[3.9?] Sidefx Frost Blades - Hyped for Support +

Update: 7 now up - Added FAQ section, added pros and cons section also updated title to try and not be "misleading" thank you.
Dude i dont want to shit over your build thread or smth, but seriously, you should consider doing an update for your current PoB to something achievable or actually real.

There's no point in making a lvl 100 tree just to scale dps numbers (when you know very few people will actually reach that level and even fewer will do it WITH THIS BUILD in particular) and also showing placebo dps with mirror-worthy gear.

Your build does not have 4.5mdps, perhaps only a small portion of people in STD will be able to achieve that, and even then when you consider the amount of currency that you will have to spend to even get close to those numbers you will found out its pointless, when you can potentially reach the same amount of dps (and tons more) with another build, and for half the cost.

I understand the streamer struggle and your need to advertise your channel to get viewers, but with this bullshit you're actually loosing potential subscribers.
Last edited by algosito#4546 on Aug 20, 2017, 3:33:50 PM
silvinapl wrote:
Dude i dont want to shit over your build thread or smth, but seriously, you should consider doing an update for your current PoB to something achievable or actually real.

There's no point in making a lvl 100 tree just to scale dps numbers (when you know very few people will actually reach that level and even fewer will do it WITH THIS BUILD in particular) and also showing placebo dps with mirror-worthy gear.

Your build does not have 4.5mdps, perhaps only a small portion of people in STD will be able to achieve that, and even then when you consider the amount of currency that you will have to spend to even get close to those numbers you will found out its pointless, when you can potentially reach the same amount of dps (and tons more) with another build, and for half the cost.

I understand the streamer struggle and your need to advertise your channel to get viewers, but with this bullshit you're actually loosing potential subscribers.

Im going to say this one more time and one more time ONLY. unqiues are not hard to get maxed rolled. it runs 2 jewels NOTHING amazing. All the flask are 100% logical and very obtainable. So then lets go into these 6 yellow items that make this build" dreaming.

The gloves - Attack speed life and accuracy
Boots - Life, MS, Tri res
Neck - Flat physical,crit,crit multi,life
Rings - opals - Flat life and res
Belt - Strength, Life , weapon ele

So please explain to me how those are any different then any MIN MAXED item. If i wanted a mirror guide I would put on 2 x 500 dps claws and way better items. THIS IS MIN MAXED GEAR saying this is bad without them, ok so lets do this. I removed The neck and the 2 rings. aka I dont have them on any more and its STILL 3m dps. Still DOUBLE the dps of the last PoB. Please stop whining about the gear just because you have never had enough money to pick up one. The gear is there to show what to go for when you are Min/Maxing the build. YOU DO NOT NEED THOSE STATS. Stop wanting your hand held.
This update is rather poorly done. A lot of issues have been mentioned by other people, but another thing is that removing the extra jewel nodes doesn't actually make any sense. I just bought a jewel for 25c (and I'm sure with patience you could get one for significantly less) in HSC that adds %1 increased max life, 220k dps, and gives an extra 18 strength by removing the 4% life node next to thick skin and the attack speed node next to Fencing. Even if you assume you're a bit lower level and have better nodes that you'd be forced to remove, a decent jewel still comes out way ahead. Taking out Acuity or Fencing and an adjacent node puts it at +110k dps and 5% increased max life (and +18 strength). Definitely some optimization to be done with this update, in addition to the dps-whoring issues.

For reference, the jewel is +12% to melee crit multi, +18% to crit multi for cold skills, 5% max life, and +8 to str and dex. It can pretty easily be improved by a divine orb if I want more life, as well.

Edit: I should point out that I've really enjoyed your build so far and it's well done overall, just that this update has lowered the quality of the guide quite a bit imo, particularly for less experienced players trying to pick the build up. The biggest thing probably being that the flask setup is unrealistic (no freeze/bleed removal, no health flasks?) which may be easily fixed by people that know what they're doing, but could cause problems for less experienced players.
Last edited by Damah#0536 on Aug 20, 2017, 7:18:55 PM
I don't understand all the "bashing" in the last couple of pages. Guy puts out an awesome build (albeit based on perfect gear) for people to use.

I see build guides as a starting point, people should look at it and decide how to modify it based on own play style.

Do people just expect a perfect guide with no changes and expect to delete the bosses? Entitlement hey!

Side note, tried shaper yesterday (first time on this char) and did it with 1 death - pretty impressed.

