[3.11] Shaper = Stunned, Tidebreaker Heavy Strike Stunner Build
" I have no incentive to fake advertise this build as being budget or not, and the definition of budget varies from person to person. That's why I did tell the newer player earlier that this is not a budget build. While responding to you, I for sure don't want to start a fight or anything, but I see statements that don't look entirely right to me and I just want to make the correct statements so that you or other people can make better decisions. 1. I looked at your regular jewels and those really aren't as good as the ones I am using, and those are not worth 60c. As for cluster jewels, you only have 2 cluster jewels in your character profile, the medium jewel is pretty good but the large jewel is very mediocre at the very least and very far away from being perfect. If you bought your large jewel at a high price (> 30c) it really wasn't a good purchase. It's an art to know how to broaden your search criteria, use the trade site's stats filters correctly and find the cheapest items in the game. So it's entirely true that these can indeed be the prices you saw and the prices you paid, but all I am saying is that you don't have to pay such a high price for those items, and maybe after giving your searches more thought you will end up saving a lot of currency. *If you can see my Delirium stashes under character profile and go to a stash called K or something, you can see like 20 jewels over there unused; I paid under 10c for like half of them and mostly around 20-40c for the rest, nothing higher than 1ex. 2. Regarding the argument of whether or not this build is a budget build, again, the word budget means different things to different people, and below I will describe my definitions. I think a good definition of "this is a budget build" is that it costs less than 1 exalt in total for you to be able to do red maps, and a good definition of "this is an expensive build" is that it costs more than 5 exalts for the build to even get its core unique items and otherwise it will be missing some key synergies. This build is half-way in between, and that's why I would call this build "not budget" and "not expensive" at the same time. Also another way of defining builds is along the lines of "this build can't be expensive" or "this build can be expensive". This definition in my opinion depends on how easily it is to further improve the build at a given budget. For example, a build that won't scale past like 8ex is a build that can't be expensive, and a build that still scales past like a mirror is a build that can be crazy expensive. A couple years ago, this build was like the former, you really couldn't improve the build with a higher budget at all. Now this build can scale until, idk, maybe 30ex, and that's why I am calling it "can be expensive". One great example is Ryslatha's Coil. This build doesn't need Ryslatha's Coil to function. You can beat anything with an 5c Abyss belt just fine, but a Ryslatha's Coil is a sweet upgrade you can make. So in my mind Ryslatha's Coil doesn't make this build "is expensive", but rather make this build "can be expensive". I don't expect you to fully agree on my definitions, and this is fine, but I hope at least you see my reasoning behind all these and that I didn't just make these statements out of nowhere to defend this build or something. |
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anyone wants to sell their empire grasp with vuln on hit? seems that none is available on the market :(
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Clearing map w/ explode chest and cry wolf abuse. It's really satisfying.
https://youtu.be/worVMl-DGAk Also, I checked PoB's calculation, it shows 340% increased damage from lv 23 Rallying Cry + 4 Cry Wolf + enchant I thought my previous calculation is correct? |
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" Right, after re-doing my math I found that your results are correct. I still think the on kill explosion chest is an overkill; not having Kaom's Heart is sort of a big deal, especially considering the fact that we lose quite a lot of life nodes already if going for the Rallying Cry tactic. I also kind of like your take on the passive tree. It looks more efficient than the tree I am currently taking (to my own defense I haven't put much thought into it), and being able to take both Fortify wheels easily is quite nice as well. Overall, this all looks very solid - if you don't already know, after making my last response to you I switched to testing the Rallying Cry tactic as well. I haven't been putting too much thought into it recently but I do have some ideas, and hesitations, about the integration of this tactic and the Berserk tactic into the old build, as well as maybe some Slayer version of it. The hesitations are mostly due to the balance of offense and defense and then the future of cluster jewels. -I still feel that gaining additional attack damage without gaining attack speed may be quite meaningless, and losing around 8 passive points and helmet enchant, and variability in the build, may not be too justified. This gets really complicated since people doing this build really have very mixed budget / preferences as of their offense and defense. -Also to me, the future of cluster jewels don't seem too bright with potential nerfs to notables or drop rate later. Also when more people learn about this Rallying Cry tactic maybe there will be a surge in price as well. But those are only my concerns for maintaining this build in the long run, potentially. You probably don't need to worry about it especially since you already have some pretty decent gears to make great use of your current build. |
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@daniel23915600, @brightwaha
