Energy Shield and Life

With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
This league i haven't had the time to play much cuz work but i just got back to finish challenges and noticed this thread still up and running.

Few thing i have noticed:

- You can do with life what you could have done with es, ie facetanking end-game bosses, and if you take slayer/scion's slayer node you don't even need vaal pact. I have a slayer cyclone with 8.5 k life and he's the most durable char i ever had (and before i had almost exclusively ci characters), albeit it has lowish dps (600k or so). I'm sure there are builds that can perform even better.

- In all the league i encounter like 2 low life players and ONE ci player. None of my friends are playing/have played with es atm, and i know a lot of people.

- Even the mates with perfect mirrored gear in std who had a ci/low life character like ie a signal shot build, all have switched to the life version using kaom's 500/1000.

In conclusion if the point of the nerf was to balance es and life then something gone wrong here, as es is clearly dead while life can still pull out that sort of things that were the cause of the es nerf, albeit you have to choose specific setups.

I have no idea how to balance all of this but the 3.0 patch just removed some freedom and builds diversity, and one can still abuse and faceroll the game if he/she wish to do so.

Best regards, hope this help you guys :)

The problem with before the nerf/re-balance of ES and GR. Everything that a life based build could do, an ES build could do better.

ES still works fine in Regen based builds, and because of the hate on ES right now, good ES rares are cheaper than ever.

I still would like to see a little buff though.
gryphon79 wrote:
The problem with before the nerf/re-balance of ES and GR. Everything that a life based build could do, an ES build could do better.

ES still works fine in Regen based builds, and because of the hate on ES right now, good ES rares are cheaper than ever.

I still would like to see a little buff though.

Little ?!
The nerf was nearly 20%. Therefore to fix the things now they have to make it better than it was.
For me is no deal if below 22%.

And plus a very specific manifesto that a general stat nerf will never ever occurs anymore.
Else there is practically no point of playing this game anymore. That's months, even years of planing to finally get the joy and everything collapse.
Absolutely no point to play such a game at all.
Even if they make it the best thing ever in any other aspect.
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2#7668 on Nov 10, 2017, 3:41:13 AM
SonicPLD2 wrote:

Little ?!
The nerf was nearly 20%. Therefore to fix the things now they have to make it better than it was.
For me is no deal if below 22%.

And plus a very specific manifesto that a general stat nerf will never ever occurs anymore.
Else there is practically no point of playing this game anymore. That's months, even years of planing to finally get the joy and everything collapse.
Absolutely no point to play such a game at all.
Even if they make it the best thing ever in any other aspect.

So your only fix is to make it stronger than it was pre nerf? That is an horrible idea. Before the nerf ES was the only way to go for end game. There was no reason not to. ES was better in every way to a life build.
Last edited by gryphon79#7049 on Nov 10, 2017, 8:59:49 AM
It's very apparent what GGG's game is regarding skills and nerfs.

They have no intention on "balancing" anything. Make sure we understand this concept.

They release new skills, nerf old skills on a regular basis.

This is to kills old builds on standard league to get people to move over to the new challenge leagues.

If this pattern holds true, expect huge nerfs on existing skills like Dark Pact.

And the new skills being released will be somewhat OP to lure people in until the next round of draconian nerfs.

It's why I stopped supporting the game, every skill based MTX might as well be considered temporary until that skill is rendered not usable in end game content.

I'm fairly certain Berserker will be killed this next update. RIP

GGG doesn't balance, they kill builds and then promote new skills, every single league.
gryphon79 wrote:
SonicPLD2 wrote:

Little ?!
The nerf was nearly 20%. Therefore to fix the things now they have to make it better than it was.
For me is no deal if below 22%.

And plus a very specific manifesto that a general stat nerf will never ever occurs anymore.
Else there is practically no point of playing this game anymore. That's months, even years of planing to finally get the joy and everything collapse.
Absolutely no point to play such a game at all.
Even if they make it the best thing ever in any other aspect.

So your only fix is to make it stronger than it was pre nerf? That is an horrible idea. Before the nerf ES was the only way to go for end game. There was no reason not to. ES was better in every way to a life build.

