Changes to the Labyrinth
I'm new to PoE and so far like it a lot, except for this lab stuff. Every time I want to try out a new build I absolutely dread thinking about having to do the stupid lab multiple times again just to get my ascendancy sucks.
I hope they really make it less of a pain in the ass to do. |
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First, sorry for bad English
Second, Lab is a relly important thing in PoE. Why? Enchantments, rewards and ascedancy points. But for new players, the most satisfied thing is becoming a subclass. I still remember when I first time became a jugg after 40 mins running and abou 5 fails, that feeling is as satisfied as an ex drop. Lab is hard, especially for newbies. But that is the reason make it unique and it is also the reason why some people quit PoE ( besides linking 6s). So why not adjust the lab to suitable for beginners and experienced players. Beginners do lab for ascedency points, while experienced players do lab for enchantment, chest loot, and make money out of it. How about this, there is no traps or reduce traps, less rooms, easier boss figt when you first attempt lab but your reward is only ascedancy points and just points, no enchantment,no 4 keys run, no loot. And after you get that 2 ascedancy points, lab is backed to its usual form: traps, more room, harder boss fight and the reward is enchantment and loot. Therefore, beginners can get all their 8 ascedancy ponits easily and experienced player can get their enchantments and loot after getting their ascedancy points. Hope to hear your opinions Edit 1: just want to share my exp, do normal lab after reaching act 3 cruel, cruel lab after reaching act 3 merc, merc lab when you are 75+ or when you feel ready and uberlab... look on /global 820 to see if anyone carries for free :)). Trust me, first time attemp the lab and succeed in the first time feel great. You can still make it to merc without doing becoming a subclass Last edited by Warallen#1106 on May 16, 2017, 12:39:08 AM
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I hate lab, even though I've made a few characters that have managed to run all 4 labs and I even have a character that could farm it I think it's a terrible idea for a variety of reasons.
1. New players - Especially with new player influx aiming to be the all time high I think dying repeatedly in a lab in order to get key points will discourage a lot of people right away. Considering this game is going to be launched on Xbox I believe it to be a terrible idea to keep something as frustrating as Lab in the main game especially considering that it's tied to ascendancy points. So many new players (Especially in HC Leagues) will probably exit/uninstall this game once they experience a legendary BS Merc/Uber death. 2. The lore - All things considered having a challenge or series of challenges to ascend and gain access to new points is a great idea. However, logically speaking it would make more sense to have character specific challenges. a Duelist, having to prove himself in the area vs a series of waves and a final boss, Templar teaming up with Elreon to take on waves of demonic monsters in a test of faith....etc...etc. It doesn't make sense for all of these character to have to run the exact same trials and tests. Why would a dumb-ass brute Marauder be trying to solve puzzles? all in all, Having the to fight the Emperor at the end could still be used but the manner at which all character classes arrive could be expanded and changed up a bit. Making 7 different characters and doing the same things makes little sense to me. I believe the lore of the game would become much more interesting of this aspect was changed to suit the characters. 3. Time & Currency - This isn't most people's full-time job. Even the most hardened of vets usually play this game a few hours a day as they have other things in life to do. I'm not suggesting the content be made easier(tho that appears to be the plan). I personally think it would be in the best interest of GGG to separate lab from ascendancy trials. Making it a completely optional but potentially profitable venture instead of something you're forced to suffer through. Perhaps having labs with increased drops and some other special rewards for those who choose to farm it. Perhaps even Maintaining the Offering version of Izaro as a super boss *as difficult as guardians/shaper* but with the stipulation that he only drops unique item(s). This way people who want to use their time attempting to become rich through labs may do so while those who just want to progress in the game can also do that. 4. Contributing to path of cookie cutter - Like a lot of the content that's been added to the game in recent years, It's become clear that most people would much rather copy someone else's good design then attempt to build their own unique builds. As the game's been reduced to which characters have insta-clear speed/End game boss farming viability, combined with the continued buffs in order to keep up with this the game has reached a point where it's simply to risky to explore and Lab only contributes to this. Having a character design that would "just be so amazing" if you could get these 2-4 points. However, you are unable to do this as a trap or Izaro keeps killing you just when you reach the final room after 10-20 minutes of fumbling around. This game has so much potential for unique builds with such an elaborate skill tree. Unfortunately do to the content most people just sit back every major patch and wait for the higher ups to hand down this season's viable meta builds. Though some things are being done to address I think the folks at GGG have missed a big chance to make the game much smoother especially for newer people. That's just my 2 cents. PS. It appears I won't have to hunt/buy more offerings at least. |
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" first thing, your English is fine. Second, I would actually be 100% okay with this Method. |
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" This is Fu__ing STUPID. Why can we not just complete one level, and get all points from that and lower unyet claimed? Forcing us to do the low level ones sucks MEGA DONKEY NUTS. IGN:Axe_Crazy
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I feel like these are good changes, the idea is not to make the game as easy as possible and doing the labyrinth represents a real challenge to new players. and it can be very rewarding once you get the skill to handle the traps and the game knowledge to adjust your play style and possibly build/items to handle Izaro. I can understand new players frustrations with it however. Casual players whose build's die multiple times to bosses while leveling will have a hard time in the lab. i'm not sure what the answer is here. but I do think the end game lab trial system needs adjusting. just so finding your 6 trials to begin the lab is not so random without relying on getting them off other people. looking forward to 3.0!
hype |
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" I would appreciate if GGG could answer the question, since I tend to collect a lot of offerings during mapping. I do not want to waste time if GGG intends to eliminate the offering from the Lab. Last edited by TrichocereusSP#7065 on May 16, 2017, 12:48:40 AM
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Dear GGG,
This is a joke, right? You are making the main game less repetitive by changing the act system, and now you proud of it, even saying how clever you are in any possible communication; but then not taking any action about the most annoying part of the game?! really?! PS: I quit the game about a year when you first introduced this piece of .... All my life I hate lara croft games, jump run click etc. that`s why i only play Arpg as an action game; if this is not an arpg anymore, pls let me know.! If you just cannot see how many ppl just buy the lab runs for points, and do not want to try it (not because it is hard, it is just annoying), not having fun with it ; which game you are playing?! -trials? why so many? ...clear them all. I understand you want to get players used to traps before entering lab itself, but still they are annoying, and no function at all. Ok then fair, just a set about six before first lab, that`s all, why we need more than this?! -Why still 4 labs? why at all? are you so lazy to change the point system? it isnt a necessity that all 8 points should come from the lab. 4 from the lab 4 from somewhere else; just think about it. -What you will do about disconnect issues etc? I dont care how short it will be etc, it will be still annoying to start from the beginning. -Will you ever do something about your stupid Izaro who cannot understand that he lost the fight and should go his lair? -Why so many phase animations, waiting waiting and waiting... lab itself not enough to make us suffer? -many others but I dont want to go in details when there are main problems. Thks, I hope you will see the right way soon. |
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I do like the availability of the Labyrinth's right from Sarn Encampment, part of the annoyance was farming Offering to the Goddess'
I do agree this really doesn't change the lab much for what makes it annoying. Why not add a checkpoint system at each Aspirant's Trail rooms. Each time you die in between one, you just spawn back at the previous Aspirant's Trail room. 95% of the annoyance is having to run the whole damn thing over again when you get cheap shot by Izaro or Traps and the best part is you can still track lab runs this way for leaderboards the timer just doesn't stop if you die and respawn if that's what your worried about. The lab in of itself is a neat concept and it's not a terrible idea but it has some bad wrinkles needing ironing. |
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