Also like the new ascendancy - i reckon overall less damage for bosses when onslaught isnt up but hell, for map clearing it is insane. keep up the good work!
Just one question here
Could some extremly good jewels outperform the Unique ones ...
PoB says yes but don't account the extendend range

Last edited by Majin111#2164 on Aug 20, 2017, 10:43:36 PM
tMShubar wrote:
I don't understand all the "bashing" in the last couple of pages. Guy puts out an awesome build (albeit based on perfect gear) for people to use.

I see build guides as a starting point, people should look at it and decide how to modify it based on own play style.

Do people just expect a perfect guide with no changes and expect to delete the bosses? Entitlement hey!

Side note, tried shaper yesterday (first time on this char) and did it with 1 death - pretty impressed.

Also like the new ascendancy - i reckon overall less damage for bosses when onslaught isnt up but hell, for map clearing it is insane. keep up the good work!

Run a onslaught flask for bosses but over thank you for the kind words. Im glad some people understand how a guide works. haha
If somebody wants a "closer to reasonable" PoB there was one posted like 5 pages back of somebody who was at 3m+ dps without perfect rolled gear. Give that a check out. Here is mine at about 1M dps and my gear is pretty attainable, although I am running a 6L Belly and ToH. My build also doesn't have any "necessary stats" from amulet, either, so it allows me to switch to Biscos for easy content (anything below T15).

I've never streamed before but if somebody wants me to I can figure out how to show T13+ content with this build.

Edit: Just set up a stream. If somebody is curious how this build runs with medium-medium high gear, just come watch. Will be mapping all night probably after I eat dinner.


Edit: Here is that PoB link: https://pastebin.com/ZM36PDwv
Last edited by NonMagical#3638 on Aug 20, 2017, 11:26:18 PM
Sidefx06 wrote:

Hello, I'm Sidefxmayinclde
I played Frostblades last league (2.5) (100% fire conversion 2h) and did a lot of theory crafting on my stream toward this build, so with that said I present the 3.0 version of Frostblades. This guide will be updated overtime with more information as i progress into the league.
UPDATE:1 - Upgraded current gear/links in gear, also posted current flasks
UPDATE:2 - Changed the build to Duelweild claws, also changed the tree around. I found
UPDATE:3 -Currently updating the guide for 3.0 play testing on beta and trying out new things will keep updated in for comments.
UPDATE:4 All trees and the guide have been updated to 3.0 passive trees and added a Path of Building to the page. I highly suggest you follow it for 3.0 update for gems ect.
this version does more damage, you lose a little life but over all better. This version was also used to kill Shaper/guardians. Waiting on Uber atziri.
UPDATE:5/6 - added updated PoB, Added updated Gem links below also added updated Flask and Ascendancy
UPDATE:7 - Added FAQ section, Pros and cons section and updated title to not be "misleading"

PoB Frostblades 3.0 *NEW* 8/20/2017
https://pastebin.com/JGexY4L1 What Changed* New Gems, Ascendancy.
Flasks, and some items. Enjoy!

"The Dex Jewels dont have 40 allocated"- For the jewels YOU DO NOT NEED 40 dex taken. Just in the jewel circle.

"Why cold pen? Ice bite is better" - As raider we already have frenzy charges so we would be wasting that aspect of the gem, yes the flat is a slight dps increase but at higher tier bosses the pen turns out to be way more dps on them.

"You have 2 curses, but can only run 1" - One is for trash proccing off mobs that shatter.. The other is for single target bossing where you have no mobs to shatter. You wont have both up.

"I don't have enough int" - Roll it on your gear if you are short or take a temporary fat node and respect out later.

" What starter weapons should i use" - Ewars in your MH and a foil in your off hand. You keep upgrading the foil as you level. You can switch to Ichimonji blades later if you want.

"Can this build do uber lab" - Its difficult but possible, I recommend just buying a carry for it.

"How can this build kill shaper or uber atziri?" - Knowing the fight for shaper, this is a map farmer but with a little effort and POSITIONING correctly you can clear it. For uber atziri on the ele reflect stage. Aim your spray to shoot BEHIND the mirror so it doesn't hit the other ones and kill you.

"I cant clear higher maps I keep getting killed" - Positioning positioning positioning, I call it the boxer technique Hit move hit move hit move, If you get this down you will never get hit. Also learning boss mechanics will help a lot knowing what to move from and when.

"I can't afford ToA or any other items" - For weapons try out Wasp Nest, for helmets Starconjas (Abyssus is a huge dps increase tho) for boots you dont run KAOMS until you are high geared even then not needed. Taking away your evasion with lower life will just kill you faster. Chests - A decent yellow with Tri res and life. There is always TONS of options.