Thanks for sharing your vid with PoB data and the long discussion of you both about the setup. I am really impressed how you clear such a map by just using Flickerstrike without even switching to HS setup beside the last Tane Octavius fight. I have changed to a similar 4 cry wolf/ rallying cry/ flicker strike setup now and I am really happy, I just use different gloves with a +2 warcry gem, double curse: temp chain /vulnerability setup with additional curse curruption on amulet and skilled battle cry in tree instead. I keep my kaoms to have 6.3K life (still level 91 missing some passive points for life) And a different belt as I cant effort a ryslatha atm but at least it gives me fortify and frees the onslaught flask slot I have 3 questions where I am unsure about how to implement this into my build: 1. bleeding: ----------- I looked to your PoB and cant find any other source to enable bleeding chance beside the "chance to bleed" gem linked to Leap Slam/Warchief As Flickerstrike isnt linked to bloodlust the bleeding state doesnt do any diference to the dps ( at least nothing chance when I uncheck "bleeding" at config page) PoB says the chance to inflict bleed is 31% with Leap Slam and Warchief. In the Heavy Strike setup bloodlust gem makes nearly halve of the damge saying that the enemies are bleeding. Is the enemy (boss/unique enemy) sure bleeding when I am leap slaming /place warchief and use heavy strike? 2. explosion: ------------- As I want to keep my kaoms I was thinking whether a change of my cluster from heavy Hitter/ Feed the Fury/ Fuel the fight to Devastator node instead of the life leech nod (Enemies Killed with Attack Hits have a 15% chance to Explode, dealing a tenth of their Life as Physical Damage) will let killed enemies explode with same or better efficiency than your chest mode does. The nod change from Fury to Devastator would give me a 5% damage loss and the jew is really expensive so I like to get yours opinions about it before I change them 3. helmet enchant: ------------------ I use a normal 75% rallying cry enchanted helmet atm without the "enemies take 9% phys.." mod, is that mod still on an enchant elder helmet craftable? thanks Ghrut |
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" I wouldn't really recommend using Perseverance now, since Fortify is so easily obtained from the large cluster jewel. 1. There are a couple ways you get bleed chance. Vulnerability is one of them, but works very poorly against Shaper and others; Chance to Bleed will be enough to cover bleed if linked to Warchief; and passive clusters like Bloodletting are also viable ways to get bleed chances. 2. My opinion is that explosion is not needed at all for this build, especially if you use Cyclone or Melee Splash or Sunder. But well, this is more of a preference thing I guess. I think the cluster node is quite ineffective as it's only a 15% chance, so I wouldn't recommend going for it. 3. It's an Elder mod and should be craftable. However I don't see it being too important. The Fortify effect is very very sweet as well, but it's a Crusader mod. It's very impressive that he got both of these mods and the Rallying Cry enchant on the same helmet. |
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@brightwaha Is it possible to run this build on Scion or Raider?
Also " Bandits Spoiler Berserker: Oak. *You need to take Oak and take the 0.8% life regen node near Marauder start to have a positive net regen after deducting degen from Blood Rage and rage stacks. Otherwise, Damage on Full Life would be deactivated. *To achieve the same purpose, you may take the Combat Stamina cluster instead, and kill all bandits to take 2 passive points. Slayer: kill all to take 2 passive points." Rage stacks no longer casue you to degen so im assuming you can take passive points <3 Last edited by BunnyPoE#0918 on Apr 18, 2020, 11:49:28 PM
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" I wouldn't say it's impossible to run this build on either Scion or Raider, but they are just not as good. Berserker and Slayer just offer so much more damage and I see very few reasons to not pick either of them. As for the rage stacks, I guess I will have to change my wording a little bit. Yes rage doesn't have degen itself, but Rite of Ruin still causes degen. |
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Finally got fortify corruption on Tidebreaker!
" I tried 3 settings 1. explody chest 2. numlock abyssal cry 3. no explosion As expected clearspeed comparison is 1 > 2 > 3, but if no explosion is fast enough? Without explosion it's easy to handle T16 + any old mechanic, but Deliruim's difficulty scaling is so steep that It is difficult to full clear juiced T14~T16 in the mist even with Melee Splash and add 1 strike target. Especially, adds around boss in long linear map (e.g. Tropical Island) are so tanky that I think explode chest is still needed for deep mist. I would expect you need 2~3 Devastator nodes to achieve similar effect of explode chest, while Devastator has greater damage per hit than explode chest and thus less damage reduction from monster's amour, but is unreliable to chain itself. Though different skills other than Flicker or different mapping strategies may be quite different from my testing. You can always test it by yourself with cheap alternate, e.g. Fuel the fight+Devastator+2 jewel socket cost 1c. I'd argue that explode chest with cry wolf stacking is broken OP. There is nearly no possibility to reliably chain explosion by itself for melee builds in the past few years. One exception w/o HH is pre-nerf Impulsa with pre-nerf Elementalist which costs a lot more for melee. I agreed that explosion is not needed(I took it out time to time) but it's still an OP mechanic worth a try before nerf. Last edited by daniel23915600#0943 on Apr 20, 2020, 4:27:42 AM
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If some of you want to buy complete gear for this build in Delirium Softcore league, whisper me in game.
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