How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^
Pretty much done for the league. Didn't enjoy it as much. Didn't feel the meta changed that much except for minions.
Kinda meh in my opinion. Some okay stuff: |
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" What are your thoughts on inquis vs jugg for RF having played both? I started inquis, first time playing RF and I swear I have died more times on this char than my last 5 from other leagues combined.. feels so squishy. RF players will just say "just get Aegis" but that's never gonna happen for me so, considering jugg swap | |
If you die a lot as an RF inq you not doing the build right
I suggest to check Pohx's videos about it: He also compares Inq to Jugg:\ Both are rock solid and tanky and deaths are mostly to some AN BS or some bosses oneshots mechanics " |
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Nonsense. The most common complaint about inquis RF is getting one shot so no it's not "doing the build wrong". I dont care about lvl 100 full gear survivability saying inquis is tanky with aegis and melding and lvl 98 is obvious and that's literally what his comparison video is. I was looking for the opinion of someone who DOESN'T play the game 28 hours a day.
Nevermind Last edited by dieh#7401 on Sep 19, 2022, 10:41:00 AM
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After around 40 BP's it was finally there.
I'm so happy. Now let's make use of that beauty I got and Farruls Fur and have a flickering stroke. |
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Drop so muth 6l, working in Brass Dome 6l now to to create a char exclusively for lab challenges I must have done more than 100 harvests and I haven't found oshabi yet, doing beyond also to try to drop the missing currency to complete the challenges. |
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RNG was with me yesterday, a single Eternal Labyrinth of Opportunity yielded me this helmet enchant:
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" You're very lucky, I just got my +2 helmet today after thousands of tries |
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Luckily it dropped with Doryani / Corrupted Soul notable. Can't use it in my curent build sicne it would brick my defense and damage too much (with the usless small nodes) but maybe for a Inq it would be nice if i decide to make an alt. Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks |
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Do you think the game is telling me to make a MF character?
Should I go for it? I'm missing Golwyrm and Divination Distillate. |
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