"The PoB has amazing gear, this isn't possible to obtain" - The point of a PoB is to show the overall potential damage of a build. The gear is possible to obtain if you want a long term goal. Will it be cheap? No but whats the fun getting the whole build for 10c and never upgrading anything ever again. Not my style

"Does this build require tons to get started" - No, 2 wasp nest and a abyssus is about 30c. A tabula is a plus. You can do t10s with this and some effort.

Any other questions that get asked frequently will be added here. Thank you

+ Perma freeze most mobs
+ High dps
+ good AoE
+ Super fast map clear

- Can be expensive, esp to min max
- glass cannon, You need to learn positioning 100% hit move hit move ect.
- can run into problems with single target (bosses)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI7sdTmca0A - 2.6 Shaper kill by user Kajean


This build focuses on high attack speed to unleash a series of chaining projectiles with 86% cold pen, high crit chance and amazing attack speed in a almost 360 radius around you , killing everything that dares come close.
The weapon range increases with each level of Frost Blades , so even if it is a melee skill , with good positioning , you will be out of harms way most of the times you`re in a fight.
It is a full Elemental build at 100% cold conversion , dealing no physical damage , therefore physical reflect mods will not affect you.
Clear speed wise , whilst not competing with Vaal Spark (dead) , it is faster than most builds out there and somewhat cheaper.
Just a 4-Link setup can get you up to T10 maps if you`re careful.
This is a Softcore build. If you want to play Hardcore , just make sure you pick more Life nodes rather than Damage nodes.

Any questions please feel free to ask on my stream! Www.twitch.tv/Sidefxmayinclde or Click this image! please dont forget to FOLLOW to know when i go live!

Bandits :

We are going to help Alira (Mana Regen, Crit Multi,Resist)

Required Uniques:
Touch of Anguish Imperial Claw
- Your main weapon when you reach level 68 : Allows you to have a "chain" to your projectiles at max frenzy charges (amazing for clear) also adds a nice bonus to cold damage.

Jewel - Fight for Survival x2
- New jewel that gives us incresed cold damage, cold pen and proj speed. amazing jewel.

My current Yellows
Check Profile (Not main in 3.0 atm)

Stat Priority/Flask
Life - Elemental Resistances - Crit chance/multi - % cold damage - attack speed

Flasks : Taste Of Hate - Atziri's Promise - The Wise Oak - Sulphur Flask - Lions Roar
**On Bosses Use a Onslaught Flask to up keep for boss.

Gem links
6-Link Setup:

Frost Blades -> Weapon Ele Dmg -> Multistrike -> Ruthless -> Cold Pen -> Melee Physical Damage
In 5l you sub out Cold Pen

4-Link Setups:

Herald of Ice -> Curse On Hit -> Assassin's Mark –> Hatred
Orb of Storms -> Curse On Hit -> Power Charge on Crit –> Frostbite
Ancestral Warchief -> Melee Physical Damage –> Culling -> Summon Ice Golem

3-Link Setups:

Whirling Blades -> Faster attacks –> Fortify
CWDT -> Frost Bomb or Ice golem - Immortal Call

Raider: Rapid Assault - Avatar of Chase - Way of the Poacher - Avatar of the Slaughter

Skill Trees:
40 points:

Starting w/ a Ewars and a Lycosadai shield is very strong.http://poeurl.com/bpLz

60 points:
If yo u want to here you can use a strong ele foil in your OH and start goin into DW early. http://poeurl.com/bpLF

90 points:
115 points:
In the final tree you respec some nodes and transition into DW and crit

Tips and tricks:

1. Make sure you position yourself correctly at ALL times , it will make the game easier and safer. Good positioning is key and will come with experience.
2. The passive skill tree is a guide , if you at any given time feel that you lack either damage or life , feel free to pick it ,this will not affect your progression at all.
3. Use Frost Blades/Wild Strike for leveling , but remember to keep Frost Blades in your free sockets if you decide not to actively use them so you can continue leveling it.
4. You can use ANY weapon to level! ( I recommend 2x Foils for crit/attack speed) Feel free to pick your leveling weapons yourself,whether it`s an Axe , Mace or Sword.
5. With 86% cold pen, your single target wont be lacking as hard as it may have in the past with the skill. The initial hit does a decent chunk.
6. Your tooltip DPS will NOT show your true damage as it only counts Frost Blades initial damage which is not a projectile attack. Your true damage should be almost triple what your tooltip dps says.

My other builds
to all of you with 6L Belly, did you buy it for 550 chaos, or you linked it yourself?

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