Breach and Legacy as Core Game Mechanics

sad news for me, love leaguestones...
i was so Jebaited when they post "... Legacy as core game mechanics" xD
10% chance to spawn breach? no legacy? just fuck you GGG, ruin fun as always
Would have liked to see Leaguestones added to the core game but I absolutely understand the rational for keeping them out.

Maybe in the future we will get a modified leaguestone-esque system that achieves the same level of customisation but is a little less cluttered.
I'm sorry to see the legacy system go. It was a great way to experience content I missed when it was live, and then to see how various combinations work. I never attempted to do so with Zana mods before because they were too expensive for something I wasn't sure my noob characters could run anyway. I'll probably mostly stay away from them in the future as well.
Wasting leaguestones in an area when I didn't want them was annoying at first, sure, but you quickly learn to pay attention to that. It's actually one of the more manageable aspects of the game atm.

PoE is not a noob-friendly game and I doubt it will ever be, you guys don't seem interested in designing that (which is great imo, it's more fun to have a really complex game where you can discover new things all the time). Leaguestones only made some of that complexity more accessible to everyone, with minimal impact if it didn't "work out". Anyway, this is still the most fun league I've ever experienced by far, so a big thanks for that!
Perfect GGG just Perfect !!
Don't you guys have phones ?
10% is like chance to hit nice roll via exalt slam
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
10% chance for Breach is way too low. Make it 25% at least.
Sextants have already a low drop rate, the breach mod will prob. be insignificant.

Considering how slow the collection of shards is, this huge nerf to breach is really disappointing.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Breach - being in maps, but not lvling = great and also the automatic 10% sounds decent and also the sextant.
Legacy - didn't want it in the core game anyway, because it clutters the stash/inventory etc.

Also getting the real Zana back :)

Great that you've listened to the feedback of the playerbase and made these decisions. Very level headed decisions imo. Thumbs up!
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on May 31, 2017, 3:58:11 AM
availablex wrote:
10% chance to spawn breach? no legacy? just fuck you GGG, ruin fun as always

[Removed by Support]
we dont need legacy stones ingame they are to op
and 10% breach is pretty ok
if u dont like it go cry in dark corner
Hello from the other side
Last edited by Patrick_GGG#0000 on May 31, 2017, 4:06:50 AM

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