Damage Over Time Changes - Part 1

Synergy1337 wrote:
Like others have pointed out, there is still double dipping (so much for the excuse of making things simpler). So the only reason they change things up is to nerf DoT. I cant imagine it being a buff.

No there is not.

Rory wrote:
there is no cumulative effect - the modifier applying to the hit has no effect at all on the Ignite - the two are entirely separate.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
I don't know does this post ask for hype or rage because double dip problem is not from "yesterday" and only question is what was waiting? New support packs and more money?
Does every fix need be global nerf?
Bleeding is also being changed for players so that it does more damage while the target is stationary, making it a more versatile source of damage. Previously it dealt only one sixth its damage while the target was stationary, but will now deal half damage instead. The ratio will remain unchanged for Bleeding caused by monsters, so you will still be able to stand still to mitigate the majority of monster Bleeding damage, but monsters you inflict Bleeding on won't be so lucky.

While I understand why you'd make this distingution I'd like to point out that this will again introduce a confusion around this mechanic - which you are in another case trying to avoid.

It's best to have a consistent system without such tweaks and backdoors even if it means a less used mechanic or more danger to players.

I'd propose to bring the two values closer and have the same effect on both monsters and players (say 1/3rd).
How about ES, vaal pact nerfs?
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Synergy1337 wrote:
Like others have pointed out, there is still double dipping (so much for the excuse of making things simpler). So the only reason they change things up is to nerf DoT. I cant imagine it being a buff.

From what I'm understanding ignite is now based off the base damage off the spell not the end result... which would significantly cut it's damage down.
Last edited by Drekor#4913 on May 3, 2017, 12:01:05 PM
I love my ignite fireball, but I welcome these changes for more diverse builds.
And yes ignite may be broken, but not as broken as Barrage pathfinders.
stopped reading at " then we doubled it". sounds like a familiar old adage.

Dont stop at DOT changes, theres a lot more broken mechanic that should be fixed, and dont forget buff Life builds.
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Not a good change as it is a double nerf for poison and bleed. Also ingite to some extent, but at least elemental and fire damage will still scale both the hit and the ignite.

Essentially it is a double nerf. Say you have increased:

Physical damage 100%

Attack damage 100%

Aoe damage 100%

Projectile damage 100%

More area damage 50%

Old system

A 100 dam phys hit would do:

100*(5.0) *(1.5)= 750 hit damage. Poison would do 750* 0.08= 60 base *(4.0) *(1.5)= 360 double dipped poison damage

60 poison damage would be a fine change

New system

Damage =750. Poison = 100*0.08 *1.00 =8 X2 for new mechanic =16.0 *note that none of the damage above, even attack damage scales poison anymore on top of not double dipping anymore

After the X2 multiplier to 'compensate' for double dipping, the poison does only 16 damage. Under the old system if poison simply weren't scaled again it would do 60 (double dipped it does 360).

You can see here that the poison damage is less not just because it doesn't double dip anymore, but because it also is scaled much less. Naturally the poison damage in the first case will increase far more than the new case with several hundred% added damage applying to the attack. None of it will apply to the poison in the new system. On top of that, critical hits don't scale poison or bleed at all anymore where they didn't double dip before (if I am correct). This is an unneeded nerf as well.
Last edited by Lord_Tao#3544 on May 4, 2017, 2:09:59 PM
Will you change the nerfed percent chaos conversion values on unique items back to their original values since the main reason behind this nerf was poison double dipping?
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