I would say B.Sh*ts again.
ES wasn't stronger and it never were. Even if it was - since the playtype expecting it to be so and most of the ES builds wasnt even in the top 100 players.
Therefore ES was weak before the nerf, much weaker than the HP. It was just the peoples in the low budget HP builds which thought that ES is stronger because they lack of HP items.
THEREFORE : - The problem is the lack of quality HP items for low budget builds ( below 40 EX ).
ES was never been the issue. The peoples with low budget trolled the GGG and the HP trader trolls did the issue. After all - why the fock I should even play this game if there is absolutely no way to be better than the rest ?! If there is absolutely no way to be different from the rest ?! If there is absolutely no way to make my perfectly own way trough it ?! I better go play MU Legends then - it's the same shit - well weighted, perfectly balanced. Just like the low IQ idiots love it !
I was silenced for telling the name of USA president for 40 days.
I was silenced for stating "I am Jesus" for 5 days.
Maybe it is time the deeds of the moderators to become public, so peoples understand that they hired a cheap mods which enforcing their "woke" agenda on players.
Last edited by BlazeSTX#1437 on Nov 12, 2017, 8:21:05 AM
Smear wrote:
It's very apparent what GGG's game is regarding skills and nerfs.
They have no intention on "balancing" anything. Make sure we understand this concept.
They release new skills, nerf old skills on a regular basis.
This is to kills old builds on standard league to get people to move over to the new challenge leagues.
If this pattern holds true, expect huge nerfs on existing skills like Dark Pact.
And the new skills being released will be somewhat OP to lure people in until the next round of draconian nerfs.
It's why I stopped supporting the game, every skill based MTX might as well be considered temporary until that skill is rendered not usable in end game content.
I'm fairly certain Berserker will be killed this next update. RIP
GGG doesn't balance, they kill builds and then promote new skills, every single league.

Sure. This is about 80% true, but as we saw recently they have nerfed directly a base stat, a base stat on which rely nearly 50%+ of the population. And the nerf was beyond imagination in the worst nightmares of a player.
It's now a direct insult toward the players. not as before - predictable nerfing a skill just to continue with the pointless and mindless placing a new gems, while killing the old ones.
Currently in the game have more than 3 times more gems than there were in v 0.8.
Anyway in version 0.8 the game had nearly 2 times more skill combinations and builds combinations.
Therefore they have practically decreased the game possibilities 3 times since it's official release.
I was silenced for telling the name of USA president for 40 days.
I was silenced for stating "I am Jesus" for 5 days.
Maybe it is time the deeds of the moderators to become public, so peoples understand that they hired a cheap mods which enforcing their "woke" agenda on players.
One shot bigger issue i think.
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SaiyanZ wrote:
SonicPLD2 wrote:

I predict an increase in player count in a month without any changes to es.

hahaha.. this should be the shortest joke. Yeah. For sure this will happen, since there will be this thing with belts with socket and the new patch. Anyway this is just a temporary state.
Probably it will fade to the current state in month, or less ?!
Since past 2 days - I've spend some of my quality time to browse the forum for the active forum members, and their accounts.
It turns out that 98% of the current forum population is from the old players - joined PoE in the period 2012-2015. ( which means that more or less we know each other for good or bad anyway ).
This practically means that any kind of increasing is a temporary and the game is not more capable of sustaining new players attention, especially after the 2 of the biggest nerfs ( you can check their dates for yourself ).
Therefore the market of PoE is practically in collapse, and the game itself is not anymore sustainable disregarding what they are doing.

None sane person would play a game which double-cross his achievements at some point.

You can took my words on this as a guild leader of hundreds peoples is tens of games, or you can ignore them. As You are pleased. But my predictions never failing so far. ( unfortunately ).

Please do not accept my words as an insult or any kind of personal attack. I'm rarely-to-never do this.
I very love this game, and my only point is to make it perfect, a focking big, growing game.
But unfortunately this won't happen the way they are doing it.
And no. without a big ass excuse about the ES nerf, and fixing it - the game is going nowhere.
And NO - the game should never be balanced. Any try to balance PoE will turn it into a bollocks ( the current state ).
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2#7668 on Nov 15, 2017, 3:50:28 AM

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