875 wrote:
Kenrian wrote:
Can GGG make an AOE calculator ?
Cause mechanics are really vague, and it should be really simple to do.

If i understand well firt nodes / sources of increased area are more effective and its decreased to be less effective in total.

And when i see your schemas, i imagine that support gem "Increased Area of effect" its less effective than before cause it's give a lot of AOE.

But a melee splash with a +8 increased AOE node will be more effective than before ?

it seem to look like this :

So i think it's pretty cool in general, cause you have a better cover with less
investment. That mean for me : no need to focus to much on AOE anymore.

Thank you: this is something I actually do understand. Idk about everyone else, but I would have preferred either a numerical comparison of radius or a direct formula to use for calculating radius. I was debating about trying cyclone but now, I don't think so.

I would prefer also a numerical comparison. Without that there is a lot of risks of miss-interpretation.
I think cyclone will not be nerf as aoe, there is no aoe node around marauder, duelist, ranger and shadow (ok you can cyclone with witch and templar ... but common its not usual :p ) and it's not really current ever (at least i think) to play cyclone with increase aoe.
So all ways for increase aoe will not be huge (unique and all) and that will be, if i understand well, a better aoe than now